Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Alright so I was gonna hold off until I had started up playing again but honestly the text checking took allot out of me so I haven't been that interested for a while.
So the text checking is probably only 40% done, if that.  Good news though is that there seems to be fewer errors with later updates. tongue
Anyway, hold on to your ass Huw because here it comes.  Sorry in advance...

If you hit "1" while the mercenary group has no more actions left that turn, you end up rehiring them for full price even if they are already perminently hired.
speaking to a random resident in guildrow doesn't work
potential hires for spymaster say they are almost experts even below 100 skill
No extra info on recruitment option if checked.  E.G. if you enable free enlistment, you no longer get a thing that says what that does next to it.
Abandoned building option 11 replicated in both dockrow and central district of blackmarket.
Brawl pit lets you bet 0 gold
Asking how much gold is needed in slums kicks you all the way out of the donation menu.
Pickpockets are reported in the herald even if they stole 0 gold
Brawl pit stats VS fighters pit doesn't respect player set year.
Mercenary training camp says you only get +1 battle score for buying it.
Champeon stats either still aren't updating or the bonus isn't being applied when you give them a new home.
Even though there were only 6 guards at the mine, I had to attack twice for some reason to get rid of them.
Have to attack fort northwatch twice even though the second time there are 0 defenders.
No animal races pack still allows pest groups to be animals

**misc issues**
Way too many huts in the blackmarket have the same sort of (small shack nested among houses) text, and some variation would be nice.
Impossible to tell how many bandits are at fort northwatch, though this may be purposeful.
Still wish you could view past herald issues.
Brawler's pit and blackmarket fight pit both have no roomdesc.
Isn't the land tax law supposed to be on by default?
Interest rate is still super low.
Minimum visitor count for small throne room seems a bit low considering the price of upgrading and how the benifits visitors can give you are hit and miss anyway.
Shouldn't you win 2X or more from the champeon fight?  Otherwise there is no point in betting on that over a regular one.
You should be able to lower your vassal tribute rate to 0, if you just want them to be soldier factories because you like their units.

**smaller suggestions**
Maybe sparing the peeing goblin should have a chance of increasing your relation with the goblins by 1.
Could be nice to pay minor bandit groups to join you if your a bandit king.
Destroying a bandit group's outpost should make them wage war with you if not already.
An option to show battlescores as comparisons to your units instead may help some people. E.G. 0.85X the power of your peasants, 1.2X your Soldiers, and 2.3X your knights, rounded to the nearest 10th or at least 100th decimalplace.
If you take the mine from a bandit group, they should declare war on you.
If you destroy the smallhaven watchtower, no peasants should join when you ask, and maybe they should refuse to trade with you/stop any current routs.
Should be a popularity decrease from that kingdom when your bandits steel their gold.
Man accused of forming bandit group should either not show up, or you should have the option of asking to incorporate his bandits if your a bandit king.
Should lose/gain popularity when changing aloud thrownroom visitor options.
Being able to react to the over zellus guard with various levels of praise or condamnation with potential popularity results would be good.
Suggest middle road option of gold fine for kicked dog encounter

Missing swoosh sound when punch is thrown at guards trying to take prisoner to dungeon.
Should be a creepy screech sound for Chelob.
A short fanfare might be nice when destroying a faction.
A bit of fanfare or croud action when the fighters are introduced for the two pits match would be neat.
Should be a sound for enslaving Smallhaven if possible...
A sound for the lute breaking when the farmer asks you to stop his noisy neighbor might be fun.
A sound for retreating might be cool, screaming and running and stuff.
Sound for mining for more caverns in mines?
Mining background is awesome but a bit loud.
We need a sound for a sacrifice at the demon totems! 3:-)

