Re: I'm noticing a Pattern for Audio FPSs

I feel like this whole thing is a case of mistaken antecedent. Here, I'll give a silly example to explain what I'm talking about.

You run an ice cream shop. Every night at six o'clock, you lock up and go home. Business goes on as usual for quite awhile. People especially like ice cream in the summer.
Unknown to you, Billy moves into town and takes note of your ice cream shop. He's thinking, "Hmm, I might like to steal me some ice cream one day."
Now, let's say autumn rolls around, and business is less good. You decide that if you want to keep the shop open, you have to charge a dime more per cone. Not a huge uptick in cost, and loyal customers surely won't mind.
Six days after you do this, your shop gets burglarized, and all your ice cream gets stolen.

Now, it would be very easy to say, "Well, you raised your prices, so someone burglarized your shop". And yes, maybe that is possible. But you don't know that. The fact is, someone burglarized the store. You don't really need to know why in order to know that 1. it wasn't right and 2. it shouldn't have happened. No one in their right mind is going to tell you that it's your fault, even if the perpetrator later admits that yes, he stole from your store because the prices went up. That's not a rational response to a price increase, and it's sure as hell not a legal one.

What I think the original topic creator was doing is to assume that the decentralization process led directly to the game getting leaked/hacked/whatever. Unless there is definitive proof from guilty parties, however, I believe this is a case of jumping to conclusions. What's more, you're trying to support a return to a single server with subservers mentality, which makes me think you have an agenda, even if it's an actively good one. So you aren't just musing, you're musing because you have what you think of as a solution, or a way to right a wrong, or something like.
Either way, it's built on logic that just doesn't hold up. Your presuppositions are shaky, and nothing stands comfortably atop them.

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