Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hmmm, I'll have to try that cartoon site, do they have friendship is magic?

Regarding netflicks, well  my rule with dvds  is generaly  I buy stuff I expect to  rewatch once at least, sinse odds are I'll watch them another time after some years, however there are solme things I just want to see, but don't particularly want to own sinse I'm %90 sure I won't watch them more than once.

Startrek enterprise is one such. I own Next gen, voyager, and  now ds9, however while I'd be interested to see    enterprise once just for the sake of seeing it,  everything  I have heard says it's a once only series. Ditto with stargate and heroes,, (I watched the first series on tv, but have never seen the others and don't even want to see the first series again).

I will have to look at the Uk cost, though lack of controls on the flash could be annloying, sinse no, I  don't have an apple tv.

As for facebook, well i don't have a facebook account at all! I just find facebook  far too annoying with the random adds,  hundreds of   things it throws at you about your area or random odd friend requests on completely sprawling pages of pointlessness that I just can't be arsed to  spend the time to pull any gold from the sea of dross.

I am considdering signing up for Twitter, sinse then at least you only get the tweets you actually want, but facebook has far too much white noise for my liking. It  is okay if you can see and skim read  past all the drek, but with a screen reader that's just far too time consuming, or so I've always found when i tried the thing.

Either way I'll have to see how netflicks  is in the Uk.

At least they don't  send random  people out to knock on your door like  love film dot com and their annoying evangelising advertisers.

The las t time I opened my door to be asked "do you like movies?" I replied "Yes, but I don't like advertising" and shut the door, though from their very resigned tone in which the poor add jocky asked me the question I imagine he'd heard a similar response goodness knows  how many times before big_smile.

Btw Fastfinge, the buffy box takes up far less space than you would  think, sinse  each series is just one standard sized dvd case with abunch of inserts with the disks packed  two by two inside. 7 of those in a box only just big enough to hold them really isn't that bulky, though i will say it was a nice workout for  my penfriend. Were I labelling the disks In braille I'd have been hard pressed even to find a space on those two disk partitions in each box to write braille numbers.  Fortunately, the pen friend stickers are much smaller, and I  could fit the full information on  each.


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