Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I have deleted the post regarding religion and post 2 new ones in its place. I have also amended post 1 in this thread. As always, the first post and these ones are very long. Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

Terence Malaher wrote:

Testament 2
The forbidden fruit is not the "apple on the tree" and neither is it the "charms" of women that sometimes are denied thee.  No, the forbidden fruit is the invisible dark energy flow that flows ceaselessly, and when "of" it you sup your Sin within grows as it is "watered" energetically.
Our God says that to remain free, we must abide in the Word and only peaceful be.  If on darkness we partake then our way becomes aggressive and a mess of our life we make.
And if we "feed" on the forbidden fruit we die spiritually.  But before we die, we for an eternity do cry, for when bound by darkness and its karmic lode we all demand "an eye for an eye."
As we thus defy and deny the Commandment to "Forgive and only love," we under the "As you sow you will reap" Law do suffer in perpetuity.
And any who are so foolish and so bound have bound themselves on the "suffering wheel" that goes round and round.  For what they cannot see is that what we do comes back, and we never can get free until we put down the sword and heed the Holy "Only love" Word.
So let us all from today now heed this fresh "say" that my sacred pen does bring from our God of light.  For all now will feel the vengeful wrath of the retributive God of the dark night.
Blessed shall all be who heed now me.  Only they shall of their past dark "fruit" be set free, and given a fresh chance to in heaven dance.
Testament 3
The “Old” and the “New” Testaments are now obsolete, for “man” did words distort and them thus mistreat. All spiritual teachings have become distorted, and their original truth and direction thus thwarted.
All these books must be destroyed.  For through their misunderstanding was much evil deployed.  All who read them have been led astray, only read this Testament of Truth today.
The “old” books became “contaminated food” as man over “meaning” did brood, and all were vain, thus did the serpent power gain as man, with his “complicated” understanding, misunderstood the power of the “under handing,” the “shadow” under God’s hand that denies access to the promised land to all who did “distort” the original words prophets did “report.”
So I again now “come” to thee with “fresh food” to set thee free
I deliver this fresh doctrine clear and bright, to shine forth as the morning light, and will declare it afar off.  I have penetrated to all lower parts of the earth and beheld all who sleep, and enlightened all who hope in the lord their God of love. 
I pour out doctrine as prophecy and wisdom, and will not cease to instruct your off-spring even to the Holy Age. See ye that I have not laboured for myself only, but for all of you who seek truth and deliverance.
Behold, I stand at the gate and knock.  If any shall hear my voice, and will open to me the door, I will come in to them, and will share with them this wisdom from our God on high.
Son of Irene & David
Testament 4
THIS Testament is a message from God to the world. 
It is the fulfillment of prophecy and is the naked truth.
It is the message which unfolds the beginning of the End.  The swift escalation of the sword and famine that was prophesied would take place as mankind reaps more quickly for past sinning Sown, after which, Peace will flow in and the meek will inherit the earth.
This document is the Correction of the Truth, and reveals the mystery of God and Christ's return, the true nature of Sin and the spiritual reality of Justice and Judgment, the reality of the message that Jesus came to earth to give mankind, and, the truth as to why he was crucified. 
And gives the full explanation of How, Why, and When, the inhabitants of planet earth will be “attacked” telepathically on a mental level from within, and be mentally subjugated by evil souls on a lower level of consciousness (hell).
And how we will be used by them, to brutalise and destroy each other for a period of time in which insanity will prevail on earth.
It contains the WISDOM from GOD which will mentally fortify believers so that they remain sane in the process, and survive spiritually.
When you hear my call
harden not your hearts
Those who heed not this message through me
will be bound by darkness and never be free
This Testament of Truth contains some of the thousands of epistles received telepathically between 1987 & 1997 by the Spirit of Truth, whose sinless “clarity of essence” vibrates at the infinite frequency of the God-head, thus enabling pure truth to link-in to his conscious mind from the Source.
Thus I have corrected the untrue teachings sown by our forefathers who had wrested the scriptures for material gain through their sin, and perpetuated by our elders today unto their own destruction, and yours, if you see not the message contained herein and its bitter implications.
"With thanks to angelic men
who daily wielded my sacred pen"
Testament 5
Hear the Word of the LORD O ye Nations
All who hear His Word shall be gathered up,
and He will keep them as the shepherd does his flock.
Suave rosa, suave rosa, floreat per hank domum.
The Heavenly Sea from up above empower me here with God’s love.  So for sure, for sure, for sure, I’ll overcome the negative poor,* for my truth will shine for ‘tis truth God’s love divine.
Show the way, is what I’ll do and pull many a soul through, for they will see what they will see, become unbound and then set free.  So friends I ask of you, show you are true, show you are true.
Blessedness in the night.  Blessedness of other’s plight.  Blessedness for being you.
Blessedness, I love you true.
Darling parents of all mankind, help me open their eyes so they aren’t blind.  Oh sweet mercy follow me too, and compassion, walk alongside too, both please flow like never before, open your arms and let LOVE outpour.
I believe I am YOU
I believe you are TRUE
I believe and I will DO
The Prince of Peace has returned to earth bringing God’s True Word, and his love will remain now on earth forever and a day.  His message to you is: “Hold fast unto my Wisdom and My Word, he or she who shall persevere unto the end shall be saved.  I love you, I bless you.”
The contents of this document are divinely inspired by the Creator of all humanity God, and are sent through the ministry of God’s angels, and are dedicated to all humanity.  I submit them as prophecy and as the correction of the truth on earth.   
I submit them in my name Terence the Christ and,  I submit them as a Testament of my belief in Him Jesus the man within whose 'flesh' my spirit soul once strode on earth and, I submit them as a Testament to HIS TRUE WORD.
I pray for all mankind:
“Darling children of all mankind, who’ve walked in the darkness and so blind.  I now bless you for our Mother above, who through me now fortifies you all with Her love.  Her blessings flow as never before, and Her angels walk by you that’s for sure.  So lift up your hearts with fortitude and cheer, eternal paradise is now very near.”
‘Mercy,’ the pen of God.
Testament 10
The futility of praising men
“Christians” praise Jesus the MAN,
forgetting his MESSAGE which is God’s plan
for ALL to daily HEED,
NOT make others suffer and bleed.
Children, heed me today. 
YOU ALL walk the wrong way.
I am here but to “show” how it is we fall below through the power of the mind, being thoughts that us bind as they twist and weave they us deceive into believing we are doing good, and thus God’s WORD is misunderstood.
For this “thought” is “power play,” emanating from far away from that land that we call Hell that has a very hypnotic “Spell” over the mind of simple 'man.'
Who “believe” that they can “span,” sit astride any other “person” and control them, as they do “plod” on any level outside Heaven where so few sup on God’s Leaven, being the wisdom of LOVE that outpours forever above. 
