Re: Accessible C++ IDE?

Hi, I am in my third year of Uni, doing software engineering. We've done quite a bit of C programming, but now I am slowly moving to C++, so my workflow isn't the most refined, but I get things done.

Personally I prefer using a lightweight editor to write my code  and then I build it on the command line, using makefiles for automation. building by hand gets tedious really fast, so I highly recommend learning about makefiles.

I think that is one of the best ways to improve your workflow from what you describe, as well  as using clang++ instead of g++. g++ is good, but clang is newer and the industry standard and generally gives more useful error and warnings messages.

Other big thing is don't use plain notepad. That must be the most painful programming there is. Use VS code, because it is lightweight, can support any programming lang on the planet and has excellent and accessible autocompletion. Only issue is IndentNav doesn't work in it, but for c++ the indentation doesn
t matter and VS code has an auto code formatter. just hit alt+shift+f to format your code.

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