**larger suggestions**
A mode to remove all extra spaces?  Would stop braking up text so much for screen readers and stop overly short sentenses and cutoffs from happening as much.
Another thing that could help screen readers, in refreshable areas like brawls, don't repeat the static text, only the dynamic.
Ability to stack race packs as long as they don't directly conflict? E.G. No creatures+tipically civil+tolkien like races but not tipically savage+tipically civil or creatures+no creatures (I know this would be kind of a pain in the ass though...)
The amount of miners who die when a pocket is found and kept secret should be more random, it's seemingly always two.
The evil policies scroll should be made of human skin and maybe ooz fowel smelling smoke/have an aura or something, possibly with spidery poison green/black ink crawling across it. 3:-)
Another use for women in the future may be to help support the war effort in some way through recruitment, acting as a rallying point like rosy the rivitor or models in propoganda leaflets, nursing, raising money for the military, providing some kind of supplies to the military, helping to control the people with religion, or being given incentives to have more children when more soldiers are needed in a long war.
Vampire king option where everyone good hates you and light/fire races do extra damage against you, and you must deal with the Buya councel as your masters, and balance the need for blood with the need for popularity, as well as inter house wars and a randomly assigned house at start?
Ability to deal with miner rites for safety and hours with different benefits/consequences?
Possibility of incerection formed from loyalists of previous blackmarket leader?
Dialogs for firing staff?
Taking hostile action against a small bandit group as a bandit king should potentially result in that group going to the main horde and asking them to make you stop.  If you don't stop, or maybe pay them to ignore it, they should break the truce and attack you.
Other kingdoms should be able to vassalize weaker ones, or attempt to vassalize you.
Consider instead of just bigger and bigger recruitment signs, maybe paying bards to write songs about the glorry of battling in your army, printing up and distributing pamphlets, painting murals in public areas depicting brave soldiers and patriotic slogans, holding marches showing off military equipment and disaplin with fancy maneuvering to impress people, having soldiers help out with harvesting extra crops, ETC.
More verrying and common natural disasters, and ability for militia and soldiers not fighting to help out in various natural disasters, otherwise death count is worse.
Would be fun to see Bookrage get a character somewhere with lots of books, maybe some kind of giant barbarian where (if he isn't around books he snaps and kills everyone and regrets the past type thing) or maybe a book about him killing everyone in his path who had books for him to steel and read, or leading a band of rebels against a king who burned books ETC, but this could be a character's backstory too.
Hopefully we can add the army having problems with you if you keep allowing unworthy people to enlist, blackmarket slum, crappier throneroom visitors ETC.  And same for knights if you allow shitty ones to quest.
Slum pit fighters should probably be more well, pethetic types, seeing as it's the slums...

