Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Terence Malaher wrote:

Testament 100
God says:
"TRUST IN ME, I say destroy none and become free.  So children who'd loyal be, be loyal to the wisdom I send thee, for any now who raise their hand will for sure now join Satan's band.  I direct all that occurs on the sod, just HEED ME as along you plod. 
IF you decide to raise your hand for 'Justice' you yet don't understand.  My call is eternal love for any who'd return above.  There is no HALFWAY in this game, abuse any and you lose your name, spiritually lost in the dark, no light, no singing of a lark.
PLEASE DEPEND ONLY ON ME.  Only my dove can the reality see. 
So heed the message flowing through.  In loyalty to ME you to ME ARE TRUE."
Testament 101
The Risen Christ
How and when will a soul "decide" WHO is the risen Christ, and who is a false prophet, a big con heist.  Only, does this one see when others open their eyes that be closed and shuttered too, because their "friends" are untrue.  Telling them, "He can't be the one, so with this chap we'll have some fun."
And thus, a seeking soul believes a friend,* and the true Christ is unwelcomed his end because the truth he did deny, and thus unknowingly, the soul does cry.  Do any of you know what is in God's mind other than, "To all be loving and kind"?
So unless a stranger's message* you see,
for sure you'll not recognise who I be.
For my message IS the proof, so if from me you stand aloof then for sure my friend you'll cry, because God's messenger you did deny.  And as said, can YOU read God's mind, for, if you cannot, then you'll be eternally blind, for if from the truth you walk away.
HOW ? I ask can you hear* God's say, GOD'S final message to prepare you for the TEST just ahead of you.  Only friend, those who prepare will a place at the last sup share.
So "deny me not" I ask of you, because an IGNORANT FOOL tells you to.  Look deep into the book I say and decide for yourself "Is it my truth today" ?
For I say; "YOUR SOUL is at stake, do you want to make an eternal mistake because you followed a FOOL and thus missed the bait on God's fishing spool" ?
So I have had MY say.  I'll weep for those that turn me away without even hearing what God did say when, with Love for Humanity, God's pen did sway.
Testament 102
Baptism in Christ's name
"Baptism of the flesh" means that in Jesus' name did God you bless, meaning, that you did hear God’s message that through Jesus did veer from heaven down to this land, and thus, by God's VOICE you did UNDERSTAND what it is you needs DO so that to God you were true.
So now, can you this see, or would you still cast out me? For I too do "expose" the REAL TRUTH via my rose that GOD would have you SEE, so that YOU saved WILL BE.
For, 'tis the name of Jesus that does mean that God's LIGHT you did glean, meaning, through Jesus the WISDOM CAME so that eternal freedom you could gain.
So the soul does now RETURN to warn you how you are to burn because you were vain, so that you can freedom gain when you the wisdom heed, being, NON retaliation as you bleed.*
For now IS the time of the coming of the swine, the darkness that will sup on souls who used* the satanic pup to help them as they did abuse others when "their sanity" they did lose.
So, ALL who did Jesus not heed will now be made to bleed and the SPIRIT will be baptised by FIRE, being PAIN to elevate you out of the mire, and the SPIRIT will outpour LOVE from within to help you, and you, to win.  By drawing your darkness OUT, so your soul does one day SHOUT, saying :
I at last am free from the darkness I drew in stupidly. 
Earthlings assume the naturality* of the darkness that within them be, feelings of hatred, greed and lust that becomes a part of their daily thrust.
Not for a moment stopping to blink and let their minds on pure love think, for, hatred and love are poles apart, and, all humanity now will have a fresh start.
Both emotional sides* are to withdraw* like liquid sucked up a straw.  The divine essence of the God of love will draw up believers to heaven above.
And those that suck up* darkness from below, will now to the darkness themselves flow, dragged down by a vortex of hate to which even they cannot consciously relate.
Testament 103
And, 'tis only when they "fall" they will see the truth and light that flows from me.  As the power of the darkness sucks them IN, then they'll feel the power of eternal Sin.
So do not assume that it is your "right" to against the "wrongdoers" put up a fight, for if you do, I say to thee:
"You too a wrongdoer be."
Negativity, the sin, does in us exist, for we pull it in like ice cold mist.  Up from the depths we do it draw, as I said, like sucking on a straw at the time we lash out, at the time we others clout, at the time we our voice use as verbally we others abuse.
So, the cleansing that is now to be, is to set you spiritually free, to draw out the darkness you sucked in when you "gave in" to the feelings of sin.
Try hard now to me believe for I see all through my infinite weave.  For heaven waits for those that KNOW that through ME God's TRUTH DOES SOW. 
