Re: Braillemon status update!

Naruto wrote:

I don't if someone has already posted but after I start  the game I gen an aror. theis is the only one i was able to coppy

action number 1
of Create Event
for object gameload:

Error defining an external function.
at gml_Script_init_savegamer
stack frame is
gml_Script_init_savegamer (line 0)

this happens right after I press enter after the pokemon port message right as the second piece of music starts. do i need to coppy the dll files someware thank you.
forgot to mention i'm r unning windows xp
thank you for your tame and sorry for my bad spelling. I jusr really want to play this game.

It can't define the external function because of an issue with XP and this DLL. Has anyone gotten this to work on XP? he SAID it was compiled for XP but something tells me that there's something that's required. In the meantime update your computer because that might be related to the issue.


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