Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

There was a time the company I work for wanted to release something for Mac. We got turned off by it solely because of two things: requiring a Mac to develop, and also the $100 USD a year for a developer license. Compare that to Windows where development is quite literally free.

I bet half these guys making audio games spend no more than a few hundred dollars in total to make them, and they end up coming out with decent audio games. On Mac, your cost is ongoing even if your sales flatten out and start to drop. When I was working on TDV, my cost went into sound design and voice actors, not development, because I was the only one developing. If I were to develop for Mac, this would certainly not be the case. And even with just sound design and never paying myself, TDV still cost about two grand to make. That'd be over three grand by now if Apple's development fees were in place.

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