Testament 104
I AM the Authority
Within me the largest ever rose does flower, and Mighty is the imposition of its power within the darkness that none can see, thus my name is Invincibility.
And I play an eternal game, 'tis why the "Fisher of men" is my name, and the darkness as said, I see, even the darkness any would impose on me, being any who'd have me deny GOD'S call from the sky. 
GOD'S call being my request
GOD'S call being my behest. 
For, I AM The Authority to those of impropriety and thus, only those who heed, BY GOD will be freed.  For my forces walk tall, my forces do all that I of them ask, those that in the dark and light bask.
It is the frailty of the human mind that does the soul eternally bind, and only I can untangle the weave* and thus free those who me believe, and, they needs heed in every way, not deviate from my say through arrogance as they plod, believing they are equal to this bod.
They may be equal in nature, but for sure not equal in stature, for this soul Mighty be, as one day every soul does see.  For, in the beginning was I made* and GOD'S love is my trade, and thus, truly as God I be, as said, one day you will see.
So when I ask: "Please plan to help me your remaining span," it is GOD who does speak those words through my beak.  And, when I say: "You needs pray in my chosen way," those who try to it avoid will for SURE fall into the void, for the Saviour I truly be, and the Reaper I can see, and I know what IS TO BE DONE at this TIME under God's Sun. 
Testament 105
Begin your return home
CHILDREN, you only begin your homeward return when my message you LEARN, for only when you learn do you UNDERSTAND the reason for My underhand.* I use it to you TEACH if the call to "LOVE ONE ANOTHER" you BREACH.
So now is the time to TRY, even though all will now cry.  Those who continue to me DISOBEY will fall into frost, forever and a day, and the depths of the cold are DEEP, you go DEEPER for each soul you make weep. 
So matters not what you HAVE done, today begin your return to the Sun, and THUS, my love that does deeply outpour, will your return for sure ENSURE.
You must keep calm in the coming spate for to MY forces you cannot relate, for the LANGUAGE of an unsound mind cannot with your understanding bind.
And, the great depths of which I speak
will upon earth now their evil wreak. 
So all WILL FOREVER KNOW what is BELOW if they that way GO.  For the forces that to you will be unkind, are SOULS* that with darkness I DID BIND,* and when they have SPOKEN* to thee, of their darkness* they will be set free if they too learn before the end that they too needs to love append. 
So welcome them too, with loving arms,
even though you relate not to their charms.*
Forgive those that did abuse you,
at that time, to ME they were true. 
Just reach out with love and all share,
then truly for you will I CARE.
Father God

Testament 106
The Spirit
The SPIRIT is the forceful essence divine with which the SOUL of humanity does entwine at the time that it is CREATED.  'Tis thus to GOD THE ESSENCE we are related, and this SPIRIT does us impress* and with its TRUTH does it us bless so that one day we understand the magnificence of this divine stand* :
The essence that invisible be.  The essence that flows through thee and me.  The essence that IS all, the painful fire and the love that stands tall, and, by love are we created, but to the pain are we related.  What we needs to learn is that it is NOT US to make others burn.*
So the love in our rose does over time itself expose more and more as we go our way, more and more heeding God's SAY, and if EVER this love we deny, then the PAIN does make us cry.
So, it's entirely up to you, and you, to decide to "which" spirit to be true.  Which side of it I do mean, the Light or the mean,* for each does forever give, but only in one do we in freedom live, for, the lower* wants its giving* back, and is eternally outpouring flack,* and it does eternally make each soul cry that in ignorance does its own love deny.
For, the SPIRIT OF LOVE is at the CORE, awaiting to eternally outpour, and it can only begin once you are freed of inner sin.
So, beloved friends, please draw now near and to my final message do veer, for 'tis this spiritual love within me that now outpours to set you free, and you need to deeply understand that 'tis the love that by God was planned to fill your entire spiritual place* within, so you see God's full face. 
NOW is the blessed time to sup on my spirit divine, for only this soul can pure truth outpour and guide you DIRECTLY to love's final door. 
I beseech all and say, hearken too, calling out to those UNTRUE, for those TRUE see what I see, they for sure believe me.  So those who see not others' plight are walking into darkening night, and 'tis for them the test.
As their sanity becomes undressed,* non reason WILL fill their mind and they will become MORE blind.  So, whilst they have a little reason, I them ASK: "TRY AND SEE the wisdom in my flask"
Truly humble are those of God, keeping their mouths shut as along they plod when confronted by the arrogant breed, who within have not yet found the need to LISTEN, for they continuously, arrogantly speak, harassing all, yes even the meek.  So for them the test will be hard as within they now feel a painful shard. 