If we could uncapitalize the "KINGDOM" at the top of the main menu and the "ASLONA" on the top of the battle screen that would be good for screen readers, because it reads it out letter by letter instead of as one word.
armed man who has had visions of fighting on the battle field for ozlona says just "vision" instead.
When staff curses you after refusing payrise, it says "the (fullname) curses you which doesn't make sense.
"known knight" could be changed to "well known knight" in questing knight encounter, it flows better.
Exposed ascii when spinning wheel of wealth.
single gold coin messenger exposed ascii
Exposed ascii when over zellus guard apologizes.
Exposed ascii in "exit" option for exploring (just kept forgetting to mention it)
Exposed ascii for guard statements as well as questing knights.
you are visited by a --- from --- carrying the message that --- (has) supports your celebrations for ---
The text for pulling out the scroll as well as changing the number for the new date law is buggy.
Text error in first optionf or kicked dog thrownroom encounter
word "that" accidentally replaced with word "what" when blackmarket pit patron lets you know there are 5 trophies to be won.
Word "some" instead of "someone" for last paragraph of sharpest dagger ruins roomdesc.
Word "those" instead of "though" in blackrow tavern patron text: "The blessing booth is nonsense, those it's proprietor has a good imagination"
Extra "ED" on word "name" in blackrow tavern patron text: "Ah... Wulf Thorenson, a man so self absorbed he carved his own named into his forehead"
When blackrow tavern patron tells you about seeing suer door as a child, he says "the heard of the world" instead of "the heart of the world".
Mutant that says "the age of the suer folk will come" says "with" instead.
Mutant that says "I can't feel my eyes" says "fell" isntead.
Two errors in mutant text: "The age of the sewer folk with come, head my warning!"
Word "live" instead of "like" in mutant text: "You know what, I'm glad I am a mutant, don't live the above anyway, too loud"
Word "your" instead of "you" in mutant text: "What are you looking at your normie freak"
Roomdesc for huge door in suer needs a bit of rewording.
Word "dirty" instead of "dirt" in roomdesc for empty suer blutrii patch.
Missing word "the" in roomdesc for black alley.
Past tense instead of present tense when drunk man "stumbles" up to you and warns you on entering blackrow.
Word "placed" instead of "place" and extra word "could" in blackrow prison roomdesc.
Word "who" instead of "who's" in 6th rule of doomstone brotherhood.
Missing word "to" in dragon's kneecap tavern patron text: "leave a man drink his ale in pease!"
Word "what" accidentally replaced with word "that" in dragon's kneecap tavern patron text: "The black wall depicts beasts being chased away by Ed of the black market, who knows that the beasts are though, Kobolds? Ant-Men? Demons?"
missing word "great" in tavern patron text: "The Gar'Gallock is just a dung-stirring conversationalist, foolish travelers who pay him for advice are... well fools"
Missing "a" in knight meets knight text for dragon wench knight game.
Word "is" instead of "in" when talking to dragon's kneecap bartender about blackrow.
When asking dragon's kneecap bartender about slums, "is" should be "their".
Missing "e" in word "the" when viewing grand gallion model in shipbuilders guild.
Extra word "it's" and missing "'" in word "that's" when talking to Hermaeus about exam in history guild.
Word "and" instead of "an" at end of description when viewing animal sketches in zoology hall.
Unnecesary "A" in roomdesc for herald offices.
Missing "'s" on word "it's" in guildrow local text: "Some people complain but I like the Musician's Guild, it nice to hear music often"
Wrong spelling of word "successfully" and no "ing" on word "come" in guildrow local text: "Sometimes we get theives come to Guildrow to case the Treasury, none have ever succesfully robbed it though"
Missing word "are" in roomdesc for Black Opal ship.
Word "berserker" missing an "er" in Orlak Steeljaw part of goblin heros tour.
Missing word "in" in the Maurius the scribe part of the goblin heros tour.
Word "ready" instead of "readily" at end of roomdesc for pitside tavern.
Part of sentense missing in blackmarket local text: "There are lots of districts to check out in"
Word "billowing" has "e" instead of "i" in slum local text: "That hut is always bellowing smoke from its roof"
Word "over" accidentally replaced with "of" and words "in" and "charge" smashed together in slum local text: "I don't know if I'd prefer that evil wizard who used to live in the tower of there to be incharge instead of the bandits"
