Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Mehgcap: Didn't know about the reputation beeing reseted with the last version. Some people really must have lost lots of millions^^

I think the possibility to change the value of armor and speed is a great thing. The problem is that even really strong weapons, like the m60 or m240 are extremely weak without some skillpoints in it. The balance between skilled and unskilled weapons is not given anymore. Due to the high rate of bloody clothes, I am forced to use a strong enough weapon. That's a shame, as lots of the very cool new weapons can't be used without skilling anymore, atleast not in dangerous situations. You are right, about having more strategie in the game now, but that was part of the fun in older times that we could use all the weapons effectivily.

I just don't have the time or interest, to collect about 100000 Xp, everytime I want to use some other cool weapons. People that play and level all the day maybe don't mind, but for me, w ho I just play some hours when I have some time, it becomes a bit frustrating.


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