Re: Trying to get Love2D game working under Windows, works fine on Linux

For future reference. To determine whether a dll is 32 or 64 bit you have a couple options. Either use file (the unix utility) on windows with cygwin or mingw, dependency walker or write a script to decipher the info.

File is simple as
file bla.dll
bla.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

With dependency walker, control+o, locate file, check the CPU tab.

The writing a script option isn't as straight forward, have a look at the PE file format. You're looking for machine in the COFF header. This shouldn't be necessary, as shown quite a few other options exist already. Could be a beginner exercise though.

For OS X speech, I'd personally try getting LuaCocoa to interface with NsSpeechSynthasizer. It's apparently a new version of LuaObjCBridge, for python people a lua pyobjc like thing. While it certainly looks promicing, I've never tried and unfortunately don't have the time to throw something together at the moment. Another last ditch option is to simply os.execute "say" with parameters but that should be avoided at all costs.

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