“We” the children but “instruments” be, for the Source of all creativity, and the Source down below from whence all evil doth outflow, and, we “think” we understand the Word of God from the promised land.
But our minds did twist and weave seeking “control,” and did the deceiver believe that we are mightier than God, and that we and it can control all who plod.
And thus its call we obey until one day we feel dismay.  For its control has reached “such” power that within “us” its “force” does “glower,” and this force does us control totally as we do stroll, and, there is naught we can do, for we can neither hear nor heed the WORD TRUE, and thus are we unkind to self and others as we are blind.
I speak of the thoughts and feelings that flow through us, and, their governing influence on our expressed deeds, and also of the invisible mental influence from other unseen levels of consciousness which takes place twenty-four hours a day.
The New Golden Age is dawning; the quickening vibration will be felt by all mankind.  The separation of the wheat from the chaff has commenced, the time of our Judgment is at the time of our “last breath,” and those that “pass over” whilst revelling in sin, will forever and a day wonder, how stupid they’d been.
We are known only by our deeds towards our brethren, by what we do to and for them, ‘tis not enough that we do naught, those who cannot “give,” and help uplift our needy brethren are almost in the same category as those who abuse others mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Testament 33
The Morning Star meditation prayer.
Children, children, you must pray, pray to Jesus every day.
Ask for love and strength for you, keep calm, and please be true.
Children, in this coming time, I’ll need your love and you'll need mine.
Be strong and calm and quiet too, remember always that Jesus loves you.
Children, trust me day by day, so that your hearts will never stray.
When all around you starts to fall, feel my love and you'll walk tall.
Children, children, quiet now, trust in me I'll show you how.
Say these words three times a day, and to Jesus, please do pray:
I see the Star of Bethlehem high up above
brilliant and beautiful and filled with God’s love
I see a white light shining down from this star
cleansing through my body with its power from afar
wonderful Jesus please now be with me
fill me with light and set my soul free
Jesus, I see your shining Star, Jesus be with me, Jesus please help me and save me
People of any race or creed may use either of the above prayers or say:
Creator of the Heavens - Mother of love (or Father of love)
I see your Star shining above
please cleanse my mind with all your love
so I may heed your call of peace from above
If any one of these meditation prayers is said three times a day, then slowly but surely the ARK of the mind is built, giving us an inner mental cleansing and strengthening that lessens the invisible power of negative thought.
I repeat, do it from today, before your mind is out of control, and become stronger within.  With this inner strengthening we will find ourselves calmer in the face of adversity, and more able to remain in control of our actions as our dark sin surfaces within, as it is drawn up and out by God’s Grace.
This meditation is the key to the “well-spring” of inner love, the eternal flame of light and love within each soul, enabling it to flow more easily, allowing healing of the spirit soul to occur, thus over time “easing” the whole being on all levels.
Remember Christ’s truth: “Go in peace,” it is the only way.
Testament 40
Jesus & Muhammad
God/Allah sent Jesus to earth to say :
“For your “doing” you will pay, and in order to pay, you must not retaliate in any way.  Die as a lamb going to the slaughter.  In being “crucified” for your past, you will become my heavenly son or daughter.”
Allah/God sent Muhammad to earth to say :
“To the merciful am I merciful, to the destroyer am I destructive, and all deceivers become lost in my dark weave.  True believers know that I do not deceive the ones who are peaceful and make no other grieve.”
Testament 47
The Word of God is the sound for sure
that from God’s mouth doth outpour. 
That infinite wisdom for all to see,
that we must aspire to for to become free.
The Word, God’s wisdom be, sent to earth for all to BE, and these messages come spinning down sent by angels to those earthly bound.
Angels, spirits of truth be, inspiring those of the flesh telepathically, and these words of wisdom be inspired by Jesus for all to see.
The “Mystery of the gospel” as revealed unto me was that it was mostly written for a time yet to be, and all of the wisdom contained therein was to help mankind to ward off inner sin.
But into this wisdom has crept deceit see, little by little and deceived many see, and the truth therein that God wishes us to see is to: stand not aloof from any, and give with love, see.
“Rise thou that sleepest,
arise from the dead and Christ shall enlighten thee.”
Now this mystery is laid at rest, look and see the light and pass the coming test.  Our Lord God above who guides this pen says: Not if but when you’re with me again.

The SEAL OF GOD is the Might of His Word,
wielded by truth and the wisdom of His sword.*
That everlasting sound that in heaven does roar,
and guides all souls forevermore.
Testament 57
Thank you, sweet Jesus for your proof, thank you sweet Jesus, we must not stand aloof.  Thank you, sweet Jesus for being you, thank you sweet Jesus you'll pull us through. 
Communion of love flowing through to every soul that remains true to MY wisdom and MY word and, who believe MY star is not absurd.
Blessed ones please believe,
blessed ones I don't deceive. 
Blessed ones you are mine,
blessed ones partake my love divine.
Fortitude in every way,
fortitude and daily pray. 
Fortitude is a must,
fortitude please in me trust.
O blessed angels guide you now. 
O blessed angels by you now. 
O blessed angels old so old. 
O blessed angels with souls so bold.
Divine deliverance coming your way,
divine deliverance to all who pray. 
Divine deliverance is in store,
divine deliverance for sure for sure.
Grieve not on loss of worldly goods,
grieve not on being misunderstood. 
Grieve not as you see others fall,
grieve not if confronted by those tall.
Sweetness, you are mine,
sweetness, drink my wine,
sweetness, come to me,
sweetness, I will set you free.
Testament 59
Blessed children, ALL are mine, even those, lost in the satanic vine, all but all do need the love that I send out in streamers, from above. 
All my treasures, those filled with light, need to help their sisters and brothers still walking in the night.  Reach out to them and daily gently pray that they'll see my light one day.
Hold them close as they feel pain, then they'll know my truth's not in vain, for very soon such pain they'll feel, the pain they unleashed from Satan's reel, and the agony of their sin will unwind within them in, and they'll cry out in the night, and you my treasures must lift them upright.
Right in truth and forgiveness too, don't let their hatred get to you.  Just reach out and touch, and with them do pray, that their inner feelings will clear one day.  For all are brothers real true blue, all are sisters, loving too.  'Tis just that they were not strong and couldn't see the right from wrong. 
Help them, help them is all I ask, help them daily IS your task, and I will bless you forever and a day for each one you help along the way.
Oh what a wonderful way to go, come on folks, hear the call, don't be slow just follow your leader, it's an easy game, and call out to Jesus with His beautiful name.
God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, God bless you. 
God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, God bless you. 
Forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever. 
Forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever.
Far into the future can we mortals see a glimmer of light a'glowin for all to see.  The Prince of Peace is coming at last from distant shores, and this time my children, He'll be here forevermore.  So tighten up your belts and bear the heavy load, for when He comes my darlings, He'll brighten up the road.
