Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

@Jayde, well man, all your arguments are predicated on the fact that the other person is wrong, ignorant, or simply haven't studied as much as you have, so forgive me if I can't take you seriously, especially with your condescending attitude I've seen you put on display towards multiple people. Also, while you may be well versed in the world of academia, it doesn't sound like you have a lot of real life experience. I wish you would see the damage your party is doing. I wish that you would see the dichotomy that exists between their public image and what actually goes on. It's funny how the two biggest insults that get thrown at conservatives are homo/transphobic and biggot/racist. That used to bother me, because I don't consider myself either, but it doesn't anymore, because it's just the left coming in like a wrecking ball trying to smash our house down, which our collective indomitable spirit will not allow to happen. And yes I do disbelieve entirely in gender theory and gender studies. To me, there are two genders. That doesn't mean that I've ever gone up to a trans person and said hey, you suck, you're broken and despicable. I don't judge people on how they choose to live their life, but I am tired of this pc culture and seeing people put they/them, she/her and he/him or whatever else after their names. If you want to know something about someone, ask it of them. But still, that's my personal opinion, I don't go to them and say hey, quit that, it's annoying. The left though, they're the real racists, and the way they go about it is sneaky as hell. They will literally try to covertly undermine any work that would bring people closer together, and when they use labels, and make racism such a hot button issue, what's that supposed to do. I have African American, Asian, and Latino friends. I don't go around talking about them putting that info first. That's racist, that's seeing the color of their skin, or some elements of their culture as something to identify them by. It would be like sighted people who see us as nothing but the blind X, where X is something you do, like a career or hobby. Your race shouldn't entirely define you, and it shouldn't be used as a way to undermine your freedom. But hey, I guess I've really just wasted a bunch of time. What I really want you to do is quit tromping all over this forum acting like the school yard bully, which is what you've been doing for quite some time.

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