Re: i want to create audio games

Good description of programming there! One thing I might add is that computers, along with having absolutely no idea what you want to do and how the world works or even that there is a world, are also literal machines. You can be the most talented programmer in the known universe, and if you make just one tiny typo such as leaving out a semicolon or misspelling a function or variable name, at best some part of your program won't work properly, and at worst the entire program, all the millions and millions of lines of its code, will absolutely refuse to compile or run, all because of that one little typo. Computers have absolutely no concept of, "Oh come on, you know what I meant! So just do it!" Computers haven't the foggiest idea what you mean when they run into problems with your code. Consider this fictional example:

prnit("Hello, world!");

Any human reading that line of code knows exactly what was intended. But when a computer sees the same line, it will look for a function called prnit and, not finding it, report an error and stop processing the program.


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