Word "ruffian" spelled wrong in slum local text: "Slumfolk are untrusting people what with ruffian pickpockets, slavers and bandits a plenty"
Missing "s" on word "fights" in slum local text: "I want to train to be a pit fighter, if I win some fight I can pay my way out of the slums"
word "than" should be"to" in slum fighting pit patron text: "I prefer coming and sitting here in the slums sometimes than going to the fighters district"
Missing word "where" in roomdesc for slum fighting pit.
Extra "'s" on word "he" in musicians guild member text: "Wulf Thorenson's a fraud, he's can barely hold his lute but he's been buying a musicians elixir from the market stalls and has used it to enhance his ability, it's magic not skill!"
Extra "a" in roomdesc for smoking hut in blackmarket slums.
Extra "he" in message wishing you a happy celebration from kingdom messenger.
Extra word in central district speak to a local text "I work in on the stalls here"
Wrong word in central district speak to a local text "There are lots of districts to check out in"
Wrong word in description for central district gallows.
Smelly Chelob book needs spellchecking.
Two spelling errors in artifact market local text: "The most powerful thing you can buy here, probably the plague box, that artifact will wreak havok on the world like nothing ever could, costs an extrodinary amount of gold though"
Word "artifacts" misspelled in artifact market local text: "I wonder what you see when you look through that golden telescope they're selling at Artifats of the Sands"
Word "veins" accidentally replaced with "blood" in artifact market local text: "The Dumble staff is useless unless you've got the blood of the house of Dumble running through your blood"
Word "has" instead of "is" in roomdesc for western artifacts.
"they" instead of "the" in description for scull key at key seller's stall in black market.
Missing word "of" when you win all the coin flipper's money.
Missing word "with" in roomdesc for blackmarket mushroom celler's stall.
Word "no" instead of "not" in lost ternament message.
Extra "e" in word "on" in scorpion pit patron text: "Its pretty easy to win here, just bet one the meanest sounding scorpion"
Missing "ed" in word "reach" in scorpion pit patron text: "Did you know the pit actually has a betting limit, I've seen it reach sometimes when everyone bets on the right scorp"
Missing pluralization in word "scorpion" in scorpion pit patron text: "I reckon I could kill most of these scorpion myself... but I am pretty tough"
Missing "'s" in word "thats" in scorpion pit patron text: "Nothing better than when two big and powerful scorpions are pitted against eachother, that's a fight thats worth the money"
Ancient rubble in desert has an unnecessary extra word at the beginning.
Essentially every instance of "each other" in the game has "each" and "other" smashed together.
word "your" instead of "you" when checking number of troops stationed at the black market from within the management screen.
Word "no" instead of "not" in accused demon warder's statement.
Extra "the" in Ox Head tavern roomdesc.
The goblin's tale needs some spellchecking
Extra word in "supports your celebrations" kingdom messenger text.
Extra "ing" when grand champeon holds current record of most won fights.
"disapointing" spelling error in "barely found any ore today" miner dialog
Extra "I" in word "societies" in race descriptionf or Naga.
missing "Y" in following arena patron text:  "Sometimes the weaker foe gets luck, I've seen it happen"
"so me" spelling error when talking to brawl pit master about the true north.
If you hit "1" while the mercenary group has no more actions left that turn, you end up rehiring them for full price even if they are already perminently hired.
speaking to a random resident in guildrow doesn't work
potential hires for spymaster say they are almost experts even below 100 skill
No extra info on recruitment option if checked.  E.G. if you enable free enlistment, you no longer get a thing that says what that does next to it.
Abandoned building option 11 replicated in both dockrow and central district of blackmarket.
Brawl pit lets you bet 0 gold
Asking how much gold is needed in slums kicks you all the way out of the donation menu.
Pickpockets are reported in the herald even if they stole 0 gold
Brawl pit stats VS fighters pit doesn't respect player set year.
Mercenary training camp says you only get +1 battle score for buying it.
Champeon stats either still aren't updating or the bonus isn't being applied when you give them a new home.
Even though there were only 6 guards at the mine, I had to attack twice for some reason to get rid of them.
Have to attack fort northwatch twice even though the second time there are 0 defenders.
No animal races pack still allows pest groups to be animals

