Re: nostalgia: all the things I miss very deeply and will continue to miss

the best therapy I know of is found in talking and living alongside those you trust.  I know not everyone has it that easy, and I don't discourage nor look down on the seeking of professional help if one feels it necessary.  Still, as I pointed out above, because of the way society is built nowadays and its focusses and what it advertises, one thing people have honestly forgotten is what it feels like and means to have a true friend.  IN place of that feeling we as a society rather than as individualistic minds now try to cater to the largest crowd possible because we dread loneliness, neglect and rejection, given that our oppinions are exceptionally important to us and we want others to value them as well.  We look at our tweet streams and facebook feeds to see if anyone has replied to us or commented on our posts or shown any kind of reaction whatsoever to our existence.  Those who aren't doing that, I wager, are looking at their skype windows or checking their mobile devices for text messages from people they feel they're acquainted with, so-called friends, as it were.
We have, in short, redefined what it means to be a friend in the twenty first century.  We no longer need to remember birthdays and anniversaries; facebook, skype, and even our phones do that for us.  It's not important to know what's really going on in a person's life; you can supposedly gain all that information by reading just a few short sentences.  So and so just checked in to such and such  with someone else and is feeling exceptionally happy and blessed and lucky and you should all know about that, not the fight they had last night with their family, unless they tell you over their social networking platform of choice.  Oh, and while you're here, you have 142623 notifications, 2524335 messages and about a kagillion friend requests; we sincerely hope you have time to respond to all of these becau se if you don't, they'll probably befriend and unfollow you and block you just about everywhere else your online footprint exists.  and you should make sure you post your numbers to see if they're bigger and better than anyone else on your list, because everyone else is doing it.  IN fact, we've designed a little bot to do that for you; fill in your username and a few other details on this website and we'll make sure this gets posted for you on an hourly basis if you like!  While you're at it, don't forget to grab our smart app for your smart phone to make your smart life just a little smarter, giving you an all around smartened of a smarty day, with wich you can toggle the ability to have your ever so much smarter than you smartphone check you in, sign you out, and deduct from your bank account at our request.
OK ok, that last one was a bit over the top... I admit it.  Seriously though, the day we get back on track and rem ember that true blue friends are few and far between and that having two of them is in and of itself a huge miracle, we'll work harder at it and be better off because of it.  These are the people who accept you just as you are, who forgive and forget your offenses, who respect you even when you know you don't deserve it, who don't turn their back on you when all the chips are down and the game is lost.  I once heard it said that a friend might bail you out of jail, while a best friend will sit in there with you and say, "Man, we seriously screwed up!"
Once again, maybe that last statement is a far stretch to imagine, given that I don't, to my knowledge, have any friends who are master criminals, but I do know that I would give my life and everything in it for those who are if it came to a life and death matter.  If you know one person like that whom you talk to regularly, you should firstly be thanking them for sticking it out with y ou this long and then congratulating yourself because you can count on never being abandoned.  Your friends might like you right now, but your true friends will choose to love you even when they can't like you, forever.  PERIOD!

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