Re: Mathematical software?

Hi there,
hmm, she probably isn't that crazy to math like me, is she? smile
Anyway, Lambda is great choice, it covers nearly everything from basics like 2+2=4 to advanced multidimensional calculus, i has been using it for years to suit my school as well as personal needs.
Also I recommend to look at:
Asciimath is a playn-text format to write mathematical equations using only ascii characters in very intuitive and straight-forward way.
I'm using it when writing notes from physics, I store them in txt where asciimath is a great way to represent equations efficiently and in a standardized manner. I use it also during exams, when we have paper tests, I receive a word document from my teacher and fill everything using asciimath format there.
Teachers can then read it without any special knowledge, because as I said, it is very intuitive. That's the reason why I prefer it over LaTeX, LaTeX is powerful, but you spend a lot of time just by decyphering what it wants to say in equations even if you know the syntax.

You might ask, when asciimath is there, what is the reason to use lambda?
Hmm, not easy question. Asciimath is very efficient and it isn't problem to use it for example to express a variable from complex equations.
I am not sure if I used a correct english word, by expressing S from following equation I mean:

Thisone is of course trivial, but it is possible to make much more difficult things.
Lambda has three major advantages:
- it has build in calculator, which can annoy you much when working with very small numbers, but with few tricks you can manage even those and pressing ctrl+f9 on a line with _expression_ is very comfortable way to obtain results. No need to rewrite anything, just press one shortcut.
- Second advantage is in fact, how Lambda represent things. Textual description of elements is very good thing for faster orientation in complex equations or line with multiple versions of the same _expression_ when you want to store exact steps.
- And third is good system of keyboard shortcuts, which can speed up writing equations.

That's it, I recommend to use Asciimath for physics and Lambda for mathematics, this combination showed like very powerful to me.

She might be also interested in checking out Mathtrax:
It is a program developed by Nasa, which allows you to enter equation of a function and then is able to describe the curve textually and convert it to sound as well, so you can hear how exactly the function looks. it is very powerful utility, it allows you to set size of view area as well as for example set values for constants in your equation, so you can see how the graph changes when values you entered are used.

I think that is all what one student needs.

Best regards


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