Cosmic Rage, am I the only one who feels this way?

Trying not to be flamy here, so figured I’d put down my issues with the game to see if I’m the only one, because everyone else seems to love it.
1 : the quality of activities provided, which are all grind fests with absolutely no thought required to them (once you do them enough times you can even buy upgrades to automate them and make your roll as the player basically redundant), to the general buggyness of the game (I have never found nearly as many bugs with any other game as a newbie), to the fact that questions on newbie remain unanswered (I consider myself a polite person), to the fact that other than grind, there’s really basically nothing to do.
On top of everything, there aren’t that many group activities for newbies, or so it seems, and so interacting with other players is kind of a bust in that regard, unless you feel like randomly interjecting on the ooc channel and hoping you get noticed.
2: what is this this roleplay you speak of.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I never logged onto cosmic rage expecting to care about roleplay, I’d go play star conquest for that. What really bugs me here is the focus the hosts seem to have on it. Why? Your player base doesn’t seem to care to roleplay on their own, as evidenced by the chuckles I got when I asked about it the other day after I was locked out of leveling for several hours while I waited for a last name to be approved and the game it self told me to go off and roleplay or something. There are no systems in place to facilitate it, no way of knowing what’s happening where. In the end, it boils down to having the self restraint not to say lol on a public channel.
Also, the docs outlining lore and races )I mean, dragons? Really?) are a joke.
So I ask again, why bother? There really seems to be absolutely no point to it, so why not accept the inevitable and kill the roleplay. No point improving it either as your average roleplayer would likely be turned away by the subpar writing found most everywhere.
3: It doesn’t get better.
I stuck it out quite a long while, in the hopes that I would then find an interesting activity to do, ETC but got nothing. I cannot stress this enough, grinding gets very old very fast, especially when the text you are shown while grinding is badly written and repetitive.
So, what is the end game here? Because I’m getting the impression that all that happens as you progress is that you get fancier and fancier buttons to push to accomplish similar tasks.
A note: activities that require you to type 30 different commands are still grinding. An activity’s grindyness is not measurable by the number of commands you need to type, but on how much thought you have to put into it to do it well, and how much repetativeness is involved.

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