Re: In need of a manamon key.

superb wrote:

I have asked Aaron approximately two months ago. Here is a paste of the conversation I had with him:
Hello VGStorm. I am a player of one of your games Manamon, and I have a working registration key. I have a few questions for you:

1. What is the limit of computers on which a key can be registered?

2. Does reinstallation of Windows count against you with this limit?

Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Aaron's response which came approximately two days later:


There isn't a limit really, as long as you are the only user of said computer. If you aren't, then there will be issues. But since reinstalling or updating Windows is still you playing the game, you're good.
Does that clear up anything?
I must also say here that generating negative feelings about this developer, rather than trying to be courteous towards him, and contact him respectfully about it is not going to encourage him to want to participate in this community anymore. I believe that we should always do our best to show professional respect to our developers, as our actions online or offline represent who we are as a community.

I might agree with you, but this developer pretty much has a history of being flaky at best, completely unresponsive at worst. I'd say his only really good title was AAC, and even that had major balancing issues which for me at least, made the game practically unplayable on some of the higher levels. Cyco strike was an ok game in it's own right, just majorly false advertised and over priced for what you got.
As for his other titles, I shouldn't even need to go there. Mannamon was just pokimon if pokinon had had a 40 dollar price tag, and palaton was and is just a huge mess that tryed and failed to be an RPG. And let's not even start on the fact that unless you count a couple posts in the mannimon key topic last year, he hasn't posted at all since the beginning of 2017, and hasn't updated mannimon at all in all that time. All I'm saying is I'm seriously glad I never baught any of these games.
So basically, what I'm trying to say is this. Developers, if you expect respect from your players, you have to show them some in return.

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