Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - First Lesson Up

@Omer Same way, except where you want the selection to end, don't hit space but control space to pause instead. What pause will do is leave the edit cursor on the spot where you paused. If you just hit space, it returns to the point where you just played from. You can also do it this way, if you really wanted the first 5 seconds and the first 5 seconds exactly. Hit w or control home to go to the start, press left bracket, hit control J and in the box, type 0:05 then press enter. After that, hit right bracket, and you will have a selection exactly 5 seconds long. Remember how in the video, Bryan said that the zoom controlled the arrow speed? It also controls the speed at which you manipulate selections. What you can do is use control, alt, or control and alt with the bracket keys to manipulate the selection in the following ways.

Remember this tidbit first, if you use your left hand to operate the control and alt keys, and your right hand to operate the bracket keys, think of control working on the left edge of your selection, and alt working on the right edge, which makes sense. After all, the control is further left than alt is. Then left bracket will move the corresponding edge left, and right bracket will move it right (while holding either control or alt). If you hold control and press left bracket, you'd be extending the left edge of your selection, providing there is room on the timeline to do so i.e. you're not at 0:00.00 on the timeline when you started. Control with right bracket shrinks the left edge further to the right, shrinking your selection. If you use alt, left bracket will be shrinking your selection's right edge left, and with alt and right bracket, you're expanding the right edge right. I did say you can use control with alt and the bracket keys too. What that does is moves the entire selection at once across the timeline. SO, it will move the left edge and the right edge, and everything in between an equal amount, skating the entire selection with it.

Where zoom comes into play is if you need a tighter range of stepping when you hit each key, i.e. you need to select a single word of speech without clipping into the next word, you will want to hit plus a bunch of times, or hold it down until its in the hundreds. In contrast, to select more with every key press, you'd hit minus until the number is fairly small, around 20 or so. Alternatively, there is another way to make fast selections if you are OK with selecting from the beginning of the project to the edit cursor, or from the edit cursor to the end of the project. This is done with shift home and shift end respectively. Home by itself will jump you to the start of the selection, no matter where your edit cursor is, even if it's outside the bounds of the selection. This one is useful once you start chopping up items and stuff. To clear a selection, hit escape. Make sure in your preferences, you have the thing set to bind loop points to time selection. Actually, let me take a moment to figure out where that is, because Reaper's preferences are vast and you might be looking a while. Ah found it, and another one that's worth turning on. These options are under preferences (control P), under editing behavior in the tree view, they are called:  Move edit cursor to start of time selection on time selection change  check box, and Link loop points to time selection  check box. Oh, while I'm thinking about it, there's one other that you'll probably want. Ah, here it is under playback, it's called:  Stop/repeat playback at end of project  check box. What that will do is make reaper stop rather than playing until infinity because the timeline stretches on and on, even though there's no content. Also, when you press control R to turn on repeat mode, again, very useful, especially when manipulating selections, it will work smoothly.

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