Re: The Allure of Wanton Cove

New version of the game is up for anyone who is interested.  I opted to include a sample of the writing within the game just to give people a little taste of what you can expect within the game and hopefully coax a few more of you to actually download the game to take a look.




Captain Steiner meets my eyes.  He's clearly rattled by whatever is in the alley, "Hope you have a stronger stomach than the rest of us."  His tone is distant, like he's disassociating himself from whatever they found.

"Show me the way,"  I say. I can already smell the coppery scent of blood on the air.

Captain Steiner nods, then waves for me to follow.

The alley is dark, and narrow, not quite wide enough to drive an automobile down.  The only light I can see down the damp corridor between the two warehouses is coming from a couple of flashlights a short distance ahead.

W ithout really thinking about it, I pull my flashlight and thumb it on, lighting the way.

When I see a hint of blood lazily running from down the alley, pooling in a puddle a couple of paces ahead, I make a point of stepping around it.

"Must be a lot of blood?"  I make it half question, half statement.  Captain Steiner turns his head to meet my eyes.  I'd swear that he's three shades lighter than when we entered the alley.  He doesn't say anything as he continues towards the crime scene.

As we near the crime scene, the blood on the ground has become so abundant that it's impossible not to step in it as we approach. //Just how many victims are there?//

I begin to slow, an uneasy feeling settling over me, as if my skin doesn't fit quite right.  My eyes travel towards where the other officer's flashlights are pointed.

There are strange symbols, painted in broad red swaths of color along the wa lls.  It takes me a few seconds to realize that it's blood.

I don't know how long I stood there, looking at the symbols, but I became aware of Captain Steiner looking at me expectantly, as if anticipating me saying something.

I take a deep breath and force myself to direct my flashlight to the one place that everyone seems to be avoiding looking, the middle of the alley between the two murals of blood.

For several heartbeats, it's as if my mind can't quite acknowledge what I'm looking at. 

Laying in the middle of a small sea of blood is a porcelain white body, an almost startling contrast with the crimson that surrounds it.

Watching where I step, my heart roaring in my ears, I move slowly closer to the scene. 

It quickly becomes obvious that this is no ordinary body.  Some distant part of my mind tells me that I'm looking at multiple victims, a patchwork of body parts all sewn together to create this horrible, beautiful, abomination before me.

I fight down the bile at the back of my throat and force myself to //really// look at the body.  It looks like most of the victims were female, possibly with a single male victim.


This is a game that takes place within the Cthulhu Mythos.  There are elements in this story which are not appropriate for children.  Some of the content is erotic, or even spam in nature, though much of it is avoidable within the game if you watch for it.

Anyone interested in trying the game out, feel free to download the free version of the game.  If you like it and are able, you're welcome to pledge a little something if you want to show a little extra support.  Patrons gain access to a Cheat Menu within the game that allows you to adjust character stats, as well as Patreon only polls.


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