Re: my dream, your nightmare

On the rp question, I don't have a problem with rp itself in Cr since rp and none rp channels are separated fairly well, and as a player who is primarily a none rp person myself I appreciate that.

That being said, I do think the newbie channel and character distinctions are a little strange being as if you ask a question like "where can I find such and such" on the newbie channel it's counted as a question that should be Ic, or if you need a longer than one line answer to something.

it would be helpful if perhaps people were a little less militant on the newbie channel in terms of question answering methinks.

In terms of rp, one thing I really like in flexibel survival is the way characters are given in game rewards of xp and salvage items for rp. You don't need to do anything major for this, just use the say command to speak in a room with characters and the "pose" command to do something.

It's also an fs tradition that some places, especially one particular lobby close to a newbie entrance), are sort of an unofficial rp hub, so even if your not naturally an rp person you can just duck in there and say "hi I'm feeling tired!" or something like that.

Rp rarely happens in fs over channels, even though the universe allowas radios.

it'd be great if A, cr had some official places for people to go and do rp which tended to have a character or two hanging out there to rp with, and B, cr had some sort of reward system to encourage people for doing it.

i'm not against rp in a game, but getting into an established group on an ic channel, especially one where my character is essentially just listening on a radio network to conversations between established in universe people and doesn't have a clear way in does not encourage me to get involved, where as wandering into a galactic cafe or similar likely would, especially if there was a chance of me getting points out of it big_smile./

I also would like to see some in universe encouragement of discussing in game activities in a universal way, so that situations such as the one darren mentioned above were less likely and being able to say "hay I was just out of sector  and I had to abandon an asteroid since a bunch of vacus were chasing me"  be encouraged, not discouraged, this is also where making the activities a bit more varied would be nice,  manifestly the more variety in objects, events etc there is, the better players can construct histories for their characters out of those events.

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