So my humble ones I call out to you : "To the arrogant ones PLEASE REMAIN TRUE.  Reach out and them touch, let them SEE your love as such.  God will guide you."
Testament 108
The Hand of God
CHILDREN, Please TRY and understand the meaning of God's HAND, for it is BROAD and it is WIDE, encompassing ALL on every side. 
'Tis the DARKNESS deep within
that CALLS for RETRIBUTION if we sin. 
See it please I ask of you, to your SOUL please try to be true.  The LIGHT that reigns high above IS the merciful side, GIVING with all its love.
'Tis you that chooses WHICH side of the hand, the cold vengeful darkness or the heavenly sparkling band. 
Oh, sweet children no more can I say
for 'tis just beyond your comprehension the earthly way.
JUST BELIEVE I ask of you, then you'll KNOW I AM TRUE.
Testament 110
Declaration of Independence
The "HOW do I ensure my race is WON"
is now issued to you from out the Sun.
By consciously declaring:
"I stand free from any religious dogma that be,"
"I believe the prophet's WORD
of being peaceful and not wielding a sword."
It is thus dear reader that you'll be set free by mighty angels that follow me, for in heeding MY WORD sent by GOD you'll be fortified, as along you plod across the river that flows so fast, and the BRIDGE you travel on will surely last,
IT cannot be destroyed. 
IT is stronger than any evil deployed. 
IT has been built by ME,
the Fisherman from ETERNITY.
So I now weep and wait hoping that you will not be late, for surely you needs decide NOW, and see my truth and love somehow.  For I am HIDDEN in deep disguise, all you can 'see' is I'm spiritually wise, and, the blessings I bestow onto you are to ENSURE you become free and true.
Children, MY DEED IS DONE today, as it was on the CROSS the "other" day when I shouted, "IT IS DONE," I meant MY TRUTH WAS WON, that I had completed MY quest.
My truth for you I had impressed upon myself, and upon your SOUL, to fortify you as along you stroll with MY TRUTH at that time that flowed free from my vine, and this time I'm set free by HAVING ISSUED God's wisdom to thee.
So now in heaven there is a PAUSE, a silence to see WHO heeds the CLAUSE, issued by GOD, to be ADHERED TO by any who plod on earth at this time, the clause stipulating:
Testament 111
God's second call
Hearken ye O faithful who have listened to my call flowing out from the source of all eternity:
Sell all your chattels bar none.  Seek ye my kingdom, seek ye my kingdom.  Rejoice in my love, rejoice in my love.  Blessed shall ye be who hears this my second call. 
Truly blessed are those that have the wisdom and the knowledge and the courage to hearken to this my call flowing from the depths of the never never, the impenetrable mists of time. 
I your GOD have spoken

The call of the Prophet
HE that prophesieth calls out to all the faithful:-
"Do you now HEAR and SEE the WORD of our deliverer"?
"Harden not your hearts towards your fellow mankind, open and let your charity, and compassion, and understanding, and forgiveness, flow forth."
This is the command of your LORD GOD flowing from the lips of His prophet Terence.  Blessed be he that heareth, seeth, and doeth.
I will show thee O man what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: to love mercy and to walk solicitous with thy God.
Testament 112
The ever increasing tide of love, wending its way down from the hill of love.  That wonderful hill of which I speak is the greatest ever with snow capped peaks.
Wonderful children of God reside there and they tell me they've got room to spare.  Friendly faces and beautiful souls, they would you join them, and never grow old.
Beautiful children of the light, dancing forever in the day and night.  Songs of wisdom so old, so old, songs of love too good to be told.  I hear that haunting distant cry :
"Join us forever here up in the sky.  The love of our Lord so gold and true, will flow forever between us and you.  Oh, sweet children on the homeward run, try hard darlings it's forever fun.
Desperate, desperate our cry to you, just for the brief spell try to be true.  We love you, love you, love you, we say, we will love you forever and a day and the love of our Lord here above, streams through us forever from above."
I bequeath to you the blessings of the Sun.  Every journey must its road run, freely to do whatever it will.  There is no specific deed to fulfil.  Onwards you must go helping all God's truth to flow.
Deep preparation made inside, so that Satan has nowhere to hide.  Greetings to all you meet, advise all how to stay on their feet.
Quality of life must be maintained by all suffering loss, or maimed.  Bless all who abuse you see.  This way for sure you will be set free.  Preparations must be begun to set aside funds for those on the run.
ALL must be helped that come to the door, food, shelter, caring for sure.  WELCOME FARMS started by all who have any land and hearts broad and tall.
