Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Hey guys, this update has taken a little while but I wanted the update to focus on something big for the new year, something that hadn't been touched for quite some time, so here is the Glory to the Arena update, focusing primarily on the arena but with tons of other additions across the game!


To explain what has been added would take too long, but to summarise, the arena in new games will be assigned a leader at random with a unique personality, you can interact with them and the arena, the arena has new graphics, new sizes, new dialogues, new upgrades, new sounds, dynamic descriptions, it can be destroyed, better tournaments, lots of bugs fixed, new gate animations and intro texts, better hall of fame and so on! Enjoy and let me know of any bugs

* Added arena debug menu cheat that lets you see the battlescores of both fighters pre fight
* Added new arena tag system on main options menu showing size of arena
* Added 5 new custom arena graphics, one for each arena level
* Added random leader with personality assigned to arena at new game start
* Added personal flag edition of custom arena graphics
* Added dynamic arena description
* Added dynamic options for different arena sizes
* Added ability to speak to arena patrons (17 unique dialogues)
* Fixed arena not accepting bets tag not showing
* Added different entry fee chances randomised based on arena owner personalities
* Added loyalist and family member arena owners give you free entry
* Added crowd sound effect to arena
* Added ability to request arena owner destroys arena (dynamic response)
* Added ability to request tax changes from arena owner (dynamic response)
* Added ability to rebuild destroyed arena for 50k gold
* Added ability to buy arena with dynamic pricing scale depending on size
* Added dynamic dialogue for arena owners based on their personality and arena size
* Added ability to destroy arena when you own it
* Fixed smallhaven champion battle breaking the arena bug
* Fixed rihmm champion battle breaking the arena bug
* Added new pit upgrade code
* Added deposing grand champion of the arena gets its own screen
* Rewrote grand champion deposition text
* Fixed grand champion deposed replacement steals the face of their predecessor
* Fixed aslona champions 4 and 5 not being able to fight the arena champion bug
* Made giving grand champion a home show up on stats instantly
* Halved the bonus from annointing a grand champion from +50 battlescore to +25 battlescore
* Added new stand alone screen for viewing grand champions titles
* Added new stand alone screen for viewing grand champions residence
* Added new dynamic screen with 3 new graphics when giving grand champion a residence
* Added running the arena at free entry generates 5 public opinion per turn
* Added new system for arena profit
* Added if arena is owned by family member then you get half the profit each turn
* Added special screen for anointing grand champion of the arena
* Added messages for when you cant afford arena upgrades (credit defender)
* Removed grand champions for the lowest tier arena
* Added special grand champion challenge fight for when there is no grand champion
* Added backstory for all arena grand champions viewable in stats
* Added new semi dynamic description to arena upgrades screen
* Fixed arena upgrades screen not having coloured graphic
* Added new arena unit 'Bandit Raider' (+18 battlescore than normal bandit)
* Added new arena prefix 'Afflicted' (-20 battlescore)
* Added new rare arena prefix 'Chosen' (+80 battlescore)
* Added a rare very luck hit possible in the arena combat that can change the tide of battle
* Added ability to attack the Arena and take it over (major public op loss)
* Fixed tournament is now enters its second stage text bug
* Fixed tournament tiers system not working with new arena system
* Added arena graphic to the tournament screen
* Fixed double pause bug at the end of all tournaments
* Added new entry gate animation for lowest level arena
* Added new entry gate animation for highest level arena
* Added new dynamic arena entry text for lowest level arena
* Added new dynamic arena entry text for highest level arena
* Added new animation blocked screen for pre arena fights
* Updated the arena pre battle information
* Redesigned the Arena tournament roster screen
* 6Added super secret code to grand champion stats screen that forces them to be available for another fight9
* 6Added super secret code to tourney screen that allows for another tourney if you've done one in the current year9
* Added graphic to arena hall of fame
* Added description to arena hall of fame
* Added visitable hall of busts inside arena hall of fame
* Redesigned tournament text for fighter being eliminated
* Fixed challenge champion option not being marked out when unavailable
* Added dynamic indicator of how many fights are left each round in the arena during tournaments
* Fixed tag leftover from tournament showing which faction winner is from not removed after tourney is over
* Fixed noble fighters appearing in commoners tournament (now no sirs will show up)
* Added chance commoners tournaments increase public opinion
* Redesigned tournament layout
* Fixed arena champion from tournament not having a face
* Added new screen for grand champion refusing to fight again
* Added new text to arena rules screen
* Updated graphic on arena rules screen
* Updated Layout of grand champion screen


