Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

To the person talking about skills: I'm with you. Ever since players have had to use only one or two weapons, I've felt like some of the fun and spontaneity has left the game. I can sort of see why skills and increasing health for zombies was added, but I wish there was another way. For instance, if I want to use my AA12, I have to spend more shots per zombie than I do with my upgraded AK. It is similar with most weapons, the exceptions (so far) being the M79 and the Vulcan. Everything else becomes tedious to use because it is so ineffective, except for the one or two weapons I chose to upgrade. Suddenly, the question isn't "what weapon will serve me best in this situation", but rather "how can I use the weapon I'm stuck with to handle this situation, because i can't realistically use anything else".

Of course, not even unlimited resets will solve this entirely. There's no way to sit there for a minute or two in the middle of a mission and dump points from your AK into your longbow, for instance. The sneak, illusive, armor, and other non-weapon skills I totally understand. They each affect a distinct portion of your character, and take away none of the choice of Swamp. Weapon skills, though, force you into a box until you can change them, and then you've just moved to a new box.

Again, I do understand why this system was implemented; high-level players could beat zombies far too easily after a while, so zombies strength and damage infliction had to scale up. That introduced the problem of how high-levelers were supposed to deal with zombies, hence the skills we have now. How else could this be handled? I'm not sure yet, but if anyone has any ideas that would let us actually use the best (or most fun, or whatever) weapon at the moment, instead of forcing us to use just one or two no matter what, please share.


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