Re: Unity accessibility for the blind and visually impaired

I tried adding accessibility into Godot once... got rejected, if memory serves. They said they wanted it in GDScript... and I had integrated it natively (which was, to me, the logical thing to do at the time).
About the blind community integrating with mainstream developers: while its a very cool concept, and would be interesting to do, I don't think the blind community is even close to ready to develop with mainstream developers. The process is not what the community is used to, where you write all the code in a few files, and you have sounds; the process involves animations, assets, textures, surfaces, and a hell of a lot more that I can't think of. Take Unreal Engine, for example. If you want to make a basic FPS, and you want your player to be able to walk and wield weapons, you need an animation for the player walking, an an animation for the player walking and holding a gun, an animation for the gun itself, and that's without armor, and with only one weapon. Add in armor, and you then need an animation for the armor, an animation for the player walking without the armor, an animation for the player walking with the armor on, an animation with the player wielding the gun with the armor on, and so on. Its pretty much the same for many other titles.
As for things like menus, that's also very similar: you need an animation for each menu item as well as (possible) an animation for the menu background. The speed of being able to scroll down menus is controlled by how fast the game can render the frames and animations, not internal timers. But if your going to develop games that are mainstream, use Python, use a framework like SDL2, and begin with timers to cap the amount of events received so your not (for example) scrolling to the end of the menu with a single press of the down arrow.

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