Re: i've had it with NVDA, i think.
@89, So. Your first point about UIA being experimental. I knew this was the case. I was not trying to invalidate the fact that it is experimental would be a cause for not being able to track changes and read comments. I was mainly theorizing as to why, generally, it may not be available yet. I also was not trying to "invalid your poitnas as usual"; merely point out either corrections due to specific inaccuracies that you have listed, or I have theorized given the information I have.
Second, didn't we already discuss the performance degradation issue? Why then must we bring it up again? I shall note though that I have suffered major performance hits with my computer (yes, my computer, not NVDA in particular), but that is only when word is opening a document or when I have two-four documents open in it simultaneously. I also usually am doing this on battery, so I'm running it at less than 30 percent maximum performance, which is a very deciding factor. (If I put my computer into ultra-low power saving mode, I'm running my processor at its lowest possible settings, and generally running everything at the bear minimums, so that is, too, a major performance hit, the fault of which lies with me. I do, however, do do that deliberately sometimes.)
Post 91 was a much more mature response and should've been the way this entire topic stated out. As the OP has not posted since this topic began, I theorize that: (i) the aren't available for comment, mostly out of commission or indisposed for some other reason; or (ii) they deliberately started this topic to ensue a flamewar or some other destructive conversation.
Second, I partially disagree with post 92. I have worked with some open-source projects and have filed issues with them. My most recent one was GLFW. I wrote to them filing an issue, told them what it was and described what I'd done to fix it. I then got a very detailed response that read:
It's highly unlikely that glfw is modifying random parts of your program's memory, so I'd first encourage you to audit (sanity check as well as runtime check) any lines of code that change the player position to see if the bad values are being written by your code accidentally, or if the memory is being overwritten indirectly somehow.
A few other questions to guide your debugging:
Are the random values different every time, or always the same?
Does the issue occur only when alt-tabbing, or any time the window loses focus? Is it in fact the alt-tabbing, or does just pressing Alt or tab trigger it?
Your title mentions Release with debug info. Does this issue not occur in Debug builds? Or with debug info disabled?
I hope this helps; let us know if you either hit a dead end or manage to find the root cause.
So, yes, I agree that one-man teams can be difficult to work with (there is, after all, one developer working on the entire project). But you've gotta give that developer some slack or chip in some help yourself. (The issue I described above is still occurring, but I am working on it and attempting alternatives.)
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