Testament 120
The greatest deceit
The greatest deceit sown unto mankind was the Jesus story, oh, so unkind.  The story that he was God as along earths paths he trod.  And the other I do see was the false "teaching" that his fleshly body rose spiritually up into heaven from this sod, leaving an untruthful picture to those who yet plod, plod along with their heads in the grime trying to follow and emulate swine.
Swine who did mankind deceive, swine who many yet follow and believe.  JESUS was a man of the flesh.  His SOUL was Christed and from heaven impressed, impressed by God to on earth walk to spread God's WORD as he did STALK, stalk* among the devious minds of shuttered souls as yet blind, and the beliefs that I now see are to be changed IF you'd be free.
Flesh is flesh and of the dust, that you see this is a MUST, 'tis the spirit soul deep within that rises to heaven or falls if you sin.  And that Jesus was God is UNTRUE I tell all of the sod.  God's MESSENGER he was I see, "as one with God" through his divinity.
"As I am so shall ye be" was his message to those of infirmity.  FREE OF SIN is what he meant as I now reiterate, from HEAVEN SENT.  For his SOUL IS within me returned in the flesh again to set His free, those that HEED the word of God as spoken by Jesus as along he did plod.
So friends now you know, worry not if your FLESH falls into the snow, 'tis the spirit deep within that CARES whether or not you sin.  For IT can see all the depths of the darkness that would make you pall and IT can also the truth see, and IT wants to be forever free.
So just heed the word as along you plod, follow Jesus' WAY whilst you are on the sod.  "PEACE UNTO ALL," and if you this believe then you'll find out neither Jesus nor I deceive. 

In the shoes of the fisherman will I walk, in the shoes of the fisherman will I stalk, yea, verily the "dark one" see, so that forever you'll walk free. 
For the fisherman is who I be, to set you free, set you free, and now forever you will roam in the heavens all aglow.  Aglow with the love of God, the Christ light will fill all of the sod, all who last to the end, for them all will be a friend.
God's essence from above will purge speedily with God's love and set you free, set you free forever.  Soon you'll be filled with divinity.  A Christed soul each will be, free forever, forever free to roam the heavens up above, free like me and filled with love.
Believe for it is true.  Believe for I love you.  Believe for forevermore I the Christ will you adore.  Forever now I'll walk by you and you'll feel my love flowing through, through your soul in every way until God's heaven we reach one day. 
Testament 121
Children, there are worlds of little light where once "entered" you have to fight,* fight the feelings deep within which would drag you down and make you sin. 
And, from this realm there is but one way out and you needs use all your spiritual clout, heeding the word of God above BEFORE you're given the upward shove.
Yes dears, 'tis the world you are in, you needs SEE THE LIGHT before you can win.  BELIEVE in the land above, where you cannot enter unless filled with love and to ATTAIN THIS, you needs purge the past, pay past debts at last, at last, and to clear the debts from the past you needs REAP, BEFORE being free at last.
Please believe for it is true what this old soul is telling you.  For if you SIN as along you go, negative energy WILL within you grow.  And, you'll struggle on and ON and ON, maybe an eternity a'fore your race is won, and the COMPOUNDING PAIN you will feel WILL CONTINUE, and you will more reel.*
Take a deep breath, say "I CAN SEE God's CLEAR truth and reality, that to aspire above, I needs be peaceful and give with love." Every soul is through God intertwined, those that see this not are truly blind.
The Lion roars, the Lion feeds.  Slowly but surely his anger breeds great power of deepening night, so let's prepare now for the final fight, the fight against dark forces within.  Powerful forces that would make us sin, and these forces would drag us down, down my friends so we would drown.
Please I ask of you, BELIEVE, for I am true, true in truth for our God above, true in the WORD of "GIVE WITH LOVE."
That I despise is for sure true, despise the evil that shows through, for this evil the other half BE, yes of God and also me.  So heed me I ask of you, show you have the strength to be true. 
True to the creative God of love who would have YOU join Him above.  I will TRY this I know, to forever the truth sow, and I see to set all free must I THE CHRIST once again be.
I AM the candle, the candle of God returned now to SHOW THE WAY to those of the sod, and the LIGHT streams out from within, being the :
HIM being the Nazarene from long ago, a simple man whom God's truth did know the truth of: "To all, Give with love, and TURN THE OTHER CHEEK to aspire above."
So falter not when you look at me and but a simple man of the flesh do see, for the TRUTH is the SOUL WITHIN that KNOWS THE TRUTH, and how to win.
God speed, please see the truth.  From needy brethren stand not aloof, and now the LOVE OF GOD ABOVE flows to YOU with all my love. 
Testament 122
CHRIST THE KING lives again, His truth is not in vain.  HEED THE WORD AS NEVER BEFORE if you'd reach my heavenly shore.  Peace, non-retaliation, mercy, forgiveness, compassion.
