Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

bcs993,  I am definitely looking into this problem.  Defenders are never supposed to delete equipment when you die, so there is some sort of odd bug going on there.

Lvj, everyone is allowed to have 5 characters per account.  If you delete a character you are able to make a new one to replace it.

I started to write this reply before I saw that others had done a great job of answering these things already.  I love how there is always someone to answer just about any question that pops up.  big_smile

Nikos, I'm looking in to that bug.  I think there is some sort of math error somewhere.  The odd part is that it doesn't show up on every game, so it has been harder to track down.

Kele, that is due to a bug.  On the main menu go to where it asks for your account username and just type in anything you want.  It doe sn't have to be a real account.  Once you do that, exit Swamp and launch it again.  You should now be able to play single player.

When playing single player, you can now put on armor because there is a new key to bring up the armor menu no matter where you are.  So you don't have to be in a fort or safe zone to equip armor now.


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