Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

hurstseth405 wrote:

Yeah Jayde I can't take you seriously when your studying oh lets see "gender theory" Witch is a program invented by the radicals and postmodernists. So yeah like Iron said your smug attitude knows no bounds son. Try living in reality for a change it is pretty fun. Oh and just because I'm not studying social work like every boring blind person doesn't mean I don't know nothing.

did you have fun watching the debate lol

All joking aside. Post modernism has nothing to do with socialism/communism/whatever. This video explains this well (

My whole opinion on the gender thing is just that gender is socially losing its meaning. Gender and sex are relative, although sex is a lot more concrete in regards to biological reproductive roles. Gender though is a complex social-cultural thing that has a lot of factors (such as _expression_, identity, role, sexual orientation ect.). Because of the rise of various waves of feminism, gender roles have been continually challenged. Nowadays its not uncommon for a man to be a stay-at-home dad, even though 100 years ago this was unheard of. Because of this, the idea of what roles are male-female are dissolving. You could argue that LGBT activism and feminism in the 20th century are connected by the fact that the construct of gender is being challenged from so many angles.

A way to think of it in the context of evolution is that not only has our biology evolved, but our social behaviour has evolved as well. We experience gender as real as a result of these socialized behaviours, but because of certain challenges to that structure caused by the rise of human rights, these socialized behaviours are being challenged. That's why its so difficult to understand.

Also, it is possible in the distant future that we will be able to reproduce without pregnancy. If this is the case, then biological sex will also face the same fate. Nothing is permanent.

There will always be fringe people out there. And honestly if you really want something "logical" you really can't get more "logical" than communism, if anything I think they're too logical...

And you know nothing because you don't educate yourself, instead you get your information from people equally misinformed. You can find a lot of books about left politics for free online all over the place.

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