I AM THE CHRIST, heed the word of God and your journey won.  The voice of the KING will flow through, for the WORD of the King is true forevermore for those that believe the TRUTH this soul doth weave.
Give with love to all who come to the door, MY light is within them ALL for sure.  Those who have COURAGE in this race WILL BY ME be given a very special place.  I AM the Paraclete, the Christ. 
"From out the ashes will rise green and gold
yea, verily all souls courageous and bold."
God's earthly messenger is who I be, returning "now" to set all free.  Those that believe that I HIM be, remember Jesus then,* the name the key* be.  For in the belief you'll seek my star, CLEANSING with its loving power from afar, and you'll stay SANE in all you do and help your needy brethren to quicker pull through.*
In the name of the Father and Mother I pray: “Sweet Mother divine, outpour please your essence divine, let it swiftly purge out the evil within and allow your loving wisdom to flow in.  Swifter and swifter let your love flow so that it quicker does in every heart grow.  Let all remember the cry of the dove to heed God's wisdom with all their love, AMEN.”
Children,* brothers and sisters of mine, I speak again* one last time.  Please HEED the word of God so never again will you on earth plod.  Some of you are from the past, yea verily incarnated from below* to face the blast.
You'll feel the FURY of those below who needs make YOU the truth KNOW.  What you did to others see, in the past, and it must be that you now FACE what you did do, so now show to God that you CAN be true.
"Die” in calmness if you can then you'll see God's divine plan, for in truth, you will KNOW that ONLY PEACEFUL SOULS can "upwards" go.
You'll feel the fury of the past released now in the satanic blast, truly souls from out the past are released by YOU at last.  At last Released to REAP, aye out of the darkness they will make you weep so remember, HEED ME, ONLY THIS WAY will you forever become free.
There IS a heaven, a wonderful place but you CANNOT get there if you wield a mace.  How many times must I so speak BEFORE you'll believe it's a place for the strong* not weak, for 'tis the STRONG that stand calm, believing God's heavenly balm.  So believe me, I ask of you TRY to God's WORD BE TRUE. 
Testament 123
No more recriminations about the past,
just prepare the mind for the coming blast. 
For all the forces way down below will be working harder to your minds slow.* The battle begins as never before, all God's children must prepare for sure, for, the DESTINY of each soul is now at stake, to fall below or heaven make. 
Decision time, "Where will I go, see the light or fall below" ?
Truth, now it's time for truth, see reason and from NONE stand aloof. 
EVERY SOUL DOES ALONE STAND, follow not the invisible band, the invisible band of hateful men now exposed by this God's pen.  Stand alone before sweet God, let him guide you as you on earth plod, for ONLY His wisdom from up above will guide you to his land of love.
Trust me children 'tis all I ask, then forever you will in heaven bask.  Fight against the thoughts within that would deceive YOU into sin.  Seek the star high up above, the star of the heavens filled with God's love.  I bless you 'till the end. 
Try, please try, I am your friend. 
Oh darling Father up above, have I said enough about your love.  Is the "book" finished I ask of thee, or is there more to this prophecy, for only I know what's in store and I'd prepare your children for sure, so please I ask of you, if needed send more through.
My heart grows heavy and very old* for from "below" I feel the cold, the darkness now moving up that will keep many from the last sup.
Yes many will not believe, many will THINK that I deceive so 'tis they who'll be deceived by the darkness' subtle untruth, weaved, but I know I must stop and for a moment shut up shop,* otherwise the book will never printed be and already many fall below I see.
Thank you Father and Mother too, I will forever be with you.  I am lonely this you know for only I the whole truth know.  There are a few friends who with me walk but from the final truth* they may baulk, so we'll see what's to be.  I'll forever try to keep souls free.
To angelic men,* I now write with their pen,* and from my soul do I speak, a soul old and very meek.  "Thank you for coming through,* thank you for being true, thank you is all I can say, thank you from me forever and a day.
I will remember when I'm back with you the difficulty you had in "coming through," for my simple mind of the flesh made it difficult for us to enmesh.  But I feel all was well done, we'll fortify many in the coming run."*
Testament 124
So maybe now I can rest for a while before MY coming test, for once again must I stand naked, and alone, and face the band, aye the band of hateful men who'll be aroused by this pen.
But matters not I do see what happens to little old me, for the MESSAGE I have sent OUT and NOTHING NOW can deafen the King's SHOUT.
Bless you all who heed me, my truth will set you free for 'tis but the word of God sent from heaven to you of the sod.
