Re: please send me bgt.exe

Only one problem Ethin. Unlike you, Philip said "I think". Not you must stop using BGT, not please stop using BGT, it is his opinion that BGT is no longer suitable. Most of the things you mention apply only to people who want to be great full time programmers, and in that case everything you said is a fact. However, in reality, none of it applies to people who only want to make audio games, or make a few games without learning an entire programming language. One thing that does apply is anti virus. However

Ethin wrote:

And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.

So how do you explain that a lot of people are already doing that? It is definitely far from noone is going to do that. Besides, BGT is far from the only tool doing this. The same happens with Autoit. Yes, it's bad, but it's not terribly dangerous to just add one games folder to exceptions if you are downloading only audio games to it, since the likelyhood of running a virus from there is pretty low if not non existent. Finally, before I end this, what does this have to do with BGT installer? What annoys me the most is 3 word posts of move to Python in every topic having something to do with BGT. Stop being so annoying honestly. People know how to do their research, and if they are using BGT and can't do enough research about it's disadvantages, what makes you think they will be good at learning Python and researching how to make audio games with it?

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