Re: Why I am 100 percent against schools for the blind

I think at some point this is a rushed post.
I attended a special school for the blind and I’d say it was really not the best experience I’ve had throughout these fifteen years in education. The specialisation or the experience you would get there was completely primitive with many things lacking; particularly the attitude they had toward the institution they worked at. They had so deeply made up their minds that no public school in the world can treat you as well as we do, and nobody can teach you to the extent we do in this school. On the contrary though, most of the knowledge I gained throughout my education, I gained it at high school and now on to the university. The biggest problem with the attitude I wrote about some lines above is that once you foster that idea to the blind students, they will fall into a terrifying hopelessness thinking that once we leave this school, we will say good bye to education since no one will support us. Nobody will lend us a hand when we’re in need and so we will fail quickly if we go to a public school. In fact, it is completely the opposite. If you are really a good person, you will find many people that support you; that enjoy staying with you. You just need to be a good chap! And when I say a good chap, I don’t mean being rebellious, being conceited, being the bad guy that causes trouble and loves quarreling. By a good chap, I simply mean being what you naturally feel being, and not what the trends want you to be. In short, you ought to be someone who is able to give contribution of any form to your community. That when you listen to a discussion, you have the capacity to contribute to it, that when one really needs your help, you feel obliged to help, although you may not be able. I went to a public high school, with no past experience in working with blind people, and I can say those three years there will remain the best years of school in my entire process of education. I studied a lot, I hanged out with classmates a lot, and I laughed a lot as well. This was because I adopted to the way the other students lived, although with some differences as I understood that the role of education in my life was crucial and if I didn’t pay attention to it, I know I would end up at home, completely worthless to my friends and my community. But, after five years in public institutions of education, I feel I am someone wanted in society. I have friends whom I really like for what they are and how they see me in front of them. I didn’t write all this to tell that I’ve achieve something in life, but to say that the effects of special schools for the blind last on those who choose to study there. There is a problem, however, how ready are public schools to accept blind students? Do they provide them with the relevant equipment they need to study? Can the schools have the appropriate staff to work with blind students, like knowing Braille, or simply having the capacity to explain things in the way that the student is able to understand? These questions so far have not been answered with total relevance by any primary or high school. For this reason, I am a little bit hesitant when it comes to deciding whether we really need special schools or not.

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