Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Well, I'm glad there are still some surprises there that can scare the crap out of you. :-) I some point I'll be adding in Giant based locations and Dragon based ones. Those should ensure there are always challenges to overcome!

There are many gods in the world. Not all of them good. So pilgrims are not necessarily guaranteed to be good. However, it's a great idea to align pilgrims with gods and for you to get negative god points for killing their pilgrims!

I'm glad you like the elite humanoids. I want to make it more general so that, for example, stone giants often come with cave bears and stuff like that. But I got bogged down adding in monster descriptions. You are supposed to be able to say things like "tell me about goblins" and so for to get a description. But it started to mess with the audio model.

I believe the elites are spread out among the normal creatures in a sort of regimental way. Or it may be random. Or something in between. I can't quite remember. Monster morale is derived each round by comparing the total levels they started off with and the total levels left, and it also mixes in your total levels. So they typically won't fight to the last person, unless they are doing well and you are also nearly down to your last person. But, since it is based on levels, killing an elite does have an outsize effect on their morale.

Frost and flame brands are straight out of the book. They are +1 magical weapons, and so have an extra 5% chance of hitting and do an extra one magic damage. But they also do an extra 3 frost or flame damage. So they aren't top tier weapons, but they are pretty nice against certain creatures.

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