Re: Scrolling Battles, You're World, online platforming exploration game

Coming in hot
@post 404. Ah well. So it seems like you ain't the only one being banned for the most retarded reasons. Micky mouse, is alokin. He's been rather uneasy for the last few days, fore he banned me just for saying stuff about how mason was going to get backlash from the community and was going to come back like 4 or 5 years later again. They just can't either make up their minds, or accept the truth as it is. And the worsed thing is that mason got a willing 34 people to pay and care, but even that's not enough for him... I suppose.
@post 403, I see no need to remove those posts. They have full right to complain. If the moderators are going to take our right from the forum, then I'm starting to get a feeling that you won't be able to say mouse in a year or 2. So yeah.
Either way, here's my own rant. I've mostly said it in anyauio clips, and I couldn't post those things here because people would get all ass hurt if I did, but yeah. Mason just seems to have no if little regard. I mean, that game existed for years, got massive updates which made it worth it, got paid donations, optional, donations, let's not forget to say, but it all came to this again. And there goes another thing of his all because he felt like it and what can we as a community do? Nothing. It is after all, "His personal property"...
Here's stuff broken down into detail with chats from ns himself. He seems to be a load on mason's side here...
First we have personal property.
mik: he is being selfish. right. because this game belongs to the community and isn't personal property. you people are funny.
While this in it's own is true, he tells me something else that made me realize mason.
mik: we talked. he said he is not gonna do anything for the community anymore. I offered to take over stuff including SBYW, he said SBYW is going down, other stuff are staying on, and you can update if you want.
So, other stuff, the stuff that got the least attention is staying up? So if we hadn't given SBYW that much attention it would have stayed up? Ahem then... And then the hole donation thing happens.
mik: this is also paid donation just like ch
So I told him he was in a way making people waste money and he says.
mik: waisted money? how did they waist their money. they wanted full inventory worth of stuff, they got full inventory
Right, so we get an inventory, I get it, but what, do we like somehow manage to do things with these items when the game dies?
fire star: what, let's take this awesome fucking hook that, oh wait don't work anymore right right.
And next he tries, or at least looks like he tries to troll us.
mik: next thing you're gonna say is give me sounds, and give me source.
I can't help agree with this one chat right here.
shadow: its just the fact he's taking it down because of one or a few individuals when a whole community is enjoying it
And if that ain't enough...
shadow: no one is assuming, we are annoyed that a great project is being taken down and without any sort of say and with a lot of public drama when theres still a lot of people who care about it
So he got attention again, it dies again. Anything new?
And I'm sorry but this is nonsense...
ABoner: so is he gonna fix 2dp so my map works in it then if he doesn't want to let us use sbyw?
mik: what part of he's done with the community don't you understand
So basicly he's saying that even though mason had a 2dp, he isn't willing to make it work for SBYW maps even though it has a converter in it already and a rewrite in beta stages. So this has affected him on his offline projects as well.
And then somebody had to say it.
ABoner: dude I'd just turn off my twitter and say, if you don't like it, get the fuck out. I used to care way way too much what people thought of me, but I then realized those who hate have problems of there own
I can't disagree. Especially since he's obviously been through the hole ordeal before haven't you mason?
So eventually he couldn't stand it anymore and ns turned off chats. He then said, with chats off,
mik: and don't you dare continue this shit in pm's or I'm banning. I'm tired of this.
So he's not willing to listen. Anything new?
I can't help but agree with yet another chat.
shadow: at least in america, there's this thing called freedom of speech. tongue
Which clearly there aren't a lot of places where we are exactly getting it. And this isn't SBYW on it's own, either.
Also there's this.
shadow: I mean people are offering to take over the project and that somehow is wrong for wanting to keep something great going
shadow: is it though? we hve given money for this project. and while it may be his project it is a community of people and ideas that should remain so, its sad otherwise and not fair to the people who have spent a ton of time on here
Wow man.
Another example that has come around more than once.
mik: and the project will not be sold as far as I'm concerned. I'd gladly take over it, and I am open to the idea, but so far, all of our talks with mason have resulted in him being done with it.
But he can gladly sell sbp.
fire star: corse he can sell sbp but not something players care about
I love how he assumes, even though it's not like that at all, at least, not for those who care...
mik: just like SBYW is a personal property, but of course, the community likes to think everything that makes it into their hands that  it is somehow theirs.
And this guy is just dragging out the good points.
shadow: anyway people obviously don't understand the importance of having community games that people enjoy, the one place that is open for creativity, but ok you keep riding on your high hourse
I can't disagree again.
And obviously it had to come down to...
mik: and you want to be banned
All because I was saying that mason wanted money. I mean, he sold sbp for like 5, or was it like 15 dollars when it existed. He then brought us this game, sold sbp for 150 dollars, and now this...
And he doesn't get it...
mik: they will not be gone. the data will be saved. and you can grab your maps and use them somewhere else like 2dp
and then I thought he said
mik: what part of he's done with the community don't you understand
Because if you ask me, he's basicly saying that he doesn't care if the map is put in a broken game or not.
ABoner: so he fixed 2dp so it works perfictly with my map now? when
And then this.
mik: because the first thing that comes to your mind is to rant all about how mason is taking away shit from you
But he's not giving us it now is he?
And it eventually came down, I guess he got tired.
fire star (dragbot) has been banned by mik (MickeyMouse)!
So basically what I'm saying here is that ns somehow, after all this, still stands with mason. I get it, they are, close friends, but can he see wrong? Even once?

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