Re: Does anyone know the D programming language?

There are a number of problems:

First of all, you haven't shown us any code that you yourself have actually created. The majority of your arguments are copy and pasted, as well as the code.

Do you actually understand how to write that OS? That is just a simple front end. C++ is most likely useable to write an OS, but that doesn't mean all languages are. Why base a programming language on it's ability to write an OS?

Your response to Camlorn's post is somewhat lacking in an official tone. He has his opinion, you have yours. I'm trying to remain neutral here, but acting petulent when someone gives an opposing viewpoint then telling them to grow up is somewhat hypocritical.

From what you've been saying you seem fairly new to the language. It is extremely difficult to determine the abilities of a language unless you have experience with it.

Also didn't you go against your own point? Visualstudio mentioned that there were guides on writing an OS in c++, and you gave him one. That doesn't add to your point that D could also be used to write one. That code could potentially be ported to D but could be potentially painful.

On the boost license, this is from a wikipedia article:
"The Boost Software License is an open-source license used by the Boost C++ Libraries. It is also a popular license for a significant number of other open source C++ projects. It is a permissive license in the style of the popular BSD license and MIT license."

The boost license is in no way indicative of the lib used.


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