**misc issues**
Way too many huts in the blackmarket have the same sort of (small shack nested among houses) text, and some variation would be nice.
Impossible to tell how many bandits are at fort northwatch, though this may be purposeful.
Still wish you could view past herald issues.
Brawler's pit and blackmarket fight pit both have no roomdesc.
Isn't the land tax law supposed to be on by default?
Interest rate is still super low.
Minimum visitor count for small throne room seems a bit low considering the price of upgrading and how the benifits visitors can give you are hit and miss anyway.
Shouldn't you win 2X or more from the champeon fight?  Otherwise there is no point in betting on that over a regular one.
You should be able to lower your vassal tribute rate to 0, if you just want them to be soldier factories because you like their units.

**smaller suggestions**
Maybe sparing the peeing goblin should have a chance of increasing your relation with the goblins by 1.
Could be nice to pay minor bandit groups to join you if your a bandit king.
Destroying a bandit group's outpost should make them wage war with you if not already.
An option to show battlescores as comparisons to your units instead may help some people. E.G. 0.85X the power of your peasants, 1.2X your Soldiers, and 2.3X your knights, rounded to the nearest 10th or at least 100th decimalplace.
If you take the mine from a bandit group, they should declare war on you.
If you destroy the smallhaven watchtower, no peasants should join when you ask, and maybe they should refuse to trade with you/stop any current routs.
Should be a popularity decrease from that kingdom when your bandits steel their gold.
Man accused of forming bandit group should either not show up, or you should have the option of asking to incorporate his bandits if your a bandit king.
Should lose/gain popularity when changing aloud thrownroom visitor options.
Being able to react to the over zellus guard with various levels of praise or condamnation with potential popularity results would be good.
Suggest middle road option of gold fine for kicked dog encounter

**larger suggestions**
A mode to remove all extra spaces?  Would stop braking up text so much for screen readers and stop overly short sentenses and cutoffs from happening as much.
Another thing that could help screen readers, in refreshable areas like brawls, don't repeat the static text, only the dynamic.
Ability to stack race packs as long as they don't directly conflict? E.G. No creatures+tipically civil+tolkien like races but not tipically savage+tipically civil or creatures+no creatures (I know this would be kind of a pain in the ass though...)
The amount of miners who die when a pocket is found and kept secret should be more random, it's seemingly always two.
The evil policies scroll should be made of human skin and maybe ooz fowel smelling smoke/have an aura or something, possibly with spidery poison green/black ink crawling across it. 3:-)
Another use for women in the future may be to help support the war effort in some way through recruitment, acting as a rallying point like rosy the rivitor or models in propoganda leaflets, nursing, raising money for the military, providing some kind of supplies to the military, helping to control the people with religion, or being given incentives to have more children when more soldiers are needed in a long war.
Vampire king option where everyone good hates you and light/fire races do extra damage agaisnt you, and you must deal with the Buya councel as your masters, and balance the need for blood with the need for popularity, as well as inter house wars and a randomly asigned house at start?
Ability to deal with miner rites for safety and hours with different benefits/consequences?
Possibility of incerection formed from loyalists of previous blackmarket leader?
Dialogs for firing staff?
Taking hostile action against a small bandit group as a bandit king should potentially result in that group going to the main horde and asking them to make you stop.  If you don't stop, or maybe pay them to ignore it, they should break the truce and attack you.
Other kingdoms should be able to vassalize weaker ones, or attempt to vassalize you.
Consider instead of just bigger and bigger recruitment signs, maybe paying bards to write songs about the glorry of battling in your army, printing up and distributing pamphlets, painting murals in public areas depicting brave soldiers and patriotic slogans, holding marches showing off military equipment and disaplin with fancy maneuvering to impress people, having soldiers help out with harvesting extra crops, ETC.
More varrying and common natural disasters, and ability for militia and soldiers not fighting to help out in various natural disasters, otherwise death count is worse.
Would be fun to see Bookrage get a character somewhere with lots of books, maybe some kind of giant barbarian where (if he isn't around books he snaps and kills everyone and regrets the past type thing) or maybe a book about him killing everyone in his path who had books for him to steel and read, or leading a band of rebels against a king who burned books ETC, but this could be a character's backstory too.
Hopefully we can add the army having problems with you if you keep allowing unworthy people to enlist, blackmarket slum, crappier throneroom visitors ETC.  And same for knights if you allow shitty ones to quest.
Slum pit fighters should probably be more well, pethetic types, seeing as it's the slums...

