Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

Telemachus wrote:
theextreme wrote:

I noticed that updates happen automatically, but there's no way to see what was changed in the latest version. Also, is it just me, or does the game make you crash very easily? I had two situations where this happened out of nowhere and took me by surprise. One of the two could have been my fault, but the other was a definite bug or something.
The first time was during a storm. Once the storm radar sounded, I wasn't sure exactly what to do (maybe someone can correct me on this one) but I just went right to get away from the storm. Just when it subsided, I went back on course and crashed. Error code 37 I think, whatever that was. the blackbox didn't have much detail except that it was a crash.
The second time I was flying and t-cas sounded for me to descend. so I start to descend and just when the warning stops, a few seconds later I crash again. The black box says that it was a collision, even though I thought I was in the clear. If this keeps up I may have to disable both storms and t-cas.
Anyway, could this have been a bug or could I have done something to prevent the crash? Any help is appreciated since I want to get back flying perfectly like I have done in version 1.


For seeing what's new in updates, I find the best reference for that is the Facebook page. I don't have a link handy presently, but I can post one here when I get home later.
Regarding issues with storms and TCAS, those take a bit of getting used to, but are definitely manageable once you have a handle on them. For storms, I turn 90 degrees of my current course, which direction doesn't matter. I then turn back toward my original course, in 10 degree increments. The first time I turn 10 degrees, the beeping of the storm radar will start up again, but not centered. When the beeping stops, then I turn 10 more degrees. I only execute another 10 degree turn once the storm radar sound stops on my current course. For TCAS, it's important that you rise or descend as indicated by 200 meters or so. I usually just set my nose down or up 15 degrees and keep going until the TCAS alert stops and the plane goes by. Then I resume my original altitude.
Hope that helps. Feel free to ask any follow up questions!

The info on how to handle the storms is very useful, thanks so much! As for TCAS, I normally keep going up or down till the warning stops (not just the beep) but for some reason that one time it didn't work. Either way, I'll give it another try.
Thanks again!

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