His blessings reach out before Him, reach out for all to see, so bear up and be happy, soon you'll all be free.  Gently gently walk the road you cross each day, lift your eyes to heaven and to Jesus pray.  Pray with quiet reverence that he will walk with you, pray with quiet reverence.  He will guide you true.
From out the mists a'glowin do I see His light, from out the mists a'glowin, I know all will be right.  "Forever, forever, forever," I hear that distant cry, forever forever, forever.  I know that I will try.
"Hold fast, hold fast, my children," I hear that distant cry.  "Hold fast, hold fast, my children, I will lift you all up high.  My angels strong and stalwart will gather around each of you, my angels strong and stalwart will make sure you get through."
"I love you, love you darlings," is what our Jesus says.  "I love you, love you darlings, please remember my ways." Forever, forever, forever, He calls now from afar, forever, forever, forever, please remember my star.
Hold fast, hold fast to my wisdom, and my truth as well. 
Hold fast, hold fast to my wisdom, it will save you from hell. 
I bless you all my darlings, I'll never go away,
I bless you, bless you darlings, join hands with me and pray.
Testament 62
Religion and Church are words given by man that have their souls trapped for many a life span, for the CHURCH OF GOD that I see, is HIS TRUTH ONLY, and not the Club be.
Churches today are no more than Clubs.  'Join us now - we'll your sins out rub! Oh for sure we sing together in the name of our Lord, even though we "Ministers" are still trapped by the sword, for we ourselves heard not His Word, for we ourselves abide not by His Word.  We are all takers who fawn the rich; we help not our brothers still lying in the ditch.'
"RETURN ALL TITHES to my children poor."
This is God's message to religions for sure.  The follies of religious teachings are heard every day, so Jesus said; Only believers will make it my way.  So believe it friends what I say to you, for 'tis only His messages that flow through and HE says:
NOW IS THE TIME SO HEED MY WORD and together we'll dine.
Reach out and touch all that you meet. 
See past their ways and put them back onto their feet. 
Bless them with love and forgiveness in your heart,
yes children, every day give them a fresh start
Testament 63
God says:
“LOOK DIRECT TO ME, for I AM YOUR GOD, and 'tis MY WORD you must relate to as you plod.  'Tis ONLY MY LOVE here in the sky that will guide you and cleanse you daily as you try. 
MY CHURCH is not buildings or ministerial men, 'tis THOSE that HEARD MY WORD I spoke back then, so those that hear and heed MY WORD, ARE MY CHURCH who'll not fall to the sword.
The sword you may feel, 'tis how you reap, but you'll not fall into Satan's keep.  Just bless all who may cause you pain, then you'll know MY Word was not in vain.”
So, darling children on the homeward run, keep smiling and be happy and have lots of fun.  Look to MY star high in the sky, it will help uplift you, please try.  Please try blessed children of the light, we would forever lift you upright. 
The mighty course of nature's flow would slow you down as along you go, but the spiritual essence here up above, will guide you forever with divine love.
So we beseech thee once again to try hard, for we speak not in vain.  We bless you, bless you children of light, and please believe we'll lift you upright.  'Tis enough said now, all done.  Prepare yourselves for Satan's run.
Blessed be those that really love Him. 
Blessed be those that heed this call. 
Blessed be those that work forever for our dear Mother and Father up in heaven.
Seek ye within.  Is it filled with sin? Go forth my children, waste not, but hasten.  Go with love and peace as your companions.  Heavenly gain shall be your lot forever, forever.  Silently now as we read this call.  Silently now as we bow our heads.  Silently now, let us say a small prayer, thanking our dear Lord for calling us near.
For evermore shall we be blessed.  How little time to be hard pressed, for being carried up on the wings of a dove that in itself is worth all the risk.  So silently now bow your heads.  Seek ye within and know your sin, then thank our dear Father above for His Almighty compassion and love, for He has chosen all of you for His mighty work to do. 
So friends, do not crow too soon, but go your way humbly and soon, blessings flow.  Swiftly now move along.  Peace everlasting, more blessings, I hear that triumphant heralded call, Forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever.
Testament 64
Seek ye unto your hearts brethren
do I come as a ravening wolf
or do I come with but HIS message
Which WAS and IS and WILL BE for an eternity
Open your eyes and SEE
Open your ears and HEAR
Blessed be he who heareth
and who calleth out to me in the night and day, saying:
Jesus I see your shining Star
Jesus be with me
Jesus please help me and save me.
The wisdom of this truth lies within you.  Faith is founded on belief, belief in your God and His ways and His world will make you as He is.
I, Terence, hear this call from the never, never:
"I love you - I beckon you - come unto me - blessings unto you all."

test051 topTestament 65
Hear ye - hear ye - hear ye
From this moment on - the gospels shall move forwards, this the first new scripture be:
1:1 - Honour thy Father as He would thee, this way forever free you be. 
1:2 - Blessed be they forever in this cause, may they do it without conscious pause. 
1:3 - Her wisdom revealed in all minds, His love in truth doth every soul bind.
2:1 - Blessed be those that see the light, the light of Christ shining bright. 
2:2 - His heavenly being filled with fire, the fire of joy and invincible power. 
2:3 - The deity of God now within all be and all souls shine with His divinity.
3:1 - Heavenly blessings from above will outpour on all who love. 
3:2 - Guidance abounds forevermore to bless all souls upon your shores. 
3:3 - Divine love for eternity will shine forth from all hearts see.
3:4 - Blessed be to the memory of the virgin Mary, for she bore Him to thee. 
3:5 - Blessed be His remembrance, for He delivered thee. 
3:6 - Blessed be they that can now see, the Holy Spirit the Mother be.
3:7 - The new inspired wisdom shall be named "The Testament of Truth."
3:8 - For those that readeth what is here written with love and reverence for He that them sendeth, may they be truly blessed for all eternity. 
3:9 - May all God's earthly scribes and printers who alter not His Holy messages be blessed for all eternity, may His truth remain untarnished, unfettered, and unchanged for all eternity
3:10- May the misguided fools who have and will change the words of the prophets weep in sorrow for many moons for their iniquitous deceit until they have felt due remorse for every soul they have deceived.
"This is the order of the Most Holy one"
3:11- It has been written that when He cometh, His law will be written in the minds and hearts of man. 
3:12- When this hath come to pass, there shall be no need for teachers or prophets and all shall be history. 
4:1 - Angels of mercy - angels of light, guide all souls - even in the night.
4:2 - Always entreating that they keep their minds free, free of evil which is pervading in thee. 
4:3 - And their wisdom - is beyond reproof, and from their counsel stand not aloof. 
4:4 - They guide all souls day by day until your soul gets to heaven one day.