These are things that aren't relevant to any other category but are big enough to warrant some attention

* Added starting year is now randomised before a game
* Added 553 million mermen faces (credit Darren Thomas)
* Added ability to discover new lands if you have vassals
* Added dynamic discovering new lands graphics (10 in total)
* Added new vassal recruitment rate system (change the number of recruits you get)
* Added ability to react to wise man advice in throne room (credit Darren Thomas)
* Added steward personality now shown on short info when hiring them as it is very relevant
* Added skilled diplomats stop you from losing relation with a faction when rejecting a peace deal
* Added dynamic alerts in end of turn report for mines running out of ore
* Added the ability to collapse dry mines
* Added the ability to prospect in dry mines (harder)
* Added pre attack information for all minor bandit gangs
* Added pre attack information for all independent kingdoms
* Added new tag at the end of for hire jesters that shows their field of work
* Added extra description on diplomat hire screen to show any special perks they have
* Added ability to promote champions to first champion if slot is free
* Added new champion stats screen showing their position, battlescore and name
* Added new intro description when speaking to champions of aslona
* Added ability to give lands to mercenary companies who have lost land
* Added new book - the comprehensive tavern guide (guide to 11 of warsims taverns with ratings) available in travel section of library in kingdom upgrades
* Added limit to bank interest land modifier maximum
* Added new cheat 477 that adds 100 knights questing the world for you
* Added ability to ask general to stop asking if you want to use bluetrii before battle
* Added new screen for merc leaders giving you the option to take them as heros or not
* Added special addition to origin story of merc leaders who become champions of aslona


Can you ever really add too much to the Blackmarket? probably not

* Added slum pit to the slums (strongth can fight here)
* Added ability to talk to aehlan of aehlans rare tomes
* Added bust to blackmarket leader statue
* Added Guildrow local library new building to guildrow
* Added new book 'Ed' (found in guildrow local library)
* Added new screen for looting blackmarket treasury
* Added ability to ask how much gold is left to donate to the slums
* Added ability to speak to seer of minds
* Fixed Black Opal still showing as costing 100 gold even during century festival


A few tweaks to throne room encounters as well as a new one added!

* Added new throne room encounter 'heads I win tails you lose'
* Added dynamic 'why should I?' question when being asked to forgive outlaws in throne room
* Added dynamic outcome with trying to arrest mystic man with under 5 soldiers
* Added demon threat is real hedge knight return now includes delivery of the demons head
* Made questing knights returning in throne room a little more common
* Made shallowrock mine encounters in throne room twice as rare
* Added limit to number of times you can ask for advice to be repeated (randomised)


The adventurer system has been merged again, now throne room adventurers and adventuring companies in the world share the same loot and quest system, to celebrate tons of new shared quest items, locations and givers have been added.

