The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Who might that be, you ask? It's Inspirobot, an AI created for generating inspirational quotes. Sometimes it's quite successful, but at other times ... well ...
"You have to sodomize your horrible friends."
"Rejoice. Get respect. Have a hamburger. Screw your boss. Stay positive."
"Look for love. Don't just expose yourself in public."
"Don't cut off all ties to the world, just shut up."
""If people tell you that you can't invade a country, show them."
"Read yourself. Read sadness. Read all negativity."
"We have the power to make respect for human life a thing of the past."
"Be the first to try and masturbate what average people see as unmasturbateable."
"Be thin. Get sex."
"Your Mother is a drug addict. Sad."
"be the reason your neighbor changes their home address."
"Someday, everything will be nice, so don't be afraid to undress and play along."
"Keep chanting this mantra: "my being is pointless, my being is pointless."
"You carry the potential to become the most pathetic shit. Inform people about your brain."
"Handle penises."
"Chant this mantra to yourself: "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
Ok, this's too much, I should probably stop now. Anyway, I think you get the point, this's an endless source of entertainment. If you want to find some good ones on your own, here's the link. Just press enter on start and it'll start reading out quotes, as well as showing them on the bottom on the page. If you find something good, copy it quickly, before it's deleted.
The Mindfulness Mode seems to be a pretty new feature. Before that, all the bot could do is generate quotes on images. Some of the combinations are quite hilarious, but the quotes are fun on their own, too.

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