Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord


You can't just rely on a voice though or an age...everyone is different though, you get 15-16 year olds who can handle mature stuff, you get 45 year olds who can't, it goes both ways so IMO you should be willing to at least  take the best people regardless of age....

Also for the blacklisting, that's actually pretty commmon in gaming as a whole and it didn't, to me, come off as  too harsh, it comes off as fairly standard procedure really, you share stuff that's not out there for public viewing, you face what's coming. That being said I doubt you'll go to the lengths of suing anyone in court for breach of contract (sorta alluding to what Crash said up there) but leaking stuff is nothing to take lightly...if anything if it was me I'd be even stronger on the blacklisting and if I had the funds actually get at least legal advice on if I could pursue anyone who was proven to have leaked stuff....

Then again, I spent six long years in the AAA gaming industry so I'm coming at it from the mindset of alright, developing a game, things NEED to be kept secret, let the PR guys and girls do thier work,don't leak anything


Blacklisting is like I said a common threat though, it's even as simple as if somebody at a PR firm doesnt't like you, bang, blacklisted for doing absolutely nothing. Score  a game one review point too low? Blacklisted! (And no....I am not making those  examples up....they have happened to reviewers. Jeff Gurstman anyone, fired for giving Kane and Lynch a deserved slating and then Gamespot fired and blacklisted him....and he went off to found Giant Bomb and...eventually sold that to Gamespot)

I didn't find anything wrong with the original wording bar my points about the age, which is a big red flag in my book that it's 18 or older when as I said to LL, you can find some immature 18 year olds who can't handle the world, and you find some 13-15 year olds that can handle it just fine. It all depends on the person, really......

@LL (again)

I'd honestly suggest interviewing each applicant and putting aside their age and focus on if they are mature and if they can handle the subject matter of the game, and don't be afraid to remove people who aren't or aren't doing the testing.

To go back to my SMS days, in that the teters had to....well....test, you'd be amazed how many people just got the latest build on a weekend, tested for five minutes, didn't gie any feedback (which was an actual requirement) then disappeared till the next dev update, and so on, and so was a lot of testers who did that. THat's a problem with being able to test games. You need somebody motivated and willing to stick it out in the long run honestly, who won't just show up when a new update is out and then disappear five minutes later....

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