Re: Small website update and work opportunities

Decided to go over it again just cuz I was bored and point out some things that aren't specifically about the site it's self.

Over all if you want to include low vision users more, you could use the acronym "VI" (visually impaired) nearly all of us know what it means and you could quietly define it early on for those that don't. You did use it once though and it's up to you. I'm total so I'm not a big part of the partial community, they may understand it perfectly after all and I'm just full of shit.

Did you mean this site was made to be screen reader friendly and low vision accessible?
About Us
I think you meant to say blind/low vision accessible

Work Opportunities":
Extra "to" when talking about hoping to increase that split in the future.

Our Vision:
You have a "b." section but no "A." section :-)
Missing connective words between "2023" and "regarded". I see the "–" but most screen readers won't pick that up by default.

you say "sight" accessibility again. Maybe this is an Australian term? If so it's a bit misleading but, does kind of make sense at the same time. LOL
We usually say vision loss, but I think we can figure it out.

By the way I doubt your going to find more than a handful of non professional voice actors here, and most won't have good mics. Even fewer females... Kind of odd honestly. But we always appreciate good quality voice acting and pick on the opposite around here so it may be a big risk even if you do find someone LOL. Sorry to be a downer. Tabletop RPG players though? Look for MUD/browser game  topics that have posts mentioning RP with the advanced search and you should find them their. We have a decent amount.

As another aside, while I do appreciate the thought, it was shown in the "the vale" topics that audio gamers really don't much care for blind protagonists. Take the player character in most audio games as an example, SOD, Superliam, Technoshock,, TDV, Tarzan Junior, Treasure Hunt, Swamp, RTR, Redspot AHC and many more. If it's ever mentioned that the player is using some kind of device to help them navigate like an audio scope it's nearly always only in passing and just their to head off occasional comments  about believability (as if that's the only thing that makes a blind guy getting into gun fights hard to believe) or  framed as a future technology to make their game a bit more unique, while most never even mention it and just (rightfully) assume that most players won't care much. I know it seems counter intuitive but when you think about it it does make sense. The majority of us just want a game that's as close to the mainstream as possible, so we see things like that as hype mainly to get sighted players interested. Which, over all can be a good thing anyway so it's a bitter sweet sort of feeling, and in really story heavy games (of which we have almost none) it may be more useful.
Essentially I think we'd rather have a normal person so we can live vicariously through them (as pathetic as that may sound) you don't play a game like Skyrim or Darksouls where you can choose your race, armor, body type, face, ETC so you can just be your self (at least most people don't) you do it so you can get a taste of what it'd be like to be so powerful/awesome looking.
And of course many of us  subconsciously put our selves in the shoes of the main character of a book we're reading, like Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson.
So while a strong blind character is cool (take the blind swordsman from the game of the same name, or Edward Blake from A Blind Legend) and may empower those who are newly blind, it doesn't do much for audio gamers.
Yet at the same time, Falling Squirrel games (the developers of The Vale) said that focus groups with older blind people who didn't really ever play audio games, showed them that a strong blind character was wanted.
I'm just saying you will get backlash, but over all it will also  help get you more sales and spread awareness of the game. It's just something to look out for, and you may consider only doing it in a couple games where you feel it's really important, and maybe not your first one.
Here are the topics in question. I bet you their is also the same kind of discussion on the old ABL and TBS topics, but because Falling Squirrel made it a priority like you have, I think it was more so for them. … st-thread/ … st-signup/ … iscussion/

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