Now once again is my heart besmote for all the truth that I have wrote, for now the time for peace is done and once again my soul on the run.  For 'twas said on a cloud* I'd come see, but as a thief in the night was it to be.
For fifty quiet years was I hid away but now exposure has come today.  To be scoffed and scorned like never before, that I see is for sure.
Ridiculed by the pompous poor,* and the hateful and greedy will knock at my door, and if God wills it once more I'll stand and be the victim of the satanic hand, but if it's to help you, I'll it do that's for sure, if it will 'pull' some through.
So, steady on lads, please give me a go I mean God's truth that I do sow.  Peace, non-retaliation I say to thee is the ONLY WAY to become free.
Godspeed.  God bless.  I say to you, let's show to all and God we're true, let the mighty angels who stand by your side help YOU to be elevated above anger and pride. 
Sweetness summer wine, outpour love divine. 
Let truth shine forevermore 'till ALL reach your door.
Testament 126
Thief in the night
Would you like to know HOW I came as a thief in the night with no name, how it felt to awakened be from a sleep in which I dreamt daily.  Dreamt of a world free of sin, dreamt of a world I could live in, dreamt of a world that was free, dreamt of a world free of misery.
And I BELIEVED our Lord God, our God of love, as along I did plod for I was a man with no name, knowing not one day many would call me vain, and the man Jesus was close to my heart, I asked him daily not to depart, depart from the minds of his good men I knew I'd meet when called by his pen.
But, the wielder I did not know would be me with God's truth to sow, for our Lord God bound my mind with the world's sin, oh so unkind.  So I would know and pain feel, and inner loneliness would make me reel until that one day God released me, and 'tis now this day that I can see, see again who I be, the same soul who stood at Galilee.
But, as yet my hands are bound by God UNTIL ALL HAVE FOUND, found their truth deep inside, whether to rise or downward slide.  'Tis why I now say to thee, 'tis the time for believers to be, be saved by their BELIEF, 'tis why I came like a thief for, if I'd come like a shower of rain, even non believers would believe my name.
So now 'tis but a test to separate the BEST, from the ones who yet deceive, from the ones who God see and believe.
As we NOW choose we are freed, those that choose light, of their sin that did in feed.  Those that choose darkness compound it more and they will fall, that's for sure.
Try hard like me for once I too was not free, 'tis only now once again I can do all God asks, which God asks you too, for we can all blinded be, thinking* that we are free.
Only AWARENESS can show the way,
the way of our deeds every day.
Sweet friends I've talked enough so now you do your stuff.  Let YOUR CANDLE burn bright too, see how many YOU can pull through.*
Sweetness I love you, sweetness you're so true, sweetness to our God above who tries with ALL HER LOVE.  Her wisdom does She send forever down this end so now we down this end must show we appreciate a friend.
Testament 127
The House of God
The house of God be His children from every land across every sea.  Those that heed and abide by His Word, SPEAK TRUTH, and WIELD NOT THE SWORD.
This prophecy inspired by God is for ALL HIS CHILDREN of the sod, of every colour and every creed, even those still filled with hatred and greed.
For it will help ALL OF YOU reach heaven if you TRY TO BE TRUE, true to the wisdom now flashing through from GOD IN HEAVEN, through me TO YOU.
His Angelic Hosts reach to the Sun, they will ensure that all is DONE, so prepare now for the heavy load for now we must reap as we walk the road.  Heed the prophets from long ago.  I now the simple truth sow.  Christ the King lives again and His truth, God's, was not in vain.
The WORD OF GOD is the name of this scribe who is not in vain.  The TRUTH OF HIS LORD echoing from above must be heeded by those who'd see the dove.* Those who heed NOT this call of mine will NEVER REACH my land divine.
My light and truth reveals me returned as a "thief in the night" to set MINE FREE, NOT those who to a religious club belong, NOT those who say "I hear Jesus' song," NOT those who say "I see the light," ONLY those who SHOW MERCY guides them in the night.
For, 'tis only by DEED you are known, NOT by the truths you say you have shown.  So my friends, I write this to thee for now it's time to SHOW
IF you hear me.
"HEED THE WORD" is the cry from above, "GIVE TO ALL with all your love.  Forgiveness and mercy to the fore, turn the other cheek to reach my shore.  Now the time and now the place, time for testing the earthly race."
"Believe it children, follow me, 'tis the way to be forever free, and now, as in every kingdom under the Sun, on Planet earth will My will now be done.  Any that heed this call flowing free will for all eternity become fully free."
"O sweet Mercy, Compassion too,
I your God love you true."
Testament 128
HEALING dear children is the easing of pain, whether mental or physical it's all the same.  Emotional turmoil deep deep within, this too children can be painful sin, for it all arises from negativity see, negativity clouding our reason this sometimes be, and as these negative feelings arise inside, they twist our thoughts and we others despise.
