Re: anyone up for watching and downloading anime?

Post54 wrote. "The reason is because we're tired of being branded as hypocrites. Nothing we do is right. So as Liam said, we've decided a firm stance is in order, and that intent matters. Honest mistakes will be viewed differently than clear intention to skirt rules."
First, before I start this, If you don't mind me asking, Who thought of you boath as hypocrites?
I'm pritty sure, from at least half of the comunity liked and had, alot of respect for you boath, you and Liam. What did they say about you all that made yall come to this kind of stance?
If you wouldn't mined, could you please show me some topics where these incydents happened?
Or was it something off forrum that we weren't aware of?
Now, to start.
I never thought of you all as hypocrites. I was always OK with the idea that audiogame cracks weren't OK to be shared, ovyously because of the smallness of the audiogaming industry.
See, i'm OK with that! I can very much make peace with that, and happilly put that audiogames cracking to bed.
The only time I shared an audiogame crack or pirated coppy over PM on forrum, was for A blind ledgond, and that was because the person was complaining about steem accessibility, and since he already paied for the game, I couldn't use steem so I couldn't help him with that, So I decided to help him with the game it self, so he could get the game that he paied for working, and the company got its money. That, is not dancing around the rules, it's just a win win for everyone.
Now, secondly.
The reason why I like the older forrum with the other mods is just because of the fact that, You had a choice if you did or did not, want to download pirated coppys of software on forrum.
Now, let me get into this. I know this post is long, but please try to bare with me, as i'm more used to this kind of explaining by voice.
In a lot of pirating comunitys, the people are more of a comunity.
The reason why I said this is because you won't find alot of dromma there. I meen sure you'll find it, you'll find it everyware you go, but it was alot less than it is here. You'll probably ask how I know this? DING DING, you guessed it!
Now this is mainly why. People pirate, get it uploaded, get comments on how to fix there issues if any, a bad 5 comments will rear its ugly head, but ya know, If they like it they'd say why they like it, and enjoy there book, or game, or what ever! If they don't like it, they'll say why, and it becomes god of the recycle bin!
the older forrum was almost like this, and to me, pritty dam good if I must say so my self!
it was one that people could listen and download and share these things with out having that much dromma.
Now please note.
I didn't say that I want it to be the older forrum, Although if I had voating choice, I would voat yes, how ever I don't have a disision for that. So please don't think that.
I just would at least appreeshiate it if people weren't being called out for just providing A surch term for pirating. I meen A surch term, really? Not even basic piracy protection sites do this!
now there's just one more thing or two that I nead to write. but first,
So, Juan, I take it, then, that you are perfectly okay with spreading or seeking out ways for the blind to get paid access to material like everyone else? That you don't, in fact, want to spread links to places where you can watch for free, particularly if that's not legal? If you're anti-piracy in this regard, and are honestly trying to make sure that that angle of the topic is handled properly, then cool. If that's the case, I will apologize, since then you will not, in fact, want something for nothing. But if you want to suggest that piracy is okay because there are supposedly no other options, then you're shooting yourself in the foot.
Look, I'm going to be totally blunt and honest with you. If I just give legal websites, it will be A pritty dick move, perticularly because I don't like that if someone wants something, I won't be able to help them with it.
I would at least appreeshiate it if we got the rite to choose on forrum, and we won't have to have this legal VS non legal thing every time.
I and the forrumites could post links E.G. pirate, where I put one pirate link, and normal, where I put netflix and hulu and crontchyrol and all that.
and I will also try to look at the sites to make sure that they're OK.
In short, I can do boath, and although I don't have the money to pay for any of those things, I will stil try to help where I can!
that and pluss, when I do my manga accessibility project, I don't want to get a team to look thru pictures, and cheque for errors, for munths, just to see it all get shut down in one day.

I really hope you enjoied my long ass post, I litorally spoken this one out, so that's why it doesn't sound like me haha.
Think I should be doing that more? ehh? hehheh

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