Re: Star traders rpg for IOS accessibility update

A few tips I've gotten from experience:

You don't want to fill your cargo hold with water fuel especially if you're a merchant. If you do, you might not have room to buy anything else. You need to compromise between fuel and empty holds which you can use for trading.

keep your sails, hull  and engines in top form. They are fixable at any Stardock, though obviously the higher quality the planet the more easily this can be done.

Accept military rank, and permits and warrants, when they're offered. You need military rank to fix your armor and restock on guns and torpedoes. The higher you rise, the more discounted these will get.

Glance over the manual. It's kind of dry reading, but does explain a lot of mechanics in detail. You don't need to read the whole thing, but reading a bit of it can make a lot of difference.

That's all for now. smile More as I progress, I'm sure.


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