We're proud and vain, and selfish too, arrogant and lustful and greedy too.  These are the forces that make us pain feel as we walk the road on the spiritual growth wheel.
So healing is but UNDERSTANDING see, understanding in the soul to set it free, free from the pain it drags all the time in, whenever the soul weakens and gives in to sin.
So understand please what first needs be done, understanding, forgiveness and compassion, to all under the sun, for all those suffering deep trauma see, are poor souls deeply trapped in negativity.
And, they need LOVE is what I say, love and understanding given each day, so reach out and touch and with them pray.
Teach them the Star meditation to clear negativity away, for powerful forces way down below, negative thoughts in their minds do sow and these "whisperings" of fear and hateful ideas, need to be overcome by Jesus and His peers.
For His love can guide you too, in thought, and word, and gentle touch too.  'Tis not the physical we work on see but the crying soul longing to be free so understand as you go your way, reach out to all and help them to pray, and angels of light will gather around you for in spiritual essence will they work too.
Testament 129
MEDITATION is a way in which we pray, pray for deliverance to come our way, deliverance from our inner sin that traps us on earth and strives to not let us win, win that freedom forevermore where we will in the heavens soar.
So in the meditation I teach thee, you'll be reaching Jesus who'll set you free, for the road you walk and have in the past, may have been tortuous, but won't forever last, and the REAPING now coming our way needs be done before our Karma clears away.
So the meditation on the STAR OF BETHLEHEM be the only way to keep your souls free, free from STRIKING BACK and "sowing" more negativity when you're "reaping" for what you did before and clearing debts see, and our LORD GOD high in the sky will wipe your brow, and your tears dry.
So, thrice daily I ask of thee, DO HIS MEDITATION and HE will keep you free, and teach all that you now meet, how they TOO can stay on their feet, and our LORD GOD high in the sky, will bless YOU forever that you did your best try.
Testament 132
All religions OF God be
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity. 
What is at the loving CORE
IS God's LOVE for sure
CHILDREN, 'Tis I your GOD who does speak, calling out through Terence to all who SEEK my wonderful kingdom up above, verily the kingdom of Christ light and love.
Heed my call now via this pen, Terence the man IS my foremost of men.  Only those who now my call HEED will forever and ever of inner evil be FREED.
Lay down your weapons IF you believe that the WORD OF GOD does not deceive.  Teach all your children, and you of the frock need teach this WISDOM to your erring flock, for NONE but NONE yet teach this truth, and JESUS died to show you his PROOF that ONLY in non-retaliation do you become free, and ONLY when free will you join ME.
All the churches made by men and their ministers are called by this pen.  Tell all the soldiers who now go to war what for THEM lies in store.  For they will FEEL what they put OUT.  They'll feel the pain that they mete out and if they DIE as they others abuse, then eternal freedom will they LOSE.
There is NO reason to defend a home that is being savaged by others that roam.  Just walk CALMLY and with quiet in the night, TRUST IN GOD THAT ALL IS RIGHT for if you suffer it is how you pay for what you did to others, another day.
This is TRUTH that is for sure and there is ONLY ONE WAY UP TO MY DOOR.  FOLLOWING JESUS, and walk as he did, it seems his message is yet from you hid.  He died in peace and calmness for sure to show YOU NON-retaliation and more.
HEED now what I say to you, Terence the CHRIST is a soul TRUE, and this last message now via his pen must be heeded to avoid Satan's den.  So all leaders and teachers of truth, teach all yours to not stand aloof, aloof from their brothers, the needy, the poor.
Compassion and mercy is to be shown for sure.  Bless you ALL who believe ME, I AM THE LIGHT TO SET YOU FREE.  Hearken now to this final CRY that will call no more from out the SKY .
Testament 133
The Risen One
I am the One from “before” who has “arisen” for sure.
So all now must heed this pen, that is, the ones by God chosen in this last task to help humanity the “dark one” unmask.
For this dark one is very cruel and over sinners is now to drool so, to all men true, yes, I mean you and you, read my book The Last Prophecy, its infinite wisdom will set you free so that all humanity you can help, as they are “decimated” by the satanic whelp.
For now compassion and love divine must from you to them entwine.  My lovely sisters so beautiful and true, my lovely brothers who stand tall too, tis to you I now “reach out” with my book, God’s FINAL SHOUT.
All who this read are asked by God to with all speed;
"Pass the message on
about the book of HOW the race is won."
Don't just put it away thinking "I am now okay." God does see all, prepare HIS OTHER CHILDREN for the fall. 
