Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

you may remember me, i used to play swamp quite often from june to november 2012. I play it occasionally now. As i turned Kain hardcore, i created a new character, harafat. Some players might know me as harafat, some probably remember me as Kain. Im the german with the horrible english:D

I just read your posts on the last 3 or 4 pages and saw you requested some information about missions.
In my opinion, the large whaarehouse is the easiest. It gets hardly ever  swarmed badly, even in the 55 bottled water versions.
I cant really decide if a strip mall or the processing chemical wharehouse is harder. Both of the missions require you to know what you're doing. The strip mall has 2  relatively safe locations - videos and the phone store - and 2 rediculously dangerous places - candy and shoes - which can kill people pretty fast.
The processing chemical wharehouse has also with the towers and the moderating station their more or less safe pla ces - tower 4 as the perfect trucksitter tower - but due very many zombies it can be hard to sometimes hear the sound of the  crates, especially if its near the fire.
The hardest is the small wharehouse as its gets swarmed very fast and there is really no safe location.
I soloed all of the high end missions, and the small wharehouse was the hardest for me, as i had to constantly ru or kill zombies with no break. If someone ringed the door and you had to afk for 1 minute you died.  Strips arent hard to solo, its only time-consuming, as you have to run through every store. Processings were sometimes hard as i couldnt locate the crate because it was in the fire or i had 60 dires following me around heh. The large wharehouse isnt really dagnerous but also super time-consuming when being solo - thats what makes it so easy in groups, when you can cover every spot, it can be done in 5 minutes with 6 or 7 people who know what theyre doing. That can be said about any mi ssion though, but especially in processings or small wharehouses - or in candy/shoes in strips you can be swarmed in seconds.
I would like to see a really high end strip mall with 70 or 75 crates and as much zombies on the map as possible smile
I didnt play any defender missions because i dont have the test client, and also didnt team wharehouse.
It would also be cool if we could get a cooler reward for snipers or lastmans - right now as everyone is reset and most pepole still lack rep, it might be cool, but however as time passes, we will have millions of rep and dont need another 10k when we can also run a normal mission in that time. May increase the exp reward or have a 30% chance to get a random item when you win? like a browning, a m79, a short bayonet or apronic leggings - it could be everything except ammo, as ammo is so easy to get heh.

It would be also cool if we were able to kill reiders. When they die, they should load also some random item - and they should be hard to kill, especially as they can shot you:).

I would also like to see some waist armor - what about some armor which increases your melee skills somehow, like making the axe swing faster or giving an even higher chance to block something with the riot shield. An armor which greatly increases reloading speed of the sniper would also be super awesome

Could you maybe consider handing me the link to the testing client? Would like to help you testing out stuff:)
I would also like to say thanks to you aprone, as you're still putting work into swamp. Keep that up man!
- Kain


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