* Merged adventurer returning from quest with adventurer group reward and loot system resulting in more combinations
* Added money focused adventurers can set up a stall selling goods (dynamic 15 possible products)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a shrunken demons head' (worth 270 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'an ancient mask of the face of a god' (worth 1200 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a strange everlasting torch' (worth 150 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a golden eyeball' (worth 300 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a strange glass gisc with mysterious symbols around it' (worth 200 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a mysterious obsidian cube with skulls on it' (worth 500 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'An ancient rusty spoon' (worth 40 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'A satchel of strange enchanted beans' (worth 100 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a fragment of an ancient crown' (worth 75 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'a prehistoric skull' (worth 450 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest item 'A golden statue of a bull' (worth 580 gold)
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a bush'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'an abandoned mine complex'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a trap filled cavern'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'an old ghost filled tomb'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a ruined tower half submerged in the sea'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a small hovel hidden in a large tree'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a secret hatch inside an old library'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a treasure chest hidden near a small embankment'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'an old burial hall'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a secret cult temple'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a large birds nest on the edge of a high mountain'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'a small crevice on the side of a mountain'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'An old curiosity shop'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'An isolated old tower'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'A cabin hidden in a thick forest'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'A den hidden deep within a sewer'
* Added new adventurer quest location 'An old ruin'
* Added new adventurer questgiver 'A powerful merchant'
* Added new adventurer questgiver 'A retired adventurer'
* Added new adventurer questgiver 'An influential courtier'
* Added new adventurer questgiver 'A dark warrior'
* Added new adventurer questgiver 'A known arena fighter'


Yep, Halflings have been part of Warsim for a long time but have been one of the core races that have no face, just a questionmark, well not any more, now they have faces, there are 740 million little halflings running around

* Added new halfling face generator to the extras menu
* Added halfling ascii concepts notes to concept art folder
* Added 740'275'200 halfling faces (previously 0 faces just question marks)


* Added 21 new dialogues for destroyed blackmarket in throne room meeting (credit Vylcount)
* Added 10 new mage dialogues
* Added 10 slum pit dialogues to the game


What would a collossal warsim update be without lots of new names for the people of your world!

* Added new name suffix 'The Stonethrower' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Stonethrower' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Thrower of Stones' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Stoneskipper' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Stonetosser' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Smallriver' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Longtrail' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Littlerock' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Halfroad' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Oddstream' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Battle-Born' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Mountainborn' (+12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Honey-Hand' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Bronzeblood' (+13 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Redhand' (+14 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Blackhand' (+16 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Doomhand' (+16 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Once-Honoured' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Brandy-Mug' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Crag-Jumper' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Horn' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Blade' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Sand' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Snow' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Wind' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Storm' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Star' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Moon' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Sun' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Ohm' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Elfson' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Dwarfson' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Orcson' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Demonson' (+22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Ogreson' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Giantson' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Gnomeson' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Trollson' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Underling' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Dogsbreath' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Houndsbreath' (-6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Flamebreather' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Frostbreather' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Stormbreather' (+32 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Firebreath' (+12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Frostbreath' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Icebreath' (+11 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Stormbreath' (+13 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Deathbreath' (+14 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Doombreath' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Doom-Breather' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Darkbreath' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Lightbreath' (+19 battlescore)


Now thanks to some new systems with arena champions and other heroes, origin stories are used more in the game, and thus there needs to be more of them.

* Added new hero origin story 'Personal protector of lord'
* Added new hero origin story 'hill protector'
* Added new hero origin story 'mushroom picker'
* Added new hero origin story 'knee arrow'
* Added new hero origin story 'merchant caravan guard'
* Added new hero origin story 'small mountain commune'
* Added new hero origin story 'small village boy'
* Added new hero origin story 'merchant family'
* Added new hero origin story 'dice cheat'
* Added new hero origin story 'Drunk tavern fights'
* Added new hero origin story 'Smithy robbed'
* Added new hero origin story 'Goblin tribal peace broker'
* Added new hero origin story 'Three great warriors'
* Added new hero origin story 'Slums scraps of gold'
* Added new hero origin story 'Unhappy guard'


Our good friend Defender from has been firing away a great number of ideas, suggestions and bug finds my way, which no doubt delayed us a day or two in the update, but with good reason, tons of bugs were fixed and a load of new features were added, as thanks for this defender has been immortalised in warsim in a new location called the Repairman's Lodge located in Guildrow in the Blackmarket.

