developers and empty promises

I feel like this is something that should be addressed here, if there's nowhere else where I can put this, maybe I can put it here and attract attention somewhere. I don't know. But I feel this needs to be stated somewhere.
I backed code 7
on kickstarter, with the understanding that there will be a blind friendly version of the game. It looked promising, like something that would be very easy to accessify, and then contacted the developer about it. They were very, very enthusiastic, which I applaud; they even made a blind friendly version of the game's demo.
So I decided to keep my money in it.
Fast forward to today. The game was just released, without a blind friendly version. The developer said that the blind friendly version would come out "later". Now I feel like I was played, because there is no date or anything. I am extremely disappointed, beca use I have effectively purchased a game that I cannot play at all. I guess the lesson here is that if you promise something, do it at launch. I feel even emptier inside because the developers built up the excitement to fever pitch, and now I can't play simply because I'm blind. If I had known, and hadn't backed the game, I never would have dealt with this, but it's always nice when a mainstream developer thinks of us. However, it's not nice when they say they're going to do something, and don't deliver on it. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
So as much as I fervently hope that a blind version will come out, I do not maintain any hope of this happening. (and he also did the same thing to the germans, promising a german version and not delivering, but this is a minor point since we are Just my 2 cents.

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