Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well I  heard all of  chapter 42 tonight, and I'm actually rather glad that I did wait and listen to the hole thing  sicne part 1 was basically everyone bitching at everyone else,  and part to was bert's trip proving a wash out big_smile.

I suspect Bert  and riley have done a litle more than they said, or at least had an encounter which we'll learn more of later since that was a bit of an anticlimax to say the least.

On the other hand the jail sequence was awsome! Over the past couple of chapters it seems that  the writer has wanted us to realize that zombies are dam scary, which is good. I'll also admit that while the three soldiers were really some of  the characters I was least interested in, ---- they just seemed random interchangeable goof off jarheads, yet at the same moment the  deaths really did hit me har der than expected, ---- which was very nice.

As to Ink,  the question of whether he's working on a cure or modifying zombies is an interesting  one. One thought I did have however is that it's entirely possible that he's working on a cure for himself alone, or is working on a method to improve himself personally, perhaps make himself immortal or the like, but doesn't particularly give a dam about who he slaughters in the process.

That sort of motive would cover him saying "help me" (which I don't personally remember but I've only heard the series once), and his brutal treatmenet of the other zombies, it might  even explain why he tends to be around in zombi mobs fairly often, though wouldn't cover his military  tactics when attacking the colony, eg, sending the little ones in first or his use of them to take out boulder.

Either way I'm glad we got a bit more of a concrete look at  ink and a bit more of an idea of what he's been doing since while I've enjoyed these past few episodes the dead ends have been slightly frustrating albeit I imagine that's fairly intentional.

As to other stories set in the same universe, well personally I'm always more of a fan of stories that begin  and end, indeed it's  partly this that keeps We're alive so interesting since it is likely to get to some sort of conclusion, if the story went with another group of survivers  after the end and after all the questions (or at least the major ones), were answered it'd feel a little too much like retreading old ground.

myself I'd prefer a totally different story with another setting but the same writing and production values.


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