Testament 134
Walk your own path
Christ is here, Christ is there, will be heard when this book is laid bare.  Worry not where I be, go your way and HEED GOD'S WORD I say to thee.
ONLY heeding God's Word will get you above and you'll be helped by my star filled with God's love.  So seek me not out I ask of thee, go your way and HELP THE NEEDY.
IF YOU BELIEVE the new truth I sow, heavenly hosts will around you flow, and they will guide in all you do, and from God will greater wisdom flow to you.

God’s Judge
YES, I have returned as God's "Judge" to against "dark souls" place a smudge so the Reaper can also "see" what to the "smudged" will now be, be done before all eyes so all souls become quicker wise and learn what they put out RETURNS and does them clout.
So to you, you, and you, the thousands I've been writing to, wake up real fast, good days now will not long last, and as I Judge you, 'tis God saying to you :
“Son do you not see the way you go"
Son I your God say "Go slow.”

Testament 135
What I do, I do for the light
GOD in heaven.
What I do is what I write, for
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE who inspires my mind
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE to guide all mankind
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE who holds my hand
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE who outpours His love
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE, the one to trust
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE for whom I'll die
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE, the one and only
GOD in Heaven.
HE is the ONE who sends His love
GOD in heaven.
HE is the ONE saying, abide with Me
GOD in heaven.

This ends the basis of the original book "The Last Prophecy" published in 1989, that has been incorporated into this final edition of :
The Testament of Truth.
Testament 138
To all Religious leaders
(Who control groups of God's children under this sun).
Many have suffered and much has been done, and many a weeping soul now seeks the Son, and all but all seek the love of God through the guidance of men* on this sod.
So I now speak for GOD as I the dove on earth do plod, for I speak for the LIGHT and the DARK, for the dark side will now make its mark against any who it use, against any who others abuse, against any who me deny and thus make God's children cry.
For I am the truth and the way.  My voice will be heard forever and a day and any who fail to my message pass on will by the dark side of God be made undone.
For 'tis this side that is the power, it is this side with eyes that red glower, it is this side that will now have its say against ALL who heed not God's word to day.
And I AM THE WORD.  I speak once more in case you have not heard, and 'tis the dark side that does DEMAND that the message from the light IS the COMMAND.
Soon all to feel the Power, soon all to see eyes that red glower.  Soon all who have, and will deny me, shall be consumed by fire for eternity.  Not the fire of the flame, but pain, eternal coldness and no name, for into the wastelands frozen below will ALL NON-BELIEVERS soon now go.
And I for all eternity have told all to LOVING BE, and now the SOURCE, the ESSENCE OF GOD, will seek its OWN here on the sod.  So all who fail to me heed I say will be made to bleed, so to you who would me deny I call out to with this LAST FINAL CRY:
Pass my message on, this is the ONLY WAY YOUR FREEDOM WON.  I do not care who you say you are, you are of NO NAME if you follow not God's star.
Forget not - the Essence speaks. 
Testament 139
Letter to Ministers of Religion
Yes you ministers of the "smock," too many of you God mock,* saying: "To share love is untrue, celibacy is what God asks of you," and 'tis thus that you God's call deny, and God's children you mentally try as you say "Sinful is sex."
Thus on all souls you put a hex,* and through this manipulation comes "doubt." So many their love do flout in devious dark ways, fearful of being seen in loving forays.  Openly must we outreach and our loving and sharing our children teach by saying "It's good to others touch, this is how we share our love as such."
So to ministers I say, "Heed my pen that does sway, for IF God's children we MENTALLY DECEIVE, then dark forces will make us grieve."
For it IS WORSE I do say, destroying another in a spiritual way.  Better to knife and take a life than to deceive another who is GOD'S WIFE, meaning, ALL BY GOD ARE CHOSEN.
ALL are God's beloved children and ANY who them wrongfully deceive will by GOD be made to grieve.
So look now to your SAY, look to WHAT you do say as you daily connive as you against other religions do strive.  NOW is the time to be true, I THE ONE say to you, for ONLY ministers who compassionate BE will be elevated by ME.
Alongside you are angels TALL,* alongside you angels of the fall,* and as along the PRECIPICE YOU TREAD await BOTH to see your BREAD,* your food, your song, whether RIGHT or whether WRONG, and as the tree felled does fall, one side elevates, the other does MAUL, for as you "Pass OVER" out of the flesh, your soul as all does with one side enmesh.
Will you fall to the demonic side
or be elevated by LOVE and in heaven abide ?
"Your CHOICE" I say to EACH OF YOU.
"As yet very few are true"
are the words that flow now down*
and reach up* from those that will you drown.*

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