Re: Mata's BK2 walkthrough

I'm going to post my version of the list of cheats and secrets for this game. Some of it has already been mentioned here but some of it has not. It's all pretty spoilery stuff but then again, so is the rest of this topic. I got these from different threads throughout the forum here. Hopefully, by the time we're done here all the secrets will be in one place. Anyway, here's my contribution.

1-3: heart weapon
Get 10k figures. (I think it's more like 500 but if you feel like buying 10000 figures, have on. They're 1 gold each, and gold should be fairly easy to get by this point.)
Spam talk to the person at position 62. 1/16 chance to get the weapon. Also another weapon if you spam the person at position 91 provided you have a recipe book from playing the UFO catchers in the shops in stage 4 and 19.
3-4: super yoyo
With your spirit sword at high enough level, it shows up when you flip the switch.
here are 2 not so secret items. the first one is 10 healing potions, or potions. eio dorinku!!.
when you have the water launcher 2, you will see an abacus instead of the potions. When you beat the game, you'll also see a slime redemption card.
Where to get them.
After you activate the trap switch, the one with an alarm, continue to the right, and you will see another switch which opens a huge door. Activate it, but instead of continuing forward, go back all the way. You will see the items.
7-3: Stone shower
It's sitting on the ground right past the river. I'm pretty sure you just need to beat the game for this one.
have 20 pieces of iron or so and you'll be asked if you want to sell it in stage 7 shop for a shuriken.
9-1: Grenade launcher
It's sitting at the beginning of the level, to the right. Also, destroy the forest exit sign to make a piece of iron show up.
10-4: box gun
It is sitting at  the right side of the  second stage of the level.
11-3: super boxgun
It is at the beginning of the level, mostly in a softpoint ammo, but sometimes it lies on the ground as a hidden item. Break one of the boxes of ammo and it shows up at the start of the level.
13-2: water launcher 3
You have to be on the very right side of the stage when beating the last enemy.
13-3: Sky machinegun
You have to be on the left side of the map when you beat the stage.
14-4: Finish the stage while on the left side of the map for the yoyo. Finish the stage while on the right side of the map for the kennjuu.
15-2: machine water launcher
At the beginning of the level, jump to the right using a speed potion or the speed cheat. The item is sitting there, as soon as you land, you can pick it up.
17-4: super pulse hammer (?) Best I can tell, it will show up as chupa chups or chupa chaps or prickle huge or something like that.
Stand on the right side of the level when you beat the last enemy.
18-1: queen whip
With enough figures, it'll be in the middle of the level.
19-1: hyper yoyo
Leave at least one generator to spawn enemies. Mess around for some time. 20 minutes should be enough. Then clear it all out.
20-3: the zeninage sword. Walk both sets of prisoners to the door. If you have enough gold, it shows up at height 1 on the faar right of the level, over a pit. Use the mega whip or magic line to move it off that spot. If you just go in and try to pick it up, you will more than likely fall in and die. This sword costs a percentage of your gold every time you use it. The more gold you have, the more damage it does and the more range it has.
21-3: super electromagnetic body drop weapon
walk over the heating wire and it shows up at the start of the level.
24-1: wave attack, blue sword, ultra yoyo and chaos flare
The wave attack is in the water at the beginning of the level.
You'll need to jump off the boat and back on at least once in order to make the bridge show up.
While on the boat, around position 97-99 you'll hear some beeping. Jump off and you'll be on the bridge above the water. The chaos flare is near the end of it. With your spirit sword at a high enough level, and at least 3 chaos flares, you'll trade in 3 chaos flares and get the ultra yoyo instead.
The blue sword is at the end of the level in the water.
Super UFO:
I think this is another one where your spirit sword has to be at a certain level, then you get it from one of the UFO catchers in the shops in stage 4 or 19.
Hold down r and f and take a few steps in either direction, activates the speed cheat, also, if you haven't beaten the game yet, makes some of the other cheats work. Bug?
hold down d, o, and g at the same time: summons a dog
same for c, a, and t for a cat.
y and t: summons Yoko Tank
nk: summons a dog that will bring items to you.
h and d: plants a gun battery near you. Will shoot you if you're between it and whatever it's trying to hit.
EnterEsc: on some stages it whisks you to the end of the map according to your direction.
6-3 password: robot
in 20-1, hit p, gives you memos with the passwords:
The first door: openthedoor
The second door: secondpeoplekillingarea
20-2, same deal with p. password is "administrator".
In 23-1, the door has a series of passwords. A voice tells you what you have to type, plus it's written on the note you get in 2-1. radio, robot, gold, spaceship, aircraft, technology
this is a massive bug. use the retrieving dog to pick up fish scales and they somehow become iron.
You can unlock gold coin collecting help by beating 21-4 with 10000 gold coins,.
Have the dog bring the core to you while standing at 0-0 of 17-4 for clone generator. Also the core is somehow turned into a bird wing. Another bug?
devil laser machine gun is in devil planet
first time through flying devil game you get a powerbomb launcher sp. second time through you get water launcher 4. Use the body drop weapon and you won't need to jump a single pit. Probably another bug?
crumpled paper has the password for 25-3. I was told it always changes. I don't think it does. it's 806.
beating 25-4 a couple of times unlocks some more bonus content
You need to have the clone generator and beat 25-4 to unlock the mother computer stage.

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