Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I don't think it's a good idea to have Innocence count for 2 points then just let you use half your points to become level 1 again. For one thing, that just forces you to spend your skill points in a certain way. Why have the skill and the zombie increases if they're just going to be cancelled out? Might as well just scrap them and give people half the number of skill points and save yourself a lot of coding.

I do think that something could be done to make some of the weapons more effective though. My ideas would be to increase the base strength of them, especially the submachine guns, like how the hunting rifles have been changed. I picked the SMGs as a particular example since they seem the underused category nowadays.

I also propose that, rather than a special item, there could be a skill called extended magazine. This basically allows you to put one more bullet into the magazine of a weapon for each point you have in it. You'd put points for eac h weapon class, so there'd be one for the pistols, one for the SMGs, one for the assault rifles, etcetera. You could make it that you can't do more than double a magazine's capacity so, however many points you have in it, you'll never get more than 30 rounds in a Glock 19, never more than 4 in a Browning Centauri, never more than 100 in an M1928, and so on. The skill for each group could have a limit, based on the maximum magazine capacity of weapons in that class. This would mean that you could only ever put 17 points into the skill for pistols, and 2 for the skill in sniper rifles, because of the capacity of the largest magazine of the weapons currently in that class. I also think that the powerful single shot weapons, such as the M40 or longbow, maybe shouldn't have an extended magazine. On the other hand, maybe you should, especially if the limit is capped at twice standard. Imagine the chainsaw with 40 attacks worth of fuel in it? Imagine how much bette r the M1928 would be simply with a slight damage tweak and the ability to hold 100 rounds. Just think of a 40 round magazine for the AA12! People could then have new skills to experiment with and could improve their weapons simply by having more rounds available before you have to reload and are vulnerable while you do so. Given that the 'Big Kit' skill already exists, I don't think this would be too hard. I don't know anything about coding though so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

I still think that a reset of skill points every 24 hours is better than unlimited resets. On the other hand, if you can have unlimited resets, you could make it that they only work in the safe zone. Alternatively, it would be the case that you're still vulnerable to zombies while resetting. This means that, while you might think you're in a nice safe corner, anything could come in and get you before you've asigned all your points and don't have good armour or weapons set yet.


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