4:5 - This is truth that you must believe, 'tis not the Lord's wish that you are more deceived. 
4:6 - Powerful choices rear up in the mind, you must be strong and the evil unwind. 
4:7 - Gently gently look up above and see the truth of the land of love.
4:8 - 'Tis a distant home you see where you are happy for eternity. 
4:9 - It is real and exists see, a place your souls yearn to be. 
4:10- 'Tis just the subconscious mind does you deceive, blinded by materiality which doth a web weave.
Testament 66
4:11- And for all eternity can you be deceived, if you don't make the effort for to believe. 
4:12- Try hard now and see the light, give your souls a chance to be lifted upright. 
4:13- God's good angels on the move at last, turning a page in time to where forever doth last.
4:14- Slowly see the truth I speak, for to make it, one must be humble and meek. 
4:15- Gentle and kind and loving too, loving to all that God sends to you. 
4:16- The needs of some are heavy and great, so even the thoughts of heaven then wait. 
4:17 - DO HIS WORD - I ask of thee, HE awaits to set you free. 
4:18 - Abide with me - I hear Him say, drink wine and rejoice forever and a day. 
4:19 - As earth's dark mists in time roll by, you'll be forever happy you did try.
4:20 - Bless you, bless you, I hear Him say, His voice flowing to you as I pray. 
5:1 - Blessed be those souls that love all sent to them by the dove. 
5:2 - Truly blessed shall they be for helping others become free. 
5:3 - Free from sin deep down within that's rising up and making them sin. 
5:4 - Divine blessings to all be, that see this truth flowing from me.
5:5 - Greatly cherished shall all be who have the wisdom to the truth see.
5:6 - Understanding - love - forgiveness to all, the meek, the mild, the strong, the tall.
5:7 - Kindness please to all you meet, even unpleasant strangers on the street. 
5:8 - All but all have my light within, even those still clouded with inner sin.
5:9 - Truly blessed are those that grieve for their brothers that still deceive.
5:10 - Who still walk in the darkness see, filled with evil for all to see. 
5:11 - Treasures of light, treasures of love, are awaiting those that share their love.
5:12 - Fortitude and courage we need see, to share our love and help others become free. 
5:13 - For 'tis but lack of love within them see, that permits the coldness to bind them see. 
5:14 - Diligence within will keep us strong, strong to know right from wrong.
Testament 67
5:15 – Daily, daily reach out for the love, the love of Jesus in the star above. 
6:1 - All men to forever run free, no justification for punishment see.
6:2 - This call for love is true see, even for those that kill others, see.
6:3 - For they will change as along they go, and our Lord's wisdom in their minds does grow. 
6:4 - The only penance for them be, that they be counselled on how to stay free. 
6:5 - Free from the thoughts streaming in, that twist their minds and make them sin.
6:6 - Blessed and consecrated by many be, this will save them and quicker set them free. 
6:7 - Children too for the deeds they do, must be counselled gently on what they do. 
6:8 - For their feelings will rise and rise, and their actions you must not despise. 
6:9 - Daily meditation on the star see, will assist all to keep sanity. 
6:10- This guiding light of our Lord above, sends out cleansing energy with His love. 
6:11- Believe, believe, believe again, is the message from out this pen.
6:12- Forever forever in the heavenly sky, if you try, if you try. 
6:13- Compassion and understanding to the fore, for any souls who knock at your door. 
6:14- Say - I bless you, bless you, bless you friend, and bless the Lord who did you send.
6:15- For he did send you but to me, to set me free - set me free. 
6:16- For in helping thee to set thee free, I'm helping me to set me free. 
6:17- Thanks to thee for coming see, I give you all with my love, see
6:18- Wonderful Jesus with us both be, be with us now and set us both free. 
6:19- Free from the hunger and pain within that doth turn us towards inner sin. 
6:20- Send your blessings to us today, that we now receive as we to you pray.
7:1 - All praise to Almighty GOD, may His visions live forevermore. 
"How sweet the rose how sweet the rose
may it bloom through this house."
Testament 68
Beautiful the sound of the word, beautiful the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ, the King of the Sun.  Jesus the Christ, the only one.  Bless you Jesus, we to you reach, bless you Jesus, please us teach. 
Bless you Jesus, you are the one sent by the Father.  You are the son sent to us from the heavens above, sent to us to teach us of love.  Sent to us so that forevermore we can abide with you on that distant shore.
Guide us please daily as we pray, guide us please daily faster your way.  Guide us please daily and in the night please hold our hands and lift us upright.
Passion, being the truth of love, passion, being the light from above, passion being that forevermore, you will uplift us through your door.
Like a raging torrent filled with fire comes my love with burning desire, burning desire to lift you up, yea verily to be at the last sup.  The last sup that will be held commemorating your breakthrough, Satan felled.  Yes, you will win and once and forever forget sin.
The winds of time will pass, long gone.  You'll be dwelling forever, your journey won.  The mists of time will pass, you'll forget earth's shores and the negative louts like pussy spores.  Oh, blessed ones if you could but see, you'd drop all and flee to me.
"Jesus, Jesus be with me
bring me your star let it guide us to thee"
Testament 69
May the spirit of truth fill you with fire, may the spirit of truth elevate you higher, higher in the heavens with the knowledge and truth that from needy brethren you stand not aloof. 
Oh, darling children of the light, I have returned to put all right.  My smiling eyes will forevermore now guide you to my distant shore.
Shimmering skies of blue and gold.  Translucent hues of crimson and gold.  Glistening stars high up above, yes, we have heavens in heaven above.  Crystal clear waters in running brooks.  Azure colours in fields and nooks. 
Beautiful flowers for all to see and their smell wonderful be.  For, 'tis real where I abide, 'tis a world which I don't hide.  A world so real, not like yours, a world of pure beauty with ocean shores. 
For all you have I have too, with much more clarity shining through, but, just as solid and even more and our vision is better for sure, for there is no "flesh" to hide the sight, just pure spirit shimmering with its might, and it's real and solid too, more real and solid than the flesh of you.
'Tis not a hazy place some think, 'tis a place where forever you do clearly think.  All you do is crystal clear and others can come very near. 
Souls can unite and entwine as one and feel the full power of the ONE, yes, the love of God flowing through, which elevates feelings higher than you, through to the heavens high above, where we can really feel His love, and, these feelings just grow and grow as His truth and understanding doth flow.
So set aside fears of what Might be, 'tis a real place where you are free. 
A wonderful place full of friends, where forever God His love sends.
Testament 70
Which faith is the TRUE FAITH, O GOD of the sky
Please of this wisdom do not me deny
The true faith is ONE, that of MY WORD, those that it hear not, think it absurd.  Religious faith is a word of mankind, and through its follies man is in a bind, twisting and turning saying "Which way to go, which side is true, the lesson we don't know." So I say to you: see it clear, 'tis direct to me your GOD, must you now steer.
