Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Yesterday I did a sniper mission and - I'm not sure if that has already been mentioned - in addition to the fact that you lose all your ammo, you don't even get rewards after winning it.

Ultradude, Here's the link to the topic of Swamp Tide, PvP mini game set in the Swamp universe. At the beginning this little game was very popular among the Swamp players. Aprone saw it as opportunity to track down bugs and to add some new things to Swamp, since it consists of not as much code as Swamp does. Gradually people stopped playing Tide and Aprone finally took the server down. Ever since, nobody has heard anything about it again. Aprone once said he'd include it in the next version of Swamp, which has unfortunately never happened.

Castaways is a real-time strategy game. It was released in 2011. You start out with 14 people - I believe -, though it's also possible to start with 16. You hav e to build buildings and train up workers and soldiers, to get resources - which you'll need for more buildings and training up new allies - and to defeat the enemy troops.
You can download it here


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