Shortening the names of control elements in jaws

Hey and good morning.

I think you all, or at leased those who work with jaws know the problem, you work under pressure and jaws is just talking to much for your liking. For example, the word "Combo box".. Yeah, just 3 sylables, but you get my point.

What I would like to do now is change that certain control element to a shorter version of itself or another thing at all. for example, turn combo box into simply combo or the word box.

I don't want to use the dictionary manager because when I have the normal word combo box, for example in a text file like a readme, I still want it to say it out normally, I only want the shortened version when I detect a combo box on a website or in a program, only then should it use the shortened version.

Is this somehow possible, or does a script exist for that? I suppose these names of elements work through constants which are saved in a text file somewhere, if these values could be changed, that would be the easiest solution, I can't find a file with the definitions though.

So, does someone know if that works  right away from the UI or from a file hidden somewhere deep in the jaws settings and file structure?

Greetings Moritz.

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