HEED MY WORD every day. 
HEED MY WORD and daily pray.
ABIDE BY MY WORD is what I ask. 
ABIDE BY MY WORD 'tis your only task.
'Tis by your deeds I do you know, 'tis by My grace I'll your sin overthrow.  First, you must HEAR and MY wish DO, before I'll cleanse your sin and elevate you too.
Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and others too, heard My words of compassion and mercy coming through.  Forgiveness and understanding of others' needs, in doing these, you will fulfill MY NEEDS. 
In fulfilling MY needs your race is won, yes children, you will join the One.  Your Christed brother Jesus high up above says:
'By your deeds you're known, do all with love.'
In the name of our Father high in the sky I ask for Jesus "please try, please try." Angelic guidance, can you please tell me what Jesus said, before being "set free."
Son, we say that on that day he did to our Father pray, pray for quiet forgiveness, in respect for those that still did sin.  He asked that his death would appease by saving many from forces that would them freeze, and, further more what he did pray was, that many would remember that fateful day. 
For in TRUE remembrance of him they would be freed and saved from sin, and all now we would say to thee is that our truth we see flowing free. 

The truth I write is for the "Christian See," for they are the ones who misguided be.  Misguided by the Church which did them fail, and through its mistruth many will wail, so Christ from way up high will help all that really try, even others of other creeds, many of whom have inadequate deeds.
Many of all creeds live the word of 'Peace to all,' and use not the sword, so my message many don't need, but will find their path easier if they it heed.
Testament 76
Jesus' Voice
Jesus said "My flock will hear my voice." What is the "voice"* and why the "choice."* Why will some neither hear nor heed, why then some saved, and others to bleed.?
I say "My voice is God's WORD" saying: "Peace not the sword," so only those who read from my pen will HEAR GOD'S WORD, my 'voice' spoken, for IF Christ returned in a flash of fire, ALL would see and none would expire,* so at this end TIME, seek the prophet who does Jesus mime.
Who said: "I will return to see who is to freedom earn 
Keep your candle burning bright for I return as a thief* in the night?"
And a thief in the night you do not see, for within their disguise they invisible be, and last time I "entered*" in flesh for sure, and this time in the same manner I knock on your door. 
So, if you look at my "flesh"* you will quail, thinking, how could God us so fail? Look deeply into God's wisdom I bring, ONLY THOSE that so do will in heaven sing.
So I call all now into my sight* any fleshly man with SOUL burning bright like me, that none can within see, but, a soul a man of the deepest divinity. 
I say man, but that too means WOMEN, some are as divine as the holder of this pen.  So any of you who read and SEE TRUTH, help me pass on GOD'S MESSAGE, my PROOF.
I say again one last time; my voice is God's word that you need to mime.  Any of you who stand aloof rebuke the Father, that is MY TRUTH, and thus you the Father deny, the Father who through me says "TRY," and thus you through arrogance will fall, yes dear reader and your soul will pall.
I am simple, I am fair.  Look within yourself, is courage your fare?
For if it is, come to me, help me help GOD set the world free.
Testament 77
The Shepherd's Staff
"THE TRUTH" is the Crux of the Core, being the message of the cross for sure, in that on your day* you must not retaliate in any way.
The message (Turn the other cheek if persecuted & go as a lamb to the slaughter if to be put to death)
"THE LIGHT" is the Wisdom from afar, symbolised by Christ's Morning Star, visible in an earthly sense to any who would recompense.*
The Wisdom (God's Command, love one another, go your way in peace & be merciful & compassionate & forgive ones enemy)
(God's Law: As you or your servants do unto others will by others be done unto you)
"THE WAY" is God's Word of Peace not the sword, of Mercy and Compassion too, and ONLY let love through.
So the Staff of the shepherd is God's strength, that is revealed to you at great length, and IF on the strength of God's Word you lean, then all inner darkness will God from you wean. 
Yes, all darkness will be drawn out and free of inner sin you will then shout in JOY, and never again will you pain feel, for in heaven, but love does unreel. 
So heed the light and truth given you, for God's STAFF the Word, is so true, and heeding it IS THE ONLY WAY, GOD'S CALL FOREVER AND A DAY.  So all God's wisdom with love I impress upon your mind and soul and thus you bless saying:
Sweet sister and brother so dear,
to my love please now draw near,
for truly, I reach out to you,
yes, even those untrue,
And only I know what is at stake
as the darkness pulls in its GIANT RAKE
And if weeds around your ankles are bound,* by the rake's prongs will you be found,* and these spikes will dig very deep and for an eternity any lost will weep. 
So God's message needs quickly be found* so the mind stays fortified and sound, and thus, God's wisdom and love flow through thee and forever in heaven you'll be free. 
Testament 78
Reiteration on WHY Jesus came for you
JESUS came to SHOW THE WAY, how YOU help yourself another day when you Jesus' message believe, only then do you less grieve. 
It is GOD who does cleanse the soul.  Jesus "did it*" by demonstration as he did stroll, to show that non-retaliation is a must, and in this you needs God's Word trust.
It is GOD who cleanses your soul when in belief along you do stroll, and now as along you plod you will needs heed this man, for I say God inspires me. 
God says to thee through ME that you now needs heed me, for MY truth today sets you free with new understanding for sure, as again I knock on your door.
When you say "Jesus I see your shining star," you acknowledge that you believe me to GOD afar, and thus does God you bless.  God's love on your mind does impress, cleansing in every way, fortifying you as you go your way
In this WAY does Jesus’ name save you, by showing you what you needs do.  Just praying to Jesus or God when in trouble is fruitless says this man.
Rather to God daily say:
Help me believe Jesus' way
as told me by Jesus long ago
being his wisdom that again does flow
Through this your gentle pen
as spoken through your prophet chosen
to once again show the way
as your messenger today
So all must now believe the TRUTH of my weave, for when God's light you do see being the wisdom flowing from Jesus freely, will you for GOD call on Jesus' name in sincerity, not as a game, and truly, God then blesses you and God's wisdom via Jesus pulls you through. 
Testament 79
Reiteration on WHAT Jesus Did for You
All that Jesus HAS done for you, is to show you HOW to be true. 
Any who say: "Jesus did already you save" is a wolf and a very foolish knave.  Souls who confused be, will soon see what they will see.  False shepherds and false prophets too, I THE CHRIST say to you.
GOD wants you back.  GOD says "change tack.*" GOD reaches down, GOD does daily frown that all can so stupid be, that all can so blind be.  WHY would God Jesus send, as GOD can do all from His end? Because, God is bound* to stand back until you have found your reason and sanity too, then God's call reaches you.
