Re: The newest problem to plague sbyw

O jade, believe me I know. It was wrong. But there was a major reason. I will not get into it here do to me not wanting to put innocent people's private life on this forum, but basically this person was controlling an underage person and being a creep, and I felt a mixture of betrail for I thought this person a friend, and anger because he was over 18. Again, I know it was the wrong thing to do, but I thought at the time it was an inconsequential post because the password  was to a tt server. However I do realize my mistake, but the only reason I did so was because of the emotions that I quickly got under control. I made my apologies and in my opinion, that would have earned me a warning.
But with the newest problem I personally feel that I am not at fault at all, because all I was doing was voicing my thoughts. and disagreeing.
Moreover, I am probably going to stop posting in this topic because this has turned into an almost 70 post topic, and basically everything that can be said about the situation has been said. I do feel that I still should be unbanned, but you are free to disagree with me on that one. I feel that even though Mason has done so much bad recently, he is still a person with feelings and that we should stop this before it gets nasty. I just think that if I was the person on the receiving end of this argument, my self-a steam would be hella down right now. No matter what we all do online, we are all still human and we all make mistakes. Now will I ever agree with Mason on mostly anything? Probably not. But he still has the right to a civil discussion and thoughts about how our actions can affect him. I don't want this topic to get mean, so for the most part unless I see something that I unequivocally find false, I am taking a back seat on this discussion. Thanks for agreeing me that this is unfair, but there is a line and I do not want to cross it. Have a good ady.

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