Re: Announcement, musical professor banned from the forum

I prefer the transparency to the idea that I'm just being a demanding do as I say corn door darting douch; like Dark said, there's enough dictatorial people in this world to go around.  In fact, to give you all just a little more insight as to how things go down between us without disclosing far too much, almost every single occasion where we have banned someone and on many occasions where we are simply getting ready to dish out a warning, the matter is discussed in detail, always with the same concept even if it is phrased differently from time to time, the idea being that we don't want to do anything as a knee jerk reaction because we ourselves feel too strongly about something.  the fact that Dark sent us a message and told us as a team to look into the matter is not a first and will not be the last time a mod or administrator contacts the team as a whole and says, "Please, shed some light on this so that it's not just my opinion and I'm not seen as flying off the handle at something that is actually not as bad as I think it is."
A good example I don't mind sharing with you all because it actually happened to me personally was one in which I unintentionally failed to make myself clear on a topic that concerned some rather interesting and profound content, philosophical, spiritual and religious in nature.  A few of my posts within this particular topic were apparently misinterpreted and or possibly just seen as down right offensive because I suppose I worded them too strongly or with far too much emphasis; I honestly don't know.  Needless to say that the posts were reported to the moderation panel and the matter was brought to my attention, at which point I felt the need to reiterate as I have always tried to out here and just about everywhere else, that I have nothing against anyone as a person, that I hold nothing against anyone else's beliefs, ideas, perspectives or even one's worldview, no matter how radical it may seem to me or how much I myself may disagree with it.  No person is beneath me or less than myself simply because I cannot accept or agree with their way of thinking or their lifestyle.  At the end of the day I dont' care if you're the greatest saint known to humankind or if you feel like the most worthless person that has ever walked this side of the planet neptune because you've had to make decisions in your life you either know or personally feel are unethical and immoral, I'll stand beside you and, given the chance, put my arm around you just the same, to comfort you, to motivate you, to encourage you, to give you whatever strength and or hope I can so that you might carry on just one more day.
Getting back to the topic at hand though, yes, the truth is that Dark has the final and overall say in just about every moderation decision that is ever made, but he does not make those decisions lightly, nor does he ever make them without consulting the panel first.  this is why even when I can't agree with the decisions he makes which have been few and far between, I can fully and willingly support him and stand behind every single one of them.  We get to see first hand the process as the choice is made; there is never a time where he just slams down the gavel, as it were, tyranically and says, "Screw the rest of you!  What I say goes!"  If we're ever left in doubt, he'll always justify his decision reasonably and admit to when he's seriously messed up.  when we ourselves are responsible for taking care of a decision on the forum, be it a warning or a ban, he gives us free reign to do so and doesn't really stand in the way of anything, trusting in us as a group of individuals he has carefully picked out over the years to handle the task to the best of our abilities, flawed humans that we are.
To conclude, we do our best to lead by example; any rules that have been established here are rules we ourselves intend to follow as best we can, else we wouldn't expect you to do it as well.  There is no good leader who cannot be a good follower first.  for my part, I can honestly say that you, the community inspire any decision I might make because I do my best to make it on your behalf and not my own.  if you have a problem, question or suggestion I can clearly see is collectively receiving a fair amount of attention I will take it upon myself to approach Dark and the rest of the moderation panel concerning the matter.  I believe the others for the most part do this as well to some degree or another.  this is your community, your forum.  We exist to keep it as clean and civil as possible.  We're not here to hinder you; we're here to help.  We want to be seen as your friends, and sometimes your friends do have to give you a kick in the pants.  Believe me, we don't like doing it.

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