YOU FIRST - have to believe
YOU FIRST do grieve
YOU FIRST heed me
That you can see the reality, the Wisdom and the clarity, the reason FOR LOVE, then only are you ready to return above.  As said, God can do all from His end, so why did he Jesus here send?
To TELL YOU what you needs do BEFORE God's cleansing love saves you by drawing your darkness OUT, before Satan's forces you clout.  So you are only saved by God when you BELIEVE this person.
Have I said ENOUGH today, can you UNDERSTAND what I say.
I hope so.  Just try and be true.  HEED Jesus, God THEN saves you.
Testament 80
I AM the Prophet of the East
THE PROPHET has the flesh* of the WEST but by God with the EAST greatly blest.  For out of Africa his soul arose, thus interwoven by colour* in his rose. 
Black and Red, Gold and White, all men passed by in his sight, and the beliefs that bind ALL be the result of darkness that flowed free.
All men are by God chosen.  All men by fear are frozen.  All men are in a mental BIND by forefathers teachings so unkind.  All afraid of the "other" man.  All afraid seeing not God's plan. 
All afraid, saying: "The other is wrong," all saying: "Look I am more strong, being, that more men follow me, being, thus God's will must with us be."
And thus God's children are shuttered and blind.  And thus God's children to each other unkind, and thus God's children needs follow me, the Prophet encompassing EAST and WEST, who BE the ONE, who has God in his sight, the ONE who knows wrong from right, the ONE who says:
"Follow me because ONLY I can clearly see."
So my brothers and sisters too, I call out to each one of you.  Matters not your creed for sure, matters not your colour or more, ALL OF US needs find the way quickly I now do say.  For, the dark side does now open up* and upon its OWN will it sup.
Being those who cannot give, being those who don't allow others to live, being those who others maul, being those who daily fall* by their deed in every way, by their deed not heeding God's say, by their deed that is wrong, believing they are right in doing wrong. 
MY LIGHT I give you. 
My light is true. 
My light - God's wisdom be,
my light - GOD gives you freely.
THE PROPHET says the MIND of the EAST needs let their soul on the Morning Star feast.  Meaning, they'll needs heed the say that MANY Prophets brought their way. 
Prophets are teachers too, all old souls to God very true, who bring the light down to earth into dark places where there is no mirth.  So, ANY Eastern believer in a God of love, of ANY name, needs heed this dove, for a dove but a messenger be, and this dove all will soon see.
And the message I bring from afar is about God's WISDOM, the Morning Star, the symbol of God's Might, God's TRUTH that shines day and night.  So, to the EAST' am I true* for I shall pull all through to ensure their swift return if God's MESSAGE they quickly learn.
And I may APPEAR on a Christian slant, but God's message I needs deeply implant into all, and "It's only love that is each souls CORE" I hear from above.  And the core needs be watered now with wisdom and truth.  I it bestow, for each soul will either wither and die or grow afresh and reach for the sky.
So fear not for "Eastern friends,*" I'll help all to make amends, for many would their maker meet, for many would their maker greet, and their Creator too awaits to see who is true, who will be eternally blessed with love, a golden wreath placed as a halo above upon their head, a Crown of Glory bestowed by God when they heed my story, and on THAT DAY I do see, in GOD'S REALM they abide with me free forevermore.
Freedom is in store.  Treasures of deepening love that outpour, being the SOURCE above.  Truly those shall blessed be who HEED Muhammad, Krishna, Buddha or ME deeply by abiding in God's WORD, by being peaceful and forgoing the sword. 
Testament 81
The triple six of which we speak is the negativity that traps the weak, and this negativity that God doth despise is the Devil and all must unmask its disguise.  So 'tis to man that many relate, but 'tis the Devil who controls the negative spate.  Yea he works through all men, e'en trying to confuse you as we come through your pen.
So we'll say more upon this road and lighten up your burdensome load for 'tis not your task to enlighten all, just to spread the truth to one and all.  They will see what they will see, some will aspire and become free, others being blinded from way below, so God's truth they'll neither see nor know.
The triple six exposed at last is the rising negativity, the satanic blast.  The Devil shown in earthly form, working through powers thought the norm.  And, all have accepted and followed see, believing that their way truthful be, so now, each must think and each decide, for the soul's journey is an individual ride.
666 the Devil, the lawless one, is revealed by the power of the Son, personified as mankind in the flesh, as being all souls still sinfully enmeshed.  All of society shall now fall to demonic powers short and tall.
The volume of sin within all in allows the amount of access of demons within.  Access to the mind through feelings of sin.  Telepathic subjugation will now really begin.  The source of this evil revealed at last, see it, believe it, prepare for Satan's blast.
Those "of God" must look to His star, be daily cleansed by its power from afar.  Those that believe not this truth through me will be trapped by negativity, and never be free.
Testament 82
From the wisdom we now see we are aware that religion is not free.  Religion is binding through its untruth, for it teaches not His proof.  Religion is untruthful and antichrist thus be.  This is the truth that we do see, so what we say to all mankind is:
TURN DIRECT TO GOD, and to self be kind.
Son the proof is HIS WORD that so many think is absurd.  Furthermore to this we say, 'tis why he died on that fateful day.  Died to show the FINAL proof that from brethren to not stand aloof, for in retaliation with the sword we FALL, not having heard the WORD.
So all in all His proof we see is the reality of what HE BE.  A divine soul from long ago who returned with truth to SOW, the truth that death at any time, leads the way to life divine if we heed the Word and pray, rather than retaliation, being the Devil's power play.
So son, 'tis the truth that religion taught not this proof for the reality of His death passed with Him on His final breath.  Only now to be revealed through your lips which from mankind was before sealed, and this truth that you now reveal will help those whom Satan would steal.
Testament 83
Karmic the reason be why mankind this before could not see, so blessings do now flow to you who faints not from the TRUTH to show, and the man Jesus when in the flesh, did himself with this world's sin enmesh, sin being Anger and Fear too, so He'd understand the "how do you do." *
He was a divine soul from aeons past who came to earth to break the fast, the fast being, the LONG DARK NIGHT where all mete out pain forgetting others plight. 
So now why He did come was to help mankind their journey won.  Their journey to heaven make and to "make it" one needs to put on the brake.  STOP causing pain and, 'twas not in vain for retribution I do see comes to those who heed not the message that BE.
BE the Word of God Jesus reiterated to those of the sod.  Peace unto all if you would return to the Creator's world a right you EARN.
ONLY when you the Word HEED can one rise above the negative breed.  So compassion, forgiveness and mercy for sure, if you're to make it to heaven's door.
Unreasoning insanity lies below.  This truth mankind must KNOW.  The only reprieve from their clutches be, ABIDING by the truth of God's Word see. 
BELIEVE IT, EVIL IS REAL, demonic forces would your soul steal.  Blind you to their existence and the proof of Christ's reality saying "From none stand aloof."