* Added Repairman's Lodge to the blackmarket guildrow
* Added new race pack 'No creature races' (credit Defender)
* Fixed book rental stall marked as having three books instead of four (credit defender)
* Fixed 'he could be guilty, who's the say' guard report text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed random building graphics for independents under attack, not blocked by ascii filter (credit defender)
* Fixed holy order of roses not sending any knights once conquered (credit defender)
* Added cost of hiring scorpion breeder is free if you own the scorp pit (credit defender)
* Fixed knight wages marked as soldier wages (credit defender)
* Fixed torture chamber not block by ascii filter (credit defender)
* Fixed dragon wench knight broken in the three blades tavern (Credit defender)
* Fixed missing code for sending silver-toungue to dungeon (credit defender)
* Added blackmarket herald newspaper will report on it if you loot the treasury (credit defender)
* Added ability to ask blackmarket herald editor to write positive piece about you (one of 5 random articles)
* Fixed farmer referred to as X when send to prison (credit defender)
* Fixed that old man text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed cannot send sudden death gambler to dungeon (credit defender)
* Fixed fugitive foreign peasants become knights when questioned of their background (credit defender)
* Fixed fugitive foreign soldiers become knights when questioned of their background (credit defender)
* Added new screen when destroying blackmarket statue (credit defender)
* Fixed mage guild member hats not being blocked by ascii filter (credit defender)
* Added ability to give 10 gold per kid to the ruffian gang (credit defender)
* Fixed option for fort aslona disappearing when upgraded fully (credit defender)
* Fixed vassal recruit and payrates not being reset when discovering new lands (credit defender)
* Fixed demon summoner spelling error (credit defender)
* Fixed race packs not carrying over when save is loaded (credit defender)
* Fixed missing space between bard name and type of bard when dismissing them (Credit defender)
* Fixed typo in throne room foriegn warrior tavern story (credit defender)
* Added ability to offer half proposed wage increase to staff wanting payrise (1 in 8 chance they quit) (credit defender)


Thanks to Vylcount, Cam2k1, DevyD3 and Laughing Gravy for finding some of these bugs, I play tested warsim a great deal over the christmas period and was crushing bugs that I spotted through the play throughs so there have been a great deal of fixes!