Missing swoosh sound when punch is thrown at guards trying to take prisoner to dungeon.
Should be a creepy screech sound for Chelob.
A short fanfare might be nice when destroying a faction.
A bit of fanfare or croud action when the fighters are introduced for the two pits match would be neat.
Should be a sound for enslaving Smallhaven if possible...
A sound for the lute breaking when the farmer asks you to stop his noisy neighbor might be fun.
A sound for retreating might be cool, screaming and running and stuff.
Sound for mining for more caverns in mines?
Mining background is awesome but a bit loud.
We need a sound for a sacrifice at the demon totems! 3:-)

If we could uncapitalize the "KINGDOM" at the top of the main menu and the "ASLONA" on the top of the battle screen that would be good for screen readers, because it reads it out letter by letter instead of as one word.
armed man who has had visions of fighting on the battle field for ozlona says just "vision" instead.
When staff curses you after refusing payrise, it says "the (fullname) curses you which doesn't make sense.
"known knight" could be changed to "well known knight" in questing knight encounter, it flows better.
Exposed ascii when spinning wheel of wealth.
single gold coin messenger exposed ascii
Exposed ascii when over zellus guard apologizes.
Exposed ascii in "exit" option for exploring (just kept forgetting to mention it)
Exposed ascii for guard statements as well as questing knights.
you are visited by a --- from --- carrying the message that --- (has) supports your celebrations for ---
The text for pulling out the scroll as well as changing the number for the new date law is buggy.
Text error in first optionf or kicked dog thrownroom encounter
word "that" accidentally replaced with word "what" when blackmarket pit patron lets you know there are 5 trophies to be won.
Word "some" instead of "someone" for last paragraph of sharpest dagger ruins roomdesc.
Word "those" instead of "though" in blackrow tavern patron text: "The blessing booth is nonsense, those it's proprietor has a good imagination"
Extra "ED" on word "name" in blackrow tavern patron text: "Ah... Wulf Thorenson, a man so self absorbed he carved his own named into his forehead"
When blackrow tavern patron tells you about seeing suer door as a child, he says "the heard of the world" instead of "the heart of the world".
Mutant that says "the age of the suer folk will come" says "with" instead.
Mutant that says "I can't feel my eyes" says "fell" isntead.
Two errors in mutant text: "The age of the sewer folk with come, head my warning!"
Word "live" instead of "like" in mutant text: "You know what, I'm glad I am a mutant, don't live the above anyway, too loud"
Word "your" instead of "you" in mutant text: "What are you looking at your normie freak"
Roomdesc for huge door in suer needs a bit of rewording.
Word "dirty" instead of "dirt" in roomdesc for empty suer blutrii patch.
Missing word "the" in roomdesc for black alley.
Past tense instead of present tense when drunk man "stumbles" up to you and warns you on entering blackrow.
Word "placed" instead of "place" and extra word "could" in blackrow prison roomdesc.
Word "who" instead of "who's" in 6th rule of doomstone brotherhood.
Missing word "to" in dragon's kneecap tavern patron text: "leave a man drink his ale in pease!"
Word "what" accidentally replaced with word "that" in dragon's kneecap tavern patron text: "The black wall depicts beasts being chased away by Ed of the black market, who knows that the beasts are though, Kobolds? Ant-Men? Demons?"
missing word "great" in tavern patron text: "The Gar'Gallock is just a dung-stirring conversationalist, foolish travelers who pay him for advice are... well fools"
Missing "a" in knight meets knight text for dragon wench knight game.
Word "is" instead of "in" when talking to dragon's kneecap bartender about blackrow.
When asking dragon's kneecap bartender about slums, "is" should be "their".
Missing "e" in word "the" when viewing grand gallion model in shipbuilders guild.
Extra word "it's" and missing "'" in word "that's" when talking to Hermaeus about exam in history guild.
Word "and" instead of "an" at end of description when viewing animal sketches in zoology hall.
Unnecesary "A" in roomdesc for herald offices.
Missing "'s" on word "it's" in guildrow local text: "Some people complain but I like the Musician's Guild, it nice to hear music often"
Wrong spelling of word "successfully" and no "ing" on word "come" in guildrow local text: "Sometimes we get theives come to Guildrow to case the Treasury, none have ever succesfully robbed it though"