Would you live in heaven with all crystal clear smiling faces.  With love and good cheer, or, fall below where insanity abounds to torment you forever like bloodthirsty hounds. 
YOU CHOOSE for now is the TIME to be a FOOL or with angels drink wine.  I for one know where I'll go and I am here now to the truth SHOW. 
Testament 84
Dearest God I love you so, please give me wisdom as I go.
Keep my path enlightened and clear, and bless me so I have no fear.
Dearest God your gifts are mine, your love your light upon me shine.
My work for you will be no task, for all I ever need do is ask.
Dearest God my faith is great, I'll help the ones with fear and hate
so they can see the love of you.  Your light on them will shine so true.
Dearest God your light does shine, for I am yours and you are mine,
together forever in the truth.  From no man will I stand aloof.
Dearest God I daily pray that you will always show the way. 
Help me to grow in deep understanding, so I can tell others so they will soon sing.
Dearest God I bless you so, so glad I found you and now I know
the love you give is pure and true.  Dearest God I do love you.
Testament 85
God's Church & man's Church
God's Church and man's we must see are different for understanding to be, be the reality of what be, so that forever we can become free. 
People of God, give to the poor, not to the ministers who knock on the door.  Now is the time to really see it is the poor and needy who really need thee. 
So children, heed God's word, feed the poor, 'tis not absurd, all that was taken must for sure now be given back to the hungry and poor.
I bless you all, please now see what each soul must do to become free.  Follow not the ways of man, he is greedy and leaves you wan.  All the buildings built by the poor must be returned now for sure and used to house and to feed those abused by power and greed.
Heed me, 'tis the Word of God reaching down to the evil of the sod.  Hearken, 'tis MY final plea a'fore my children take all from thee.  Heed His word like never before; by your deeds He'll know you for sure.
All "His" ministers will this truth see and from their bondage set themselves free
Testament 86
The Antichrist
The Antichrist is the satanic force that draws near, and is mainly the greed and hatred and fear.  'Tis Satan in the worldly form that has entered and manipulates through powers thought the norm.
So now we see the satanic face showing itself in every race.  Through every soul that on the planet walks does this force at sometime talk.  And the spiritual head of this force is man's Church that has mislead all and left them in the lurch.
For it has not taught His truth see, but USED His authority for self gain o'er those free, those free being the poor.  The satanic church has knocked on every door, knocking His men* down onto the floor and using the sword as never before. 
Power hungry "servants*" shall fall to the floor for elevating of selves and not the poor.
"Think of my people" is the cry from above. 
"Feed and clothe the poor" is the cry of the dove.
Soldiers of fortune and soldiers of war, think twice I ask, for are you so sure that killing for a society that has deceived you, absolves you from God's justice that will flow through?
You'll all reap now as you sowed, so prepare now for the extra heavy load.  Show you are MEN when standing naked and free.  Retaliate NOT when confronted and I'll elevate thee.
Oh, sweet children, can you not see how dark forces deceived all powers that be.  For self gain and control was the aim of ALL races of people who will now fall. 
Now all society must this see and then in truth face REALITY for religion can us not save, only the WORD OF GOD heeded by those brave.
HEED THE WORD - is the cry of the dove. 
You're known by DEED - I hear from above. 
See it and do it and you'll become FREE
'tis a must if you'd walk with ME.
Believe, believe, says the power behind this pen.  Believe, believe, say the voices of heavenly men.  Jesus our saviour is here today, look to His star and to Him daily pray.  The mighty power of love in His star will daily cleanse your minds from afar.
Fortify your mind, build an ARK within, 'tis the only way you'll not fall to inner sin.  As inner sin rises to clear you'll be strong and not give in to Hatred and Fear. 
When the evil sin one day flashes clear out, your purified soul will give a great shout.  Free at last from control below as they can no longer reach you to untruth sow.
Bless you darlings do your best; we are with you to help you pass the test. 
Testament 87

We are neither safe, and neither saved UNTIL we are on that stairway to heaven paved.  For anytime whilst still in the flesh can we fail and fall, by evil enmeshed. 
This is but SIMPLE TRUTH for all to see if they are to ENSURE that they become free.  'Tis only love by the grace of our Lord above that cleanses our souls and gives the upward shove.
And we needs persevere up to the end. We're not saved by His forgiveness but by OUR compassion this end.  When He sees that WE compassionate be, then, and only then, by grace will He set us free. 
'Tis a simple message but for sure truth, that from our brothers we must not stand aloof.* Forget the colour race or creed, for each is known simply by deed.
The message contained so simple be, I wonder why others can it not see that we're only saved by the grace of our Lord when we not only hear but abide by His word.  And not only must we persevere unto the end but be compassionate to all He does us send. 
So foolish it seems to one as me that so many THINK they are already free, free to abuse and NOT abide by His word, then ask for forgiveness so as to avoid the sword.
Seems unreal but it is a matter of fact.  MANY souls believe it, thinking Jesus made with them a pact, the pact being that He would set them free.  He promised that if they Christians be.* They seem to forget the conditions imposed, BEFORE by Grace, Jesus would Satan dispose*.
So, I hope dear one that my message be one that will help keep your dear soul free, and please pass it on to any you feel could help others to understand the spiritual reel.
Those that THINK they can this truth AVOID will for sure fall into the VOID, for 'tis but ego that holds them apart from Jesus' simple truth and they cannot start.  I'm already saved will be their cry as their souls tumble from out the sky, for if sin they must in STUPID belief in thinking they're saved, their insight is brief.
Anyhow friends I write this to thee because I love you and want to keep you free.  'Tis by our deeds that we are known, NOT by "we are saved," this is deceit sown. 
Souls who are blinded think they can SIN and by asking forgiveness, think they can WIN.  This is the blinding of subtle deceit see, for then later their soul says I don't need thee. 
For this is the power of the Ego force, which does a man from God divorce.  “I am the ONE,” it later thinks as slowly but surely it spiritually sinks. 
So go your way with peace inside, cleanse your mind so no untruth can within hide.  Do all you can to pass His messages on, on the REALITY of His star to us on the run. 
For Divine exorcism be His truth to help us from our brethren to not stand aloof.  For, 'tis only when our minds are free, that to others we are truly able to GIVE, see.  So in all can we see the satanic face, any soul who heeds not God's Word is of that race. 
Please friends do what you must do and help HIS message flow speedily through.  Remember, as inner negativity clears, lessening our doubts and inner fears, our souls become brighter as we streak for the Sun, we're then happier and more able to follow the ONE.
Testament 88
The blood of our Lord was shed for you
so you'd understand His message coming through. 
His message was life eternal for sure,
for all mankind who believed in His spoor.
