Re: question about christianity

I think I herd or read something about that research paper at one point. Funnily enough I was also browsing FFRF's Facebook page yesterday and I came across a post where they were talking aout declaring your nonbelief since you weren't alone. And as often happens whenever the FFRF makes a post a small but extremely vocal group of believers jumped on the wagon and started trolling, everything from I'll pray for you to you're all going to burn in hell for your nonbelief. But te most outrageous thing was some guy kept postin supposed quotes from John Adams and a few others that seemed in is view to indicate that the US was founded on religious principles and that therefore we were straying. He also seemed to imply that freedom of religion doesn't also imply freedom from it and that even Atheism itself is a religion and that atheists believe in some form of god, even if it's just science or themselves. I couldn't help laughing at that sinc it did rem ind me somewhat of what my x used to say.


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