Re: Announcing Expanding Known Space from Valiant Galaxy Associates


This might not help you, but I'll post this for anyone else it might.

When you first begin the game, placing your entire defense fleet on Earth is a good move.

The first few rounds you should purchase primarily colony ships.

If you hit the h key, you find Earth automatically.  You can use the n key to see what planets are nearby, or you can scroll two spaces to the east or west or north or south and scroll back and forth in five block lines with Earth as your central point.  In this example, if Earth is at 3,3 then you would start at 1,1 go to 5,1 then drop down a line, scroll back to 1,2 then do the same thing until you are at 5,5.

Then to look at the surroundings of the other two colonies use k and go to each planet in turn and look.  You want to send colonies to your nearest planets to those three colonies.  If you don't see any, which is possible, but highly unlikely, send colony ships out in a random direction.  You will find planets eventually.

If you then wish to check progress on your colony ships in later turns, you can hit y until you hear colony ships, then hit s to scroll through each ship.  V will show you the autonav destination on the ship if you have set one, n will show you what is within two squares of that ship.  In any menu, such as nearby, detection, goto, etc, hitting enter on a destination planet, ship, or square will take you to that location.

You're not the only person that has had this trouble.  We had one beta tester who dropped out because he had similar problems.  I skyped with him to try and over come the issues, and I'd be happy to correspond with you privately over email or skype chat if that might help. 

Strategy games of this complexity are not for everybody, and if it's giving you trouble, it's possible it's just not worth your time.  Alternatively, wait until someone videos it, and try it again.

I tried to make the documentation as clear as possible, but I designed the game, and no doubt did not explain things in the best way for all people. 

I hope this helps someone later.

Michael included a list earlier, but let me again list the hot keys I use most often:
escape in menus to rehear what ships I have left to place or that I have purchased.
Arrow keys to explore. Shift arrow to move ships and fleets.
shift a for single ships and fleet or control a to autonav ships or fleets.
c and shift c for composition of fleets. c is for your own, shift c for enemy fleets.
d for the detection menu
e for the fleet management menu.
f and shift f to cycle through fleets.
h for homing to capital planet
k for cycling through colonies
q for cycling through ships and fleets on a square
t for seeing current progress
v to see where a ship or fleet is going.
y followed by s to locate specific ships and what they are doing
z to see currently set mission and victory conditions as I play a lot of random missions.

If you add n for nearby scan and m for more information in there for newer players, I think that gets the vast majority of hot keys you really need for the game.  There's a lot of other functionality that is useful: control g to go to a specific square, r and shift r to see and go to largest concentrations of enemy or your ships, the shift v and control v keys Michael mentioned.

Take care,


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