FOLLOW HIS FOOTPRINTS, and do as he did,
this was the covenant no longer hid,
and this Wisdom is for ALL TO SEE,
There was but one Covenant given by Christ's See,
that was the Covenant of "FOLLOW ME." (Go as a lamb to the slaughter when faced by adversity)
and His blood that spilled to the floor
was His TRUTH issuing forth for sure. (Pay your dues without retaliating)
His GRACE belongs to no ONE,
but to EVERY BELIEVER under the Sun.
So the Jews from Israel I see are not the only descendants of HE.  No divine connection can we "impose" onto any soul not carrying His "Rose." The rose of love and deep purity, SHOWN by those giving compassion and mercy, and the Jewish race as I do see, has long gone forgone His covenant to BE; to be the ONLY WAY to His life, a life in heaven away from all strife, - - - The 'way' - - - Peace unto ALL.
And He now calls out through this His pen, calls out LOUD to all of His men,* ladies and men that believe in his Word to speak truth and wield not the sword.  Lay down your life in calmness and ease, only this’ way’ will your soul not freeze.
For those that HEAR NOT what our Lord did
will for an eternity from heaven be hid.
Thank you Jesus for holding my hand, I will do my best to expose the satanic band, how He reaches up into the earthly race and via our negativity shows His face, for we needs recognise and this truth see,* if we're to understand and follow thee, for if we cannot this force expose, then for sure of its power can we not dispose.
God's Covenant
Being the trust in - - - and observance to God's Holy Word as required by God for the Salvation of individuals, and the Word of God being, - - -
"Be peaceful, do not disturb the peace, be merciful & compassionate and forgiving towards those yet 'in sin' living and, - - - turn the other cheek if struck and, - - - follow Christ to the cross 'as a lamb to the slaughter' if you would become My son or daughter."
Those that 'bow' in subservience to this Covenant with God will be saved.
The Antichrist force
The Antichrist is the invisible satanical force that daily grows in power within all nations, and its 'rule' of regulation & punitive Law established itself within every country in place of the 'Covenant' agreement of God. Those that continue to 'bow' in subservience to political control and support it and fund its warring and punitive ways will 'die in their sin' as they fall below because, - - - it is a 'Covenant' with the Serpent.
Thank you, Father, and Jesus and Mother too,
for the Trinity so loving and true. 
Thank you for your blessings up above
that you forever shower down to us with love.
God bless.  Godspeed.
Testament 89
I write on understanding and ‘punishment’ see, for in the NEW AGE, that's where the difference will be.  Now it's punishment for all wrong that you do, for as yet there's no forgiveness coming through for we lack understanding deep, deep within, the understanding of how and why we sin.
But now as the sin doth leave our bowls,* our minds will be clearer and we'll be more understanding souls.
And we'll be forgiving and merciful too to all those around us who love us true, for now is the beginning, the beginning of the end, where our dear God in heaven sends His love this end. 
For His love is now cleansing as never before, so hold fast to his Wisdom, that's for sure.  The Wisdom, His Word of what was to be, for only this way friends will your souls stay free.
Look daily to His star shining high up above, 'tis filled to capacity with his endless love.  This Star of David and Bethlehem too, will divinely exorcise and help you through.  Through the difficult days now ahead when all are filled with terror and many fall dead.  Just look to His arms for they'll be around you, and for sure uplift you if to him you are true.
God speaks:
“To the King's men I again write, those of this world who'd be lifted upright. 
HEED THE WORD from Terence's pen, he is your guide, MY foremost of men.  His counsel you must heed if you're to stay free from the negative breed, for those below now thought sow and project it UP into your minds to grow.
More of this will I reveal for to warn how they your soul steal.  For, if they your sanity overthrow, you fall to sin and below you go.  Blessed children see the light, the truth of REASON and others plight. 
All but all will now see how difficult it will be to stay free, free from thought streaming in, thoughts of fear and hatred pouring in.  Pouring in from way below where all evil thought doth grow. 
Blessed children, who are mine, heed this WORD, 'tis love divine
and this MY WORD it only be, for your dear souls to become FREE.”
Testament 94
There is no "God and the Devil," there is but GOD.  GOD IS ALL. 
GOD IS the Light and the Dark
There IS light and darkness, but the ESSENCE is ONE
GOD is the essence, the essence has two polarities.
Creative (expressive) AND Destructive (constrictive)
The creative side is the LIGHT – GOOD.
The destructive side is the DARKNESS – EVIL.
The light is called many names, God, Allah Jehovah, etc. 
The darkness is called many names, Satan, Devil, Shetani, etc.
The Light is the DIVINE SPARK - positive essence of LOVE, Joy & happiness.
The Dark is the SIN - negative essence of HATRED, Fear & Greed, etc.
We are created in the image of God by GOD.  We are Created by the Light in the light.  We thus have the divine spark within being LOVE that encompasses all positive emotions joy, etc, as well as the seeds of darkness known as original SIN that encompasses all negative emotions, hatred, etc.
We are supping on evil through our sin when we abuse or deceive.  We overcome the SIN by heeding the Wisdom of the Word.
The emotions of sin are cleansed out of us by the Grace of God, one by one, and only when fully cleansed and thus pure within are we able to return to and abide in the ultimate heaven.
The Light says: LOVE ONE ANOTHER
by only letting my light shine through you. 
The Dark says: IF you heed not the call to LOVE
and you allow my darkness to flow through you, I will destroy you.
"Vengeance is mine," sayeth the Lord our God.
The light says: What you sow so shall ye reap
The Dark says: I will NOT let you go,
until you HAVE reaped what you did sow.
Testament 98
The MAN called Jesus came before, this you remember for sure for sure, full of insight and wisdom and strength, that he could see THE FUTURE, he showed at great length. 
But with all his Might what you did SEE was that to his DEATH, HE walked calmly.  'Twas his proof for all to SEE that ONLY in this way we reach eternity.
Yes, the seventh day the day of rest, when we ASPIRE and join the best, freedom forevermore in His Kingdom that's for sure. 
Now the time for BELIEVERS see, no more OUTWARD miracles for a time to be, for now the greatest miracle is by God performed IN THEE, being the speedy spiritual cleansing out of negativity. 
So now the time has COME to test you, yes EVERYONE through our sinning in the past.  The sin will RISE WITHIN at last at last.  Those that heed the Word will it CONTAIN and from striking out will REFRAIN, and if they die through others misused, in a twinkling of an eye they'll be with God infused. 
YES, spiritually ELEVATED UP above to God leaving the flesh here on the sod, but those that die as they others MAUL will in a flash BELOW FALL.
The time has now come and I do see what is meant by ETERNITY, for the flow moves swiftly on and we'll needs strive harder to the race won. 
Clarity 'tis what I need, clarity to see the negative weeds, clarity in all I do, clarity to help all be true.  True to their souls in what they do, true to God's truth showing through, true to others who are around, true to those with minds unsound.

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