game concept and my story

my name is Alexander. since I live in Russia, English is not my native language and so I ask you to excuse me for possible mistakes. I hope you can understand me.
First, I want to greet the entire community of this site and say that I am very glad to be part of it. second, I would like to tell a little about myself and then move on to the point.
as I said, my name is Alexandr. I'm 18 years old and I live in Russia. not long ago I was a big fan of computer games, but a few months ago I lost the remnants of my sight and this door closed for me. I liked the games in which the plot and exploration played a major role. also I was a big fan of role-playing games. even before that, a dream about a big game in the genre of postapakalipsis like a Fallout was born in my head. and now when the hopes for the return of my vision are almost gone I want to start this project.
I know that at this forum there were a lot of topics from young people who would like to start the game and asked a lot of questions, and then disappeared. I do not want to promise you anything. I want to talk to you and put my thoughts in order. perhaps a game of this kind is of no use to anyone.
I understand that it is necessary to tell about some concepts.
The base of the RPG system should be the SPECIAL.
A turn-based combat system inspired by V.A.T.S. is planned.
A big role will also be played by exploration of the world. but I did not think well of the concepts of this system. I think something similar to the system in flexiblesurvival, but more polished and interesting could work.
now I would like to hear your opinion, suggestions and questions.

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