* Fixed throne room menu option bug (credit cam2k1)
* Fixed throne room training without diplomat bug
* Fixed no option for not having diplomat in throne room bug
* Fixed three blades in messed up options (credit Vylcount)
* Fixed guarantee typo in mages guild (credit Vylcount)
* Fixed Battle of two champions still happens with destroyed market (credit Vylcount)
* Fixed extra space shown on paying blackmarket troops end of turn line
* Fixed duplicate pause when exiting beard competition encounter
* Fixed duplicate pause when exiting ugly competition encounter
* Fixed face of competition hold in ugly competition loses colour sometimes
* Fixed face of competition hold in beard competition loses colour sometimes
* Fixed replacing current general with new general from throne room gives wrong name bug
* Fixed hall of order built pop up skipping too fast
* Fixed Terraformers guild built pop up skipping too fast
* Fixed bluetrii throne room gift giving shows wrong number of bluetrii given
* Fixed destroying totem in old southern village text skips past too quick
* Fixed celebration name being wiped randomly
* Fixed getting celebration up and running not clearing the screen for the next part
* Fixed weird independent leader sends support for your celebration giving wrong text bug
* Fixed buying map code allowing duplicate purchases in cartographers hut
* Fixed no soldiers to seize strange cloaked man text not appearing
* Fixed too few soldiers to seize the strange cloaked man text not appearing
* Fixed mystic man killing your soldiers doesn't actually kill any of your soldiers
* Fixed no ability to view the slavers fort punishment wall if you own the fort
* Fixed no ability to enter the slavers fort great hall if you own the fort
* Fixed spacing issue in end of turn announcement for race getting more civilised
* Fixed independent kingdom slaver post showing full faction info on diplomacy
* Fixed adventurers save merchant from bandits adventure being blocked from appearing
* Fixed ability to slip out of reject or accept peace talk with '0'
* Fixed krut appearing as Eruk on end of turn report screen sometimes
* Fixed Farrad coast typo
* Fixed 'lived here in smallhaven' mistake in story about Rihhm
* Fixed duplicate text on ozymandias statue
* Fixed weird leader response to gifts grammar issue
* Fixed bluetrii unplantable bug (credit DevyD3)
* Fixed missing screen clear for galbak the grunter
* Fixed years screen line being out of shape
* Fixed cancel celebration missing screen clear
* Fixed foreign mercenary hall grammar issue
* Fixed bug only allowing you to plant 999 instead of 1000 bluetrii crop
* Fixed grand champ stats screen graphics not blocked by ascii filter
* Fixed missing colour for grand champ face on stats screen
* Fixed grand champion titles tagline being slightly too short
* Fixed missing line at the bottom of grand champion stats screen
* Fixed random extra space when seeing gargallock
* Fixed ability to explore new lands when all kingdoms are your vassals
* Fixed missing line at the bottom of all general's kingdom ranks screens
* Fixed the leave leave leave spelling bug
* Fixed double space watching demon decay performance in theatre
* Fixed knonw spelling error in merc origin stories
* Fixed Arasuk destruction text not showing on it's own screen
* Fixed the unable to load save game bug due to steward speech bug
* Fixed paying grand champion to fight another turn cost not being shown
* Fixed no minor bandit gangs choice spacing bug
* Fixed 0 interest received text bug
* Fixed scorpion breeder hire cost discrepancy in throne room
* Fixed extra bracket showing up in slavers fort
* Fixed evil policies not being accessible (credit Laughing gravy)
* Fixed brawl pit not showing how much you won from your bets
* Fixed no slave soldiers broken tag
* Fixed loyal staff asking to leave you in throne room (loyal people never quit)
* Fixed grammar issue at grolok's stump
* Fixed text colour in baiaa black tower skeleton intro text
* Fixed baiaa black tower maze key not on it's own screen
* Fixed missing "'" in bandit requesting no laws encounter
* Fixed bandit requesting no laws changing face like a changeling
* Fixed missing line during juggling performance
* Fixed fort aslona disappearing from region map when fully upgraded
* Fixed shallowrock mine broken encounter in throne room
* Fixed chaos orb encounter exploration screen
* Fixed vassal tribute at 0 bug
* Fixed new lands discovered spacing bug
* Fixed spy speech save breaking bug
* Fixed plague ridden peasants end of turn item having spacing issues
* Fixed finished ancient plague text repeating each turn bug
* Fixed rihhm not kicking you out of the champion dialogue menu when their champion is dead
* Fixed ability to challenge rihhm with 4th and 5th champions even if you don't have them
* Fixed titan's skill fragment spelling error
* Fixed rat racer throne room entertainer typo
* Fixed blade of clan thickblood not appearing when thickblood tavern owned
* Fixed game year line being too short
* Fixed thickblood tavern hire screen showing when no bandits
* Fixed brawl pit champions crowns don't appear until they win 101 fights should be 100
* Fixed unable to exit unconquerable lands bug
* Fixed asking for special write up in the newspaper can occasionally ruin save files
* Fixed merc leaders not joining when being assimilated
* Fixed throne room meeting still giving advice on stopping rebels even if they are dead


* Added population cap to smallhaven (800 maximum population)
* Added population cap to rihhm (750 maximum population)
* Made brawl pit and fighters pit historical wins set alongside random year
* Updated layout of faction relations screen in diplomat now extra line at the bottom
* Removed levy rights system (old and broken)
* Added special victory screen for successful bet in the brawl pit
* Added new debug code to see the status of independent kingdom conquest
* Added a post champion challenge rihhm victory screen in rihhm
* Added a post champion challenge aslona victory screen in rihhm
* Added random prefight screen for challenging rihhm to a champion fight
* Made diplomats more liklely to have procedural suffixes in their names
* Made noble and royal diplomat suffixes give bonuses to skill
* Made headstrong suffix give diplomat bonus to skill
* Added ability for magical explosion event to kill no one
* Added random size of magical explosion normal large and great
* Added steward report now compacts bluetrii fruit messages

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