Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

about the girls: i searched for some girls, but they or wern't interested or had another boy friend.
about converting someone to his beleevings: i think i can do that things.
i have converted one of my friends from the "yesodi." he wasn't beleeving in nothing. i told him about a messianic jewdaizm, and one day he told me that he started to beleev. one day, his grandpa died, and he asked my to pray for him that he will not go to the hell. i've prayed, and he prayed with me together.
also the new testament told about more people in the acts book, like paul. he was a jew, who killed and hunted the beleevers. but jesus has been seen to him, and he got blind for 3 days and then as you know started to beleev very strognly i think. also martin luther, john wesly and jan hus and etc converted the catholics to the wright beleeving. so it means that i can also do that.
have you hared about katherine kuhlman?
and the topic about the german language: one of the reazens that i want to learn german is for reviva. german is her first language. i asked to know how to say "i love you" to say to her that.


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