Re: A dark room updates

First, thank u for the info on smugglers.  sec, i'm sorry that u and others disagree with what i say in terms of sounds.  because i play or have played alot of text based games, i hardly agree on what your comparison logic may be.  we are in a different time zone ware even a sighted person wants sound to a game and they can see it no matter how grate or horrible it may be.  who wants to hear a good movie in silence?  especially if u can't see it.  it is because of the type of game a dark room is why games of this need sounds.  of corse again, there could and should be setting added ware for those such as yourself dark and others, who don't like sound or don't prefer it, then u can mute it out.  but let us be realistic hear.  unless you are a heavy sleeper, or completely dead, u are not gona gather wood to keep a fire going in silence not with out someone hearing u.  this is a game that is truely in a grateness of worlds ware even those who can see, who have had and still do have games extremely similar to this, have sounds.  considering the actions that are being dun.  with all do respect, we are not in the begaining times ware games don't have sound anymore.  we atleast should have the option.  yes the text is grate  but we already have to emaginate enough based on what we already can't see.  like i said this is not the only text based game i've played.  some i've not even posted hear as of yet.  and yes this game as well have there place.  i'm not completely against them like some who i know of that are and honestly i can't blame them but at the same time there reasoning for being against them is based on factors that these games as awesome and good and fun as it may be, have no sound what so ever.  just because we are blind or vip doesn't mean we all like sound true, but it doesn't mean we don't either.  there are alot of text games i've played that don't have sound though i've played them less because of that.  and its also because of that ware even i've turned alot of them down.  we're in a new age now ware text games as good as they are to some degree, without sound have not as much of a heavy appeal as they once did.  however, unlike people that i know of and all i do try to keep an opened mind for this sort of thing and this is why i can say that i've played alot of text games and still do.  including this one.  i even am trying to slowly get in to mud games though i don't understand mud clients etc.  key word is, trying.  but again, this isn't the 19-70's or so when games didn't have that much sounds if any at all.  in this game a dark room, i would love to hear the people and what they are doing as u are going through the game.  i could tell u several off hand that i could send this game to and based on no sounds, they would turn it down with out even blinking twice.  i'm not sighted, but, i know that all games i played i don't always to be silent either but yet i do again try to have some of an opened mind and to not knock it before trying it.  it took a long time to get to that point however.    i still have this game and don't plan to delete it because of what i stated earlier but based on what in my opinion it lacks, its taking a while for it to hit me as much as a title that could be text based side scrolor  not or otherwise that may have sound in it, to get in to.  thx for reading and listening.  again, i'm sorry yall disagree but it is because there are not many who agree in this is why we have more text based as we don't like hearing what we do in games.    take care.

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