Missing word "are" in roomdesc for Black Opal ship.
Word "berserker" missing an "er" in Orlak Steeljaw part of goblin heros tour.
Missing word "in" in the Maurius the scribe part of the goblin heros tour.
Word "ready" instead of "readily" at end of roomdesc for pitside tavern.
Part of sentense missing in blackmarket local text: "There are lots of districts to check out in"
Word "billowing" has "e" instead of "i" in slum local text: "That hut is always bellowing smoke from its roof"
Word "over" accidentally replaced with "of" and words "in" and "charge" smashed together in slum local text: "I don't know if I'd prefer that evil wizard who used to live in the tower of there to be incharge instead of the bandits"
Word "ruffian" spelled wrong in slum local text: "Slumfolk are untrusting people what with ruffian pickpockets, slavers and bandits a plenty"
Missing "s" on word "fights" in slum local text: "I want to train to be a pit fighter, if I win some fight I can pay my way out of the slums"
word "than" should be"to" in slum fighting pit patron text: "I prefer coming and sitting here in the slums sometimes than going to the fighters district"
Missing word "where" in roomdesc for slum fighting pit.
Extra "'s" on word "he" in musicians guild member text: "Wulf Thorenson's a fraud, he's can barely hold his lute but he's been buying a musicians elixir from the market stalls and has used it to enhance his ability, it's magic not skill!"
Extra "a" in roomdesc for smoking hut in blackmarket slums.
Extra "he" in message wishing you a happy celebration from kingdom messenger.
Extra word in central district speak to a local text "I work in on the stalls here"
Wrong word in central district speak to a local text "There are lots of districts to check out in"
Wrong word in description for central district gallows.
Smelly Chelob book needs spellchecking.
Two spelling errors in artifact market local text: "The most powerful thing you can buy here, probably the plague box, that artifact will wreak havok on the world like nothing ever could, costs an extrodinary amount of gold though"
Word "artifacts" misspelled in artifact market local text: "I wonder what you see when you look through that golden telescope they're selling at Artifats of the Sands"
Word "veins" accidentally replaced with "blood" in artifact market local text: "The Dumble staff is useless unless you've got the blood of the house of Dumble running through your blood"
Word "has" instead of "is" in roomdesc for western artifacts.
"they" instead of "the" in description for scull key at key seller's stall in black market.
Missing word "of" when you win all the coin flipper's money.
Missing word "with" in roomdesc for blackmarket mushroom celler's stall.
Word "no" instead of "not" in lost ternament message.
Extra "e" in word "on" in scorpion pit patron text: "Its pretty easy to win here, just bet one the meanest sounding scorpion"
Missing "ed" in word "reach" in scorpion pit patron text: "Did you know the pit actually has a betting limit, I've seen it reach sometimes when everyone bets on the right scorp"
Missing pluralization in word "scorpion" in scorpion pit patron text: "I reckon I could kill most of these scorpion myself... but I am pretty tough"
Missing "'s" in word "thats" in scorpion pit patron text: "Nothing better than when two big and powerful scorpions are pitted against eachother, that's a fight thats worth the money"
Ancient rubble in desert has an unnecessary extra word at the beginning.
Essentially every instance of "each other" in the game has "each" and "other" smashed together.
word "your" instead of "you" when checking number of troops stationed at the black market from within the management screen.
Word "no" instead of "not" in accused demon warder's statement.
Extra "the" in Ox Head tavern roomdesc.
The goblin's tale needs some spellchecking
Extra word in "supports your celebrations" kingdom messenger text.
Extra "ing" when grand champeon holds current record of most won fights.
"disapointing" spelling error in "barely found any ore today" miner dialog
Extra "I" in word "societies" in race descriptionf or Naga.
missing "Y" in following arena patron text:  "Sometimes the weaker foe gets luck, I've seen it happen"
"so me" spelling error when talking